Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

"rte o, aAYas4,,, beenalwayes a ranke hypocrite : for as theclovvdes ofthe gyre doe couer the Sunne,fo that fometimes aman cannot tell byany fenfe that there is anySun, the clowdes andwindes hiding it fromour ffght:euen fomy cecitieand blind- nes,and corrupt affeétions,and the rage ofmyconfcience did fo ouerflhadowe the fight ofGods feede in me,and fo ouerwhelme hisfpirit,as though I hadbin a plaine reprobate. And this it came to paflíe that David makinghis prayer toGodaccording to hisowne fenfe andfeeling;but not according to the truth, defired ofGod to glue him againehis fpirit. Which thingGod never doth in- deede : although he mademe to thinke fo for a time : for alwaies he holdeth his hande vnder his children in their falles, that they lye not Bill asother doe which arenot regenerate. I being thus turnoyled and flungwith the conici enceof finne and the cockatriceofmy poyfoned nature, hauing beheld her felfe in the glafi^e ofthe righteous laveofGod, therewas noother falueor re- medic but to runne to the brafen Serpent Chrifl Iefus which fliedhis blood, hangingvpon theCroffe and tohis euerlaflingTeflamentand merciful' pro- °mife,that was fhedde forme for the remnonofmyGranes, therefore I got me fpeedilyinto a clofe corner in myhoufe, and there vpon my face groueling, I confeffedmy finneand praied after thismanner in effec`l. Father, what an hor- riblemonger am I ? What traytor ? Whatwretch and villaine ?Thy rnercie is wonclerfull,that hell bath not deuoured me havingdeferued a thoufanddam- nations. I haue finned, I haue finned againft thy godly, holy and righteous law,and againfi mybrother by robbing him, whom I ought to loue for thy fakeas dearelyas my felfe : forgiuemefatherfor thy fonne Chrifhis Cake , ac- cording to thymolt merciful'promifesand ref-lament : forgetnot good Lord thy olde mercies (hewed vponme, let themnot at thistime inmebe quite re- moued. On this mannerpraying I continued manyhoures, and Godwhich is neereto all them that call vpon hirn,heardnie,eafed mypaine,andalluredme of the remionof my finne. After prefently, for themore eafingofmycon- fcience I went to my neighbour, and betweene him and me vponmy knees confeffed my fault with teares, defiring him to forgiue me, and I would(as Gods lawrequireth) reflore that which!fiole, fourefolde : he (I thanke him) wascontented and tooke pitieon me, andeuer lincebath been byGodsmer- ciemy good friend. So by little and little,Godrefiored me tomy firff efiate but (me thinkes) I haue not that feeling which I hadbefore, andhaue been worfeeuer lince : Godofhis mercieamende mee, and increafe his graces in me. Timo:h. But I prayyou,what thinke you,wil not God condemnehis owne elec`i children ifthey finne? Ersfe6. No,forthegroundworkeofour faluation is layd inGods eternal! eledtion, and a thoufand hones 'nayall the firmes in theworld, nayail theDiuels inhell cannot ouerthrowGods eleçtion. Andit may bethat fnnes doe harden our hearts,weaken our faith, make fad the fpirit ofGod in vs but take away faith,or altogetherquenchthe fpirit,theycannot. God corn- detnneth