Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ea owe o e. Timorb. By thisT allo can gather that the Papiíls whichcannot reade the Scriptures,except they fall into errors,haue not the fpirit ofChriaworking in theni,and teaching them, but the lying fpiritofAntichrifl the diuell, and that ifGod would glue them any true, feeling, and open their eyes,they would quite change their minds. But what other exercifes haue you ? Ettfeb. Prayer and thankfgiuing to God. For God bath pronged very bountifully unto themwhichpray iíi trueth, and it isone ofthegreatefl com- forts I haue at all times. Againe, Godwhich commaundeth me not to íleale, commandethme allo to pray,andhis will is,that onecommandement fhould be aswell kept as another : and therefore I am perfwaded thatcondemnation will befall aman as well for the one as for theother. And that prayer ought to becontinually euen in euery bufinefi'ea man doth, uie thinketh it moll a- greeableto Gods will. For ifI Ihould corne intomy neighbours houfeand take his goods,and vfe them, not borrowino them,or asking any leaue, they would layhands on me,and makeme a theefe. The world & all thethings in theworldare theLords,not mine : to then if11hall dailyvíè them, neuer Pee- king to theLord by prayerfor thevfe ofthem,beforeGod I am a vfiirper, nay aranke theefe,&therefore Idelireof God heartily that I may vfe all his good creatures With feare& reuerence,and that I may fan&ifiehis name in them, whichPaul íheweth metobe doneby thewordofGodand prayer,theword Ihewingme the lawfull vfeofhis creatures : prayer obtainingat Godshands, that I mayvfe them aright. Ifthis praetifewereviedofmë in their profeffions and ,callings,Tam perfwaded there would be a thoufandvices cut off which in men abound,and arecommitted without fharne. Timoth. I thinkethe reflofyourChriílian exercifesbethe pra6lifingofthe Commandementsoldie law. Eufeb. Yea they are indeede. Titrooth. Me thinkes it is an hard poynt ofthe law for a .man to loue his c» nemie. EAafeb. It is indeede :yet in the faithfull it will befo : for they haue in their heartsaperfwafion,that Whereas theyaredamned inthemfelues,yet inChria the mercieofGod is rnoíl plentitiill to their faluation, andall this God confir- nieth and fealeth vnto them byhishohe fpirit, and therefore they cannot but .loue God againe, and thatwith a Lenient loue euen aboueall things in the world, and 1a, they loueall Gods creatures, and euen their enemies, becaufe they beare theimage ofGodwhom they loue: likeas I hauea friendand loue him,I loue all ofhis name,all his kindred,and althat appertaine vntohim.And by the way,here is a goodway to knowwhetherwe haue faithornor. Though faithonely iuílifieand make the marriagebetweeneour Soule and Chriíl, and isproperly the marriage garment, yea, and the figne Tau, thatdefendethvs from the ¡Miring and power ofeuill Angels, and is alfo the rockeon which Chrifls Church is built,aiid tlandeth againíl all weather ofwind and tempeíl : yet is faith neuer fettered from hope and chaxitie ; then if aman will bee furs that