Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

CERTA INE PROPOSITIONS DE- CLARING HOW FARRE A MAN MAY goe in theprofeffionoftheGofpell,and yet bea wickedmanoraReprobate, if-1" N I Reprobate bath in his mindacertaine a knowledgeof God, of commonequitie amongmen,of the difference ofgood from a RO.r. z r. bad: and this is partly from nature, partly from the content- Pta1.:g. r:3 plation ofGods creatures, in which the wifedorne, thepower,: theloue, the, the tr.aieflieofGod isperceiued. II. This l{nowledgeisonliegenerallandimperfe&, much likethe ruines ofa Princespallace : it is not fuflicienttodire&l him in doingofagoodworke. For example,he knoveeth that there is a God, and that this Godmuffbe worfhip_ ped: come toparticulars, whoGod is?what aone he is?howhe mull be wor- lhipped ?Herehis knowledgefailethhim,and he is altogether vncertaine what todoe topleafe God. By reafonofthis knowledge, theReprobate loth giue content, and his heart fubfcribethto thoequityofGods law; as may appeare by the Payingof Medea : videomeliora,probógase;deteriora feqor. That is, I know what is bell` tobe done,and like it;yetI doe theworn. This approbation in the Reprobate commeth from conffraint, and isioyned with adillikingofthelaw :in thee- bRo.y0o le&l beingcalled ,the IA approbation ofthelaw,proceedeth from a willingand readymind; and is ioyned with loue and liking. IIII. Andby reafonofthis light ofnature,ameefe naturaIlman, and areprobate may be fubieEfto formtemptations: for example, he maybee tempted ofthe deuill, andofhis owne corruptflefh,tobeleeue that there is noGodat all. As- Ouidfaithofhimfel , Eleg. 3. Sollicuormalesefe!waredcos:I am often temp-- ted to thinke there isnoGod. V,. The reprobateforall this knowledge,inhislheart may be anAtheifl, asDa-- uid faith: cThcfoole bathfaidinhisheart there isno God. And a man may now`Ra.r aì adayes findhoufes and townes fuII offuchTooles: Nay, this glimmerin light ßom.3 I ` ofnature;except it bepreferued withgood bringingvp, with diigent infiru-- étibn,and withgood cotnpanie, it wil befodarkened,that aman (hall knowe verielitle,andleadalifelikeaverybeafhasexp riencetelleth;andDauid knew verywell: whofaith, d Mars isi:a honour, and vndertandethnot ;heis Isk.çtc beafls thatperiJZ .. d Pfa1.4q. VI. zo,, Wherefore, thisknowledge whichthe reprobate receiucthfromnature,and.. front