Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Pe (faChrifian: ?` preach theft glad- tidings,to thrufc them in at theBares ofvs,and letvp aSacra- ment ofthem to teffifie themand to fealethem,and tothruff them in,notat the caresonelyby rehearfingthepromifes ofthe teffament ouer it : neither at our eyesonly inbeholding ir,but beat the-inthroughourfeeling, tailing St finel- ling alto; and tobee repeateddaily and to beeminiffred tovs. He wouldnot (thinkwe)makehalfe fomuch adoe withvs ifhe Ioucdvsnot,and wouldnot haue hisSacrament to bee a witneffe and teflimonie betweenehim and vs,to confirme the faithofhis promifesthat we fhould not doubt in them, when we looke on thefeales ofhis obligations wherewithhebathboundhimfelfe : and this tokeepe thepromifes and couenants better in minde, and tomakethem the moredeepely to liinke into our hearts, and bee more earnefflie regar. ded. Toroth. Confidering that this whichyou fay istoo plaine, greatfhame it is that there is fuch negle6 oftheSacrament as there is, and that is is fo fel- domevfed : butfurelywant offaith and the fecuritiewhichouerfpreadeth this our countrey is the caufe ofir,the Lord ifit behis will remoue the fame. Now let mee beare a little howyou leade your life, and haue your conuerfationa- mongmen ? Essfeb. I haue myconuerfation amongmen asfincere asIcan inrighteouf- nes andholineffe,which isafter Gods commandements:ourSauiour faith,Let year light fojhinebefore men, that theymaysföeyoiir good arorI es, ranchlorif1c your Father which is inheathen. T'imoth. It is buta dim light whichwee can carriebefore men, and fmall areour goodworkes,and tobee efleemed ofnovalue : Ifwe were preachers, or richmen,ornoble tnen,then we might face foules,giue goodcounfell,help manyby ouralnes, but you and I are pooremen,of balebirth, and oflove degree,how can we then doe any good workes? Eufeb. Astouching goodworkes bythat meafureofknowledge that God - bathgiuenme,Ithinke thatall workes aregoodwhich aredone according to theobedience ofGods law in faithandwith thankfgiuingtoGod,andwith a mindedefrousofhisglorie alone,and I thinke that I orany ibanels in doing thempleafeGodwhatfoeuer Ieke within the law ofGod,as when I makewa- ter.And truflmeifeither windeor water wereflopped,I fl-iould feele what a precious thingit were tddoe eitherof both,and what thankesought to be gi- uenGodtlterefore. Moreouer,I put no diference betweene workes,but what- foeuer commeth intomy hands that Idoeastime,place, and occafion.giueth, and according to myde -ree.For astouching to pleafeGod there is no worke better thanother: God looketh not firfi onmyworkesas theworlddoth,or as thoughhehad needofthê:but Codlooketh firfl onmyheart whatfaith I haue to hisword, how I beleeue him, truft him, and howI louehim, flit his mercie thathe hath !hewedme, bee lookethwithwhat heart Iworke,a.n.d. notwhat I worke,how I accept thedegree he hath put me in, riot ofwhatdegreeI am. Let vs takeasexiple.Youare aMi iíler &preach2 word,1am akitchiu-boy, aticl