Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

OfChrïfi aaa Relágros. to work all things inhiin whichheoffered inbaptifine. QHowifa neuer keep thecvdition,to whichhebound himfelfinbaptifine rs.His dânationtfhal beygreater,becaufe hebreakethhis vow made toGod. 1 D:uß.2?ò What is done in the Lords (upper? A. zI.2L . The former couenant foleninly ratified in baptifine., is renued in + the Fccle a L Lordsfi:pper,between theLordhitnfelfe and the receiuer. m What is the recciucr? a,1.4 s s & A. Euerieone n that hath beenbaptized, and after hisbaptifînehath trulie 12.13 r.cor. rr beleeued inChrift : and repented of his finnes fromhis heart. 30 2r. WhatntFneththebreadandwine ,theeatingofthebrea.d, and drinking biat.5.22 oftheLeine? zs f1. There outward actions' O are a fecond e Peale , fet by the Lorries owne o CIor. .C1 handunto his coucnant. And they doglue euecy receiuerto vnderfaand,that as Goddoth bleffe the bread and wine,topreferue and firengthen thebody 16 17 ofthc receiaer:foChrift apprehended& receiued by faith, Thal nourifh him, andpreferuebothbody and foule voto eternal life. Vhat foal a true receiuer feel inhimfelfafter the receiuing of the facrami't? s The increafeofhis faith inChrifa, the increafeof fan&ification, a greater P t.Cor. Y r meafureofdyings to fin,agreatercare to liue in newneffe oflife. ,o.ty.&`g What it aman afterthe recetuingof the Sacrament Heuer finde any fuck 2+ thing inhimfelfe? A. He may wel fufpecqhimfelfe,whether he did euer repentor not : and ther- upon is tovfcmeansto cometo found faithand repentance. Q What is another meanesofincteaing faith? A. Prayer. Q, What isPrayer;? o. A. r A familiar fpeech withGod inthe name of Chriff : f inwhich either wee jc, crane things needfull,or glue thanks for things receiued. .r4 1ri asking things needfull,what is required? A. Two things,an earnefadefire, and faith. t Mari' Q. t What things mufa aChriflian mans hart defire? 24 d. Sixe things cfpecrally. Qt What are they? I A. r aThat he may glorifieGod:2.ThatbGoci may raigne inhis heart & .Ot Ì ,t1of fin: That hemaydoGods willandnot the luas ofhisflefh : 4.dTr 1 fe: IIt, may reliehimfc: lfeon Gods prouidence for all the means ofthis temthe life: e li 5.. Thathe may beiuíaified ,andbe at peace with God: 6 f That i1 pow- V I. erofGodhemaybe farengthetàed againfa all temptations. grant Amin' A. A gperfvva(ion , that thefe things v 'hichwe truliedeíTe,Godwill .rant g Q. What is faith? them for Chrifis fake. Thefsxt Prirsciple expounded. Q ter that a txaat t th led a fkiort lifer this V, oaldmwhatfollovicet death t<S