Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

9.,1 zao7e o . aduife_}s this,thatyouwould with .patience depend vpon Gods prouidence. It isfayd,Bleffed are the rneeke,for they (hall inherit the earth. Then let all the world ftudie todoe you wrong, yea, letthetn fludie to bring you toextreame miferie, and doe it too : yet ifyoube meeke,you (hall haue foode andraiment enough foryou and yours. And nodoubt,God(who is alwaies true ofhispro.. mife) (hall raite vp_fome to helpyou. And ray cóunfeIl is that you giue your Landlord now and thenaCapon, now a Mgt, now a Goof; at ,l ifyoube ablea Lambe or aCalfe,and letyour wifevifiteyour Landladie nowand then with fpiced cakes,with apples,peares, cheries,and fuch like : and be you readie withyour Oxen, or Horfes,flue or fixe times in the yeare, to fetch home their ?úood,to plow their land,thennodoubtGodmay (often their hearts & moue them tohaue fome pitie and compafsionon your poore eflate. Tireeth. I hauedoneall this. Nay(may it be fpokenbetween you and me) I am atcommandement,and am as adrudge to them, to doe theirbufines,and- toleaue myownevndone,and yet haue neithermeate,drinke,normonie. Eufæb. More is the pitie. But remember that they which cannot come to feemendeale vprightly in the world, yet doein their hearts hunger and third after this righteoufneffe,are pronounced bleffed. Timotb. To let this paffe: fhewme one rule how Imight generally in all matters.behauemy felfe among men : and then for this time I will ceafe to troubleyou. eufeb. Askeyourowne confciencewhat youmay or ought to doe.Would you mendid fowith you? Then doe you it. Wouldyounot be fo dealt with Then doe it not. Youwould notthat men fhoulddoe youwrong &oppreffe you. Youwould not that men fhould doe youfhameand rebuke, lie onyou, kill you, hire your hpufefromyou, orticeyour feruant away, or take againft your will ought that is yours. You wouldnot that men fhould fell you falfe ware,whenyouput them in trufl to make itreadie,or to lay it out for you : and you wouldnot that men fhould deceiue you withgreat othes, fwearing that tobe good which is indeedeverynought,: you would notthat men fhould fell you warethat is nought; and too deare, tovndoe you : doe no fuch thing then vntoyour neighbours,butas loathas you would be to buy falfeware, and too deare,forvndoingyourfelfe : fo loath beyou to fellfalfe ware,or toodeare,for vndoingyour neighbour. And in allcafes howglad wouldyou bee to behol_ pen,fo gladbee tohelpeyour neighbour. So inall thingsaskeyourconicience what is to be donebetweeneyour neighbour and you,and thewill teach you. But becaufe you are wearieofreafoning I will altoend.Defiring God to increafe invs his heauenlygraces, as faith, and repentance, and loue,according tohis goodpleafure, c,lnlen.