Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

74 'The order ofthe ca'!fes nant,whrch by reafon ofthmagedoenotyet Chrijl. ': Cor. 12• 13 • ByoneJjirit 'llfl4rull their children to be accounted in the coue-~ A I m•oy"' •re baP,hti i•t• Cbrijl, htot p•t •• atl~~l~~~~:~:~ l !___ ·'-. -~-r-•-~- ~~~~~J_'"!:!~"~ h~dy,:1~.~:._~~~~~:~a~ ~e~_e. ~b~ ' of wa!hin! which is hr~ priui!cdgc~ whi<bhMh chi!drcn,G ... the nttmcoj theynM)'gr Dftbct4rtb rafec!,ddof bread,t;,'-W ittvJ!JecJl prlofcb.BJI ir>(lOfllap led .1 ;naru; trace: fir[ Goli the I into t;.uou holy Gho fecond!yp mifcthto.: none ot:hc isrhe F>re The exl ti(me,is?-·: ; tiz;: with naturaHw Thisw< Church. J W4ntof~\·a tbar: tht ~ tht Niceph.h The ex ni!l:~rswa the prcf:r The an ·dippe,an tbebapti: P.:ui,Ro· and Neo countrie! thcbapti; for very . baptized, this alter may difp ineqaitit The S baprifme, The de. nesofrbe Cl'lt propoh,... _ Chrill, and by the figure Synecdoche, taking the partforthe whole,Chrill.r.Ioh.L7· Awd rh< bloodof l<[UJ Chrifl cl"nfith '"fom •Dfiu. The action ofthe Mini!lcr,is hi•walhing of rhe p:~r~y blptizcd with the element ofwater. This feakth and confirmeth a double action \ ofGod. I. the ingraffing or incorporating of the parrio baptized into Ciuill.Gal.3·'7· As Rrl,aptizingis at nohand cooe aomuu;u;l for as in natcrall gcn('ration man·isoncc only born;fo is it in fpiriruallr<gencrati6.Thcrfore they that are baptized of • miniller, which is auhetctike,notyet dcgradrd from that cal– ling, (ifthe exrcrnall foro•• ofadmicifirarion be obferued) mLll not be boptized a~·" ."" "fl the Church of God; cfpccially, ifafttrbp.l . tirn;e