Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

rg SixeTrinciples,&c.- 4.Death,which is the partingafimderofbody androute. Q.Whydoe wicked menand vnbeleeuers die? . 4.Thantheirbodies maygo to theearth,& theirfoulsmay becalf into helffirc q Luk. is Q. Whydo the godly die,feeing Chrifl bydeath bath ouercome death? rLuka 3 t4 theydiefor thisend,that rtheir bodies may tell fora while intheearth* 7.73.43 their foules mayenter intoheauen immediately. T.Thet4.3Whatfolloweth after death? Heb.z.14. A. The dayofiudgment. t.Cor.15.5. D. What ligneis there toknow.this dayfromother dayes? fz.Pct.3. t 1 I z j f Heaueñ and earth (hall bee confurned with fire immediately\ before the comming oftheJudge. a._Who (hall be the Madge? A. IefusChrifl the fonne ofGod. Whatthal1be the comming to iudgment? tt.Thrf.'4 A. Hetfhal come in the clouds i n great maieflieandglorie,withinfinitcorxtm ts. panyofAngels. Howfhall all men be cited toiudgtnent? u Mata4.3 d4. At then foundofatrumpet,thelining fhalbechanged inthe twincklingof xlob., gas an eye,and the dead fhal rifeagaine euerie onewith Y his ovine body,and all fhallbegathered together before Chrifl : and after this, thegood fhaibefe- y Mat. 25' uered fromthe bad, r there(landing on the left handofChriff,theother on 32.33 the right. Howwil Chrifl trie andexamineeueriemanscaufe? a R r z A. The abooks ofal mens doingsThal be laidopen,tnens confciences (hall be Dan.7. l o madeeither to accu fe thein,orexcufe the, & euerymanThal be tried by the works whichhe did inhis lifetime,becaufe they areopenand tnanifeflfignes. bloh.3. sg,, b offaithorvnbeleefe. & 5 '4 QWhat fentence wil heglue? c s4; . e/., He wil giue fentencecoffaluation to theele& andgodly:but beewillproe nounce fentence ofdamnation againfvnbeleeuers and reprobates. dMat.' z Q._What flate dial] thegodlybe inafter the dayofiudgment? 3 Theydthal continue for euer in thehigheftheauen in the prefence ofGod , Apoc,2 t.z. -wing fuifellowfhi withChrifi g lefusand rai ninUwitlahitnforetter, 3.4.11. QWhat (sate Thal hewicked be in after the day ofiugmentr e.: heternall perditionand deftrufion inbell fire. a.The/".1. Wha- isthat? 8.9. e. Itefia Iris inthree thingsefpec iallie : Ertl, a.perpetualfeparationfr6Gods Efa, e6,. cofortabie prefence: fecondly,fellowfhip withthediuell & his Angels:thirdF. gpoc.zi. E. ly,an horrible prig and torment both of body and foul,arifingofthe feeling ofthewhole wrat'a ofGod powred forth on theWicked foreuer,world 'vitli outend : and ifthepzine ofone tooth fòr oneday bee fo great, endleffe (hall . be theyaineofthe wholesnan,bodie and foule for euer and euer,