Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

14 Sixe Prixdples 0. What is the vieof the word ofGodpreached? d Ro.x .17. A Firfc it d breedeth, and then it increafeth faith in them which arechofett z.Cor.. 6. to faluation : butveto them that periíh it is by reafonoftheir corruption an occafion of their fìtrther damnation. O Howmutt we heareGodsworcl,that it may beefeS 'tual toour faluativ? eIam.x.i o. rte. We emuff cornevnto it with bringer-bitten hearts,hauing an appetite Hb, '644. to the word, wee rnufl marke it withattention,receiue it by faith,fubmit our Eray 66.a. felues veto it with ;Care and tremblinù,cu:>n then when ourfaults are repro- Luk.2.5 T. ued : Iáflly,wemufthide it in the corners°Four hearts,that we may frame our P.alm.I 19. hues andconuerfations by it. I I .Q_, What is a Sacrament ? f Ro.4. x r. g.4. A ffigne to rcprcfent, a feels to confirnme, an infitruamert toconucy Gen,'7.12. ChrifI andall his benefitsto them that doe beleeue inhim. Galath.3.i. r-... Why mutta Sacrament rep-dent the mercies of Godbeforeoureyes ? . . Becaufe we are dull to conceiue and to remember them. .Q.1 Whydoth the Sacrament Peale vnto vs the mercies ofGod ? e 4. Becaufe we are full ofvnbeleefe and doubtingof them. Q. Why is the Sacrament the inlirumeût of the fpirit to conucy the mer cies ofGod into our hearts? .4'. Becaufe we are likeThomas, thewill not beleeue till we feele them in fo memeafitre in our hearts. Howmany Sacramentsare there ? gx.Cor.xo. A. Two g and nomore. Taptifine,by which we haue our admibion into I.2.3 the true Church ofGod : and the Lords Supper, bywhichwee are nourifhed andprefrued in theChurchafter our ad:I-laon. What is done in Baptifine? la Alts 2.3s 4. tt In the affemblie ofthe Church,th.e conmm; ofgracebetweene God Titus 3.5. and the partie baptized,is folemnely confirmed and foaled.. A,Is22.1( 6. O. In this couenant what lothGod protnife to the partie,baptized? ,avist.zs. t 9. . * Chriawith all blefliugs th ircome;b him. Ga1.3.27. h y .Pet.3.2t. .Qo To what condition is th.epartie baptiz;ed,bouhti,? !, i 6. A. To i rcceiueChriff,and to repent ofris,finne. Is What.meaneth thefrá l¿lfgáriíippi inwater -? ©x.Pet.t,z. .i. It o feaIcs veto vs remifíionof fins and fan&ifcation by theObedience and. ofthe bloodofChrif1, Q. flow commeth it to paffe that manyafter their Baptifine foralong time 'reeknot the effefi and fiuite ofit,and fo;:ne Bever? A. The fault is not inGcd, his couenants , but the fauI.t is in themfelues,in that they doe not.keep thecondition ofthe covenant to rcceitìe Chriflbyfaith,and-to repentofag dreir fnnes. When.fhalla man then feetbeefi efhisBaptifine ? k 4. At what k timefoeuerhedothrecçiueChriif by faith, though, it berua, r i'a. 2C° nyyearésaftcrahce that! then feele thepowerofGod to.regenératç.him, and to.