Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

94 'Theordex:ofthecaufes --~ ~{ot'Pne indipJ~n~!Jr,!t is ~~~ifed in htmQtfT:_it i4 {ow~ ft.l tJu GJI~dlepor lij,ht ofthi Smmt,for the l.t~ref.giu;ib ·. •n weilk._eneffi,•~ U.'"'fed•n po.\\·.er·4t·l~ u{iriPntR thtm t and the] flu~n rAigne for tHtTm£rt., n"'•'-1/body, rt M roifid• jpmtu•h vod"· I (b)t.Cor 15·4S.Rom.8.n. lftkrfPiritofhim I IV. La!tofall, when they are a!l co~uen. ;h<t r.iftd"'P lr{mf"'" thr de..-1, d'Welliu•• ted before thetubunall feateof Chn£l:,he w!ll ·hfuh•t roiftd vp Chrif/ from ehed.Ad,JI•.O•lfo I forthWith placethe Elect,Ceuered from there. I quic~t• yoMr ""'""0 bodies, btc••fith., hipjpirit i -probate, & taken vpmtothe aue, at h1snghr , dwr/luh iny••· . l hand, and to them being written inthe booke. ' Perfe-1 glorie, is that wonderfull exc~llen- \ oflife, will he pronounce thisfenteoce: Com1 cjeof the Elect, whereby they fiJal>bec in a· ; ye blrflidofm;f.rher, p•ffif[< thekingdomeprep•• 1 far:e better.e£l:ate the~ any heart qn wifh.;. red for youfrom thefooml,.trom ofthe world. Mtt:\ ,This glone confi!tetb m·thrce points. J; In : ZH3· HeJh•llfu theJI><tpeonhi<right h•nd,••d tjlatthey fi1all £l:itl beholdc the face of God rh<gOAW on theleft.l. Theff-4-17. Reu.20.15. · .which isbis!;lorit andm~ie£l:ic Reu n. 4 •And WhofoeMtr W411Jot fo~end l'JrJtten iruheb(ulk!oflife, thryj/Jitl!foe hts{4CI s 11nJ Ins nttmejh11llbee in their .,., ••.fl into the l•keoffirr, fmht•ds.Plalme ·'7·15·/wi/1beholdtlr, f•« in CHAP.L. Oftheef/•ttof tht eleef•fter .i11dgement. righttonfoefft, .andwhtn14W4~ Ift!t~lbe {11tiJjied ll 'Withthintim•g<.II. Inthattheyfhallbemoll like to <;hri!t, namely, in!t, holy, incorrupti– ble,glonoushonoorable,excellent, belutifull . 1l:rong,mightie,and nimble. r.Ioh. 3·l·D<4rt~ ly htl.oNed, nBilt 4rt Wit ofG•d,-bHrJtl it THe la!t iudgcment beeiog oncdinifhed, dotb not •ppearr wh•t 1>eflt<ilht:and ,., iulow th.r the eltctfhall enioy immcdia.tely ble!fedwhrn hrjh.Jappme, "''Jl,.16t /if<! him.for"'Jh•l ne!fe inthe kingdome-of he>uen. fie hin1"' he il. Philip. 3. 21. WhoJl,•/1ch••g•••r Blel'fedne!fe is that, whereby Gpd·himfelfe vi/1 bodit,th•t il""') bef•fhiontd likt vnto hug/o. isall in allhiselect: r.Cor. 1 S. 2S. 1 Wh!n ttlthings YioJU btJdy,•ccDrJjnl. t~ the worl(jng_ wherebJht ~•~ jh.Ob~rfobdmd to him; thenJIM.Uthr :;onpe •lfo. bluototofobdot •11 things to himfilfr.III. They ' him{tlfe bee fnbie51 vnto him, rh•t 4idfobd•<·.•O !hall iuherit thekingdome ofheauen, yea, the thsngs vnder him, that Godm•J brolon•U. And new heauens and the new earth fhall bee their it is thereward of good workes, not becaufc: inheritance. 1.Pet.I + God h.rd brgmm )•• workes can merit, but by rea.fonofGods fa· to A• inherjt4f1Ct immortall1111d'l!ndtfilid, ind that uour,whothus acccpteth workcs, and that in f•duhnot•~"J, refrruedinh«•e•firyou. Math. refpect oftht merit of Chri£1:s rishteouli1e!le C >5.34·The•fh•ll the King foy tPihemon hisrigk imputedtotheelcct.Ro(ll.6.2J·The:.,.geso[Jin h•nd, l!:omty blejfedof my F•ther, po/fiffttht i4death, but mrn•lllife,u th•g•fr •[God thraHgh ~i• prep•rtd for )OM before the f•u~dRiim lefusChrif/OHr Lord. z. Tim-4-8. ReU.2l•l2. of.tluworldwer,I.Ud. Reu.5.10. Th<uh•fl m•de B~hold1J I cameJh9rt!J, tflldl"J'tw4rdUWithrm, 'll! 'VtJt6o•r GqJ Kings••d Priefts J 1111dtreejhll/1' I togi•etN!T)man ttccordir:g tU hil wor~Jh41l6e. rAigne (!ne the ~•rth.ReU.2h7·Hee th4t oHtrf#rn· I Ble!fcdndfe hathtwo parts: Eternalllife, mtthJl,.ll mhetit •11thingr,•nd I willbt< hiSGod, andperfeCl: glory; . ~ •ndhtJl,.l/ bt"'} fonne. I Eterualllife.iorhatfellowJhip withGod,(a) The fruit that commeth from bot~ thefe whereby God himfelfe is, through the Lamb ·!?arts ofblc!fedne!fe, is oftwo forts: EternaU Chrj!t, life vnro .the EleCI:. Forin the king" .ioy,and theperfect feruice ofGod. Pfalm.16. dome ofheauen, the elect fhalnot need meat, I h Thouwiltjhew me the p•th.of lift, ·inthypu. dti!\kc,Gcepc,aire,heatc colde,phificke,appafonce is;tbtfu!nes ofioy:oiJd•t th) right b•ndthtre roll.; or the light ofthe Sunnc and Moone.(b) artpi<Afumfor tuermort. Pfal.36.8. Thty jhd butin place ofat! thefe, fhalthey haue in them btfotitfttd•withthef••••Jfo ofthine b.u{t,•ndthoo ', Gcydsfpirit, by which immediately they !hall Jh•ltt,iNt them drink£ ••• of tbr riuer of th]plea. :1 bee<Jl\lckeoed for eijer.(•) Iohn·I4·•J·If•"J D fom·9· For 'With th«isthrwrOo(lift,"''d i•thy. ; 1 r1!an wstt me, he \villketpe "')'Word, and'l'Jf.rher . lightfh•ll \llefitlig~t, . v.t/1/ou• hi,.,,a.dwe \11>11come vnt• h•m,•ndd~r/1 The parts ofGods fenuce, are Prayfe, on4 .I IJ'ith htm.x . Joh-4-15. Wh•foeuer <~njifJith th•t Thankfgiuing.Reuel.>I+And I heor.t agrm ., .f.G_hrifl Uthe Sonneof(iod,(Joddwe/Jt~him,~nd V8ict out o(htllMtnJ~Jing, Beh~ldt, tMe '!'" aVtrn4hemGod.Reu.n.j. AndI luordA'I/QI<t,f.,..g cl< ofCod U»'ith nun,and hr WtOtlwrl\llsth t)ml': Brholde th< T abern•clr of God it wi(h men, ami and the]JIJ•II be hu people, ••d God him{tlfo fo•O ' lu -will d\lle/1 ,.;,h the,.:ondtbeyj/,./lb• his prople, ht< their Cjod wilh them. Cap.5 .1 z S•Jing with 1 and God himftlfe fo•libee their qod with thnn. lfit~udvoice, Wt11thy Uthe L11mbtth11t tt>.u ~iUed_, ~ 2 3. An•that Cinie. b11thnonudeofS•mneor M<Jor~e to rectiuep11tter , t~~nd richtJ 1 ttnd wiftd#mt, tmS I tojlune itJ ir: for theglurie of(joddid light it, "nd j/rt:Jgth, AndJHmo~r, •ndglor]. ~tnd pr11J[e' &c. th< L-"• iHh•light ofit. Reu.:z,z.z.lnthe mid- '3·Cap.l I ·'7·The four<& tr9tnt} eJdmwhich l drftofthe flrette ofit, ~tndofeitberftde •f the rifore.bejore God 0!4 theirfottteJ, ftO vpon theirj4ces uer,\itas the tre6of/Jfe, ~hichbAre tweltte mttn(Jtr ]~tndworfhipp~~qo~,foyi~t, We.girte tlu~ thank!r~ I offotiteJ, 11nd g111te f·Nutl euery r»~neth :'(md·the 1 Lord Godalm•ght•e,Wbrch Art,ttndWh•ch r,s,rfr I Je:~Uts of the tree forn•d' tO he4/e th'e_ n.ttionl \\lith Which Art to_cBrnt: for tho11 h111jl re&~iuedtbJ,great I $• Andthm fhalibe nonighrrhm.!.•ndthryneede might,~U~d h•f/obtainedthy "Jngdome, . The