Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

92. ;ADialoatieofthe felfe,lfpéake tnyconfclence if youhad abilitie,you-Woulddoe more thanan hundred ofthofe richmendoe. Eu f b. God knowes my heart,:it is a hell vnto tee to feemybrother for hrifl fhed his blood towant,ifI haue any thing in the world toglue whomC u , g men,lone maketh all thin es common : euery man is -Kin. AmongChriftian t g Y bound to tohis debter,and euery man is g plie his neighbours lacke of that wherewith God bath indued him. Chrifl ts Lordouer all, and eueryChriflian is heireannexedwith thrill, and therefore Lordouer all,and euery one is Lord ofwhatfpeuer another bath: ifthen my brother or neighbour neede, I haue to helpebim and ifIfhewe not merei but withdrawmy handsfrom him, then robbe I him of hisowne, and ama theefe. AChriflianmanbath Chrifts fpirit : now Chrifl is mercifull,ifi (hall notbe mercifull, I haue not Chrifis fpirit : if I hauenot Chrifls fpirit then am I none ofhis. And though I fhewemercievnto my brother, yet ifI doe it not with fuchburning loue asChrifl didvnto mee, I mull' knowledge my finne and delire inercie inChrifl. T'imotheus. IfaManmull bee franke and free, thenaman mullgiue ofhis owne flocke to the poore members of Chrifl, and diminifn his owne fùb- fiance. Eujb Yea indeede (ifneede fo require) wee are madeflewards of thofe goods whichGod hathgivenvs, alail a f eward take all veto himfelfewith- Aa.2. but rcproofé'? I am furethatthey whichwereconuertcd at Petersfirfl Sermon after Chrifis afcenfion, :dirninifhed their fubflance when theyfold them and gaue them to the Poore. I am fure that the Churches which were inMacedo- s;Cor.s. nia, which lent reliefe:vnto their Churches euen aboue their abilitie, they be inginextreame pouertie did diminifh their poff'effións:andGodgraunt our cont:terfations maybelike theirs. And that we fhould be like them, their ex- amples ofgreatcotnpaflion are recorded in theScriptures. T mothetti. Manyofvs haue our felues, wire, children,father,mother,and kinsfoike to relieue,fo that it will be hardtodeale after this manner. Enfb. Had not thefemen fo?yea I warrant youhad they. And the want of loue which you decme of;theGofpellofChrifl knowethnot, that aman fhouldbegin at hitnfelfe,and thendefcend I wot notbywhat fCeps. Loue fee- Itethnot herowne profite,but maketh a mantoforget hiwfelfe,and turne this profite to another man, asChrifl fought not himfelfeorhis owne profite but ours. Thisterms(my felle) is not in the Gofpell,neither yetfather, mother, fi- fler,brother,ktnfinan,that one thould inloue be preferred before another.The loue thatfpringeth out of Chaffexcludeth no man,neither puttethdifference betweene mie andother. In Chrifl we arcall ofone degree without refpea of perfhns.Notwithflandingthough a Chrii ian mans heart be open toAmen and recei =. eth all men,yet becaule his ábil tie ofgoodsexteádethnot fofarte, this prouifion is made that eucryman fhould care for his o vne houfhold,as father,mother,thineelders that haue hoIperi thee, rwe,cz,ildren,and feruants. _ When ` :f