Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

i' ftate of4Cbr' is s When a man hath donehis duetieto his houfhold, andyet hath further abun- dance of the bleffingofGod, that he owethto the poore that cannot labour, and cannot get work,an°di are deflitute of friends;to thepoore I nteanewhich heknoweth,and to themofhis owneparífh. For that prouifon ought to bee had in theChurch, that euery parifhprovide for the poore. If hisneighbours which bee knowethbee ferued,'thenis he debter to the brethren a thoufand miles oft,ifheheareoftheirneceffitie and haue himfelfe anyplentie : yea,to the very Infidels he is adebter iftheyneed, as farre foorthas he dothnot main Caine them again(}Chrif}. Thus iseueryman that needeth myhelpe, my fa ther,mother,fitter,and brotherin Chrif} : euen as eueryman that doth the will of the father,is father,mother,ff}er,andbrothervntoChrif}. Tiroth. Nowye fomewhat perfwademe oftxiat which me thought at the fir(}blufh,was again(} common fenfe. Eufeb. ByGods grace I will perfwade youmoreyet. How ifour Sauiour Chrif} Iefus fhouldnowdwellvpon the earth in pouertieand want, could not youbecontented tobeaowhalfe yourgoods onhim? 'Timoth. Halfe my goods ? Nay truely all: andmyheart blond : for Iknow ifIfhould lodemy life for hitn,I fhould faue it. Eufeb. Very wèll,Chrif} is all in all. Euery Chrif}ianman to another is Chrif} himfelfe,and whatfoeuer is done to thepoore, is donetoChrif} himfelf, and thereforeyour neighbours needebath as good right inyour goodsasbath Chrift himfelfewhich is heireand Lordouer all. And looke what youowe to Chrif}, that youowe toyour neighbours neede : to yourneighbour owe you yourheart and life,and whatfoeuer you hatieorcandoe. Tnnoth. Weneede notgiueour reliefeexcept the Poorerequire it. Eufeb. Askeornot,ifthey want,you are bound torelieue them; As Chrif$ loved you,fo louethem. Chrif} loued you being his enemie, when I amfure ofit youneuer askedrernifsion offinnes. Timorh. Weneedenotrelieue themoften,neede we ? Eufeb. Yes,as longasyou areable,and as oft asthey want.lfChrif$ fhould orgiuevsbut once,we fhould conic fhort ofheauen. Moth. The world is full ofnaughtines,and lewd people takepleafure in doing wrong,and in flander'ing,and inhindering their brethren : howcanyou flueamongthem in quietnes,doe you vfe to giue like for like ? Eufeb. No,you mutt vnderf}and thär there bee two Elates or regiments in the world : the kingdomeofheauen which is the regiment of the Gofpell: & the regiment ofthe world,which is the temporal kingdom. In thefira 'late there is neither fathernor mother,neithermaf}er,mif}reffe,maide,norferuant, norhusband,norwife,nor Lord,norfubie6,nor inferiour,butChrif} Is all,and eachto other is Chrif{ himfelfe, there is none better thanother, btít all alike godyall brethren,andChrif} onely is Lordouer all, neither is thereanyother thingto doeeot otherlaw, faue to loue oneanotheras Chrif} louedvs : In the G g temporaali