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I I ofSa!uation andVamnation. 8 9 Bridles,orexternall remedies,arethere: I. A 'what u th•t to111?ftetho• to it•. 5. And~>henbt Inthis we fhallimitate the clemenCle of the h•dc.jl do'irn<rhtjiiMe.peecest• thetemplt, het Lord, who foe .1 nry great feafon doth ofren dep.rted,.ndh~ngc~himftlft. tolerate the wicked Lear11 of me,for 1amhumThe remcd1c, 1s arenued repentance, the hi••ndmee~e.Mat.n.•9· II. There mull: be a beginning wherofis fo:row in regard ofGod paufint;andtin'c ofdelay, betWixt our anger forthe fame fin:the frmrswkreofareelpecland the execution of the fame. Athtnodorm ally feuen. z.Cor·7·9· No» I "''l""" thatye counfelled A"g"Pru, that heo beeing angtie, \l>m forry,but thatyefor~ot>•d to rtprma.•ce :for fhoulol repeate all the letters ofthe Alphabet, yeforrow•dgodly,[oth.r mnothmg;e"""h•rt by or .A0 c. before he did either fpeakeor doe vs. 10. ForgodlJforrowcauftthrepnt•nce vnto any tilingagainO: another. III. To departout fo/Hation, not to h repenttd of: but worldlyforrot> ofthofe places where thofe are, with whom caH{ith JtAth. II. For behold, thu thmg that ye we are angry. 1 V. Toauoidcontenuon, both h~11t bee~e g~dlyforrte, what g:e4t ~are :t h4rh in word and deede. Doenothiflg through C911ttn- 'Wrought 111)'0H: yet~, whllt clettrlng of JDHY folutJ: rion.Phii. 2 • 3 . }t", what indignatim: ]t4, whatJ~are: J~4, how · Remedies againO: thofebad defires ofriches, grw deftre,Je4,~hat t... le: J~•,whatpunijhmmt: and honour, I. God doth euen in faminequic- B i11 40to•ngsJehaue{hel)peayourftlult, thatye •rt ken and reuiuCthemwhich fearehim.Plal.33 · pure mthf4 mJtrtr. I 8,J9.Theeyeofthe Lord u vponthemth4tft•re I. An endeauouund purpofe to doe well, him, to de/iller theirfoNluftom det~!b, an~ topre.. according to the r~e ofGo~s word. . /eruethemfromfamine. I I. Godhncffe IS great II. AnApologlC, that IS a confefsJOn of gaine, it the minde of man can be therewith the finneb~fore Go<!, wi•n an earnell:intreaty conrcnr,x.Tim.6.6. III. We doe Watteand ofpardontortheofl:ence.Pfal.3•·~· T<tn/ «• looke for the refurrectianof the body, and ekno\llledgtdmJfinm vnto thee, 1wtJJer hii I mine temall life: thereforewe fhould not take fuch iniquittt: for lthou.(ht, I VIIOconfeffe again(/ my carking care for this prefent mortalllife.IV. filfe ,my wickednes t~nz. the Lord, ana thoufnrgaWe arc fcruants inour fathers houfe, thereueft thepunijhment ofmJft•.z.Sam.I2. q. Then fore lookc whatis cpnuenient for vs,thar will 'JJ•oidjaidvnto Nathan,l ha11efinned •g•injl the he louingly beO:ow vpon vs. V. The palpable Lord: ••d N •rhanf•id to DaHid. The Lord •lfo blindnefle ofan ambitious minde defireth to h.rhp•t aw•J rhyjinne,tho•jhalt not die. be fer aloft, that hee may haue the greater I I I. Indignation againO: amans felfe, for downefall; and he feared tobehumbled, leall: his offence. , he lhouldnotbe exalted. VI. Adamwhenhe I v. A feare, not fo much for the punilhwouldneedesbe checkmate with God, did C ment,asforoffendingtheLord, Pfai.Il0·3· bring forth himfdfe and his poO:erity headIf thou {lraighrl) ,..,k•JI iniqHities, 0 Lord, l)pno longtodeO:ruction. VII. He is avery ambifo•O [land I tious rob-God, which defireth to take that V. A defire to be fully renued, and to bee commendationtohimfelfe, which is approdcliuercd from finne. pria.eondytotheLord. VI. Aleruent zealecoloueGod, and to l'referuatiuesagainO:the defiresofthe flefh. imbrace and keepe allhis commandements. I.He thatwilbe C~riO:s Difciple,muO: euery V I I. Reuenge, whereby the !lefl1 may be day take vp htscrofle. Luk.9. •>· I I. They tamed and fubdued, leaft at any time afterwhich arc according to the fpirit, fauoar of ward, fuch offences be committed. fuch things as are according to thefpirit.Rom CH A l'. X LI V. 8.5. Ill. Thcytbat walke after theflefh !hall Ofthe pamnt bt4ring of thecroffo. die,Rom.8. I 3. IV. We ought to behaue our THepatient bearing ofthe croffe,teacheth C. lues as citizens ofthekingdome ofheauen. how Chrillians fhould vnde1goe the bur- _ l'hil.;.zo. V. WearcthetempleofGod. x. D den. •Cor.J-!6. Ourmembers they are the memThecroffe, is acertaine mea!Ure ofafllicti1hers of ChnO:: 1. Cor.6.I_5. And wee haue ons ,' appointed by God , to euery oneof the dwellmg w!tlun vs the fpmt ofCbnO:, whtch faithfuii,Math. I 6. •4· Ifany m•• l)piBfoUow me, we fhouldnotgrieue. Eph.4·3?· Concerning let himforfa~e h•••felft,t4k<vp hiscr•ffi·& foOow tlus, looke more m the exphcauon of the me. Col.t.24· Nowreioy<elinmy[Ufferingsftr feuentb comm,mdement. . you,•nt!, f•lftlltht reH oftheaJft.firons ofCbrifl in . In thiStentatlon tbe f.n,s,whenaman bemyfl<jh,[or mtb.dies[41<!, t>hith is theChHrth. l mg ouerraken,falleth mto fome offence. Gal. Wee ought to take vp his crolfewillingly 6.x • euen with both hands, when it fhall pl<'<lf; , Here Satan doth wonderfully aggrauate God to lay itvpon vs. ,the offencecommttted,anddothaccufe &ter- . And after we hauetakenitvp,wemull:beare rtfie the offendou; Wtth the mdgements of 1t with patience and perftu<rance. Col. I .1 I. God.Mat.>7·3· 7hen "'henludtU l)phrch betray. Strengthned UtithaU might, throHJih his gloriom t~ h,m, fow 1hat he was c~ndtmn~d~ herepented powtJ', vnto ttHpatiencednd longfojftring Wtth iD)'- h~mfllfe, tind. brou$ht a .. ~a,nt the thm7 petcts ~( ful~tes.Luk·2l ·l 9•Pofj!JfoJoHr f~His\Yith p14tjwoe. ftl•er,tothech.,fPmfls CS Elders.4.[aying I haue Theprdcruariuesofpatii:ce are: J.Streogth fi•med,brrrayrng the mnocent blood: bntthry (aid, by the holy GhoO:. Phi!. 4• q. I am abltto do, - d I -