Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

lOO 'Ihe order of the caufes Th< c,.f•tati•n. A Cj'OD.Butthere can benopeace,wherethere It is apparently falfe. To will thofc things is not aparticular afiurance of Gods fauouo. which concerne the kingdome cf God, as V. That which thefpiritofGoddothre!lifie faith, conuerlion, and new obedience, is the particularly,that mull: alfo be belecued parrimeeregiftofGods (pirir.Mat.I I. >7· No man cularly:ButthdpiritofGoddoth giueapark..•oll>trh tbe F.rher but th< So.,,, andh< ID 'Wh•m ticular tc!limony ofrlteadoptionofrhe faithth<Sonne ,.;areutokhim.Luk.8.xo. Toy•u it u fuii,Rom.8.x6.Gai+6· lhis therefore is in -~iumto kno'Wth< mJflerin oftht"Jnldomufqod. like fortto be beleeued. u Godrvhi<h "'"k<th in you to ,;a . Whereas theyfay, that no man hath a parand to doe.r . Cor. u. 3. No""" con(4y that lettcular alfurance , but by fpeciall reuelation, [mu the Lord,but by theh•ly Gloofl.Briefly,he as was that which ..dbr•h•rn·and 'Paul had is whoaccordingto God is to becre•ttdiHigb· falfe.For the faith oftheferwo isfer dow~ in teoufnejfe •ndhol>n<J, Eph. ~· >4· cannot any Scripture, as an example whichwe fhould all waies difpofchimfelfe to iu!lification,or new follow. For this caufe Abrah•m is called the creation. For it is impofsible that athing not F4th<r•ftheftti1:f..oO,Rom.8.x 1. and 'P••Ire. cremd,!houlddifpofe itfelfc to his creation. O:ifieth the ve,_r'f lame ofhimfelf, 1. Tim.t.z6 The IX. CrrQHr. B For this CAII/t (raith he)w.u I rtctiRed to mtrey, ThAt preparati•• to gr.r<, fl>hith it •••ftd bJ th•t leji11 C""ift Jh•uld firjl Jh•,. on tile •li long the powerofft«-wiO.m•JbJ tht merit of congrHiiJ {offering, vntothttx•mpl< ofthtm;which Jb•ll in deforue iHjliftct4titm. timi t1 ntllt btlttUI inhim'Vnto tKrntllJii[e. AThe (•nfuwion. gainc,wbreas they fay,thatwe haue amorall Thefc things fmellofmore then Satanicall affurancc,tur notthe atfuranceoffairh, iris a arrogancie. For what man,butfuch an one,as popifhdeuife.For,Rom.8.t6.tbef}iritof•d•pwere not in his righc minde, would belecuc:, tio11 ( ~~~~,.;) to,gethtr btt~rctb r~irmffo ttJ_fiMT that he, vnro whome fo many millions of fPiritt. Where wefee two wime!fes ofour a· condemnationsare due, couldonce merit the doption, ourowne fpirir, and the Spirit of leaft dramme ofgrace? The prodigall fonne God. Our fpirit clothteftifie morally ofour was not receiued into fauour byteafon ofhis adoption, by fanClification, and thdi:uires deferrs, butby faubur. Luk••>5. 21. Hisform• thereof:and therefore alfo the fpirit of God faidvnto him,fh4Uefinned agllinft heaum,••• ,_ witndfethafteranorher manner, namely, .by gainflthee,andam-no '"'"1111Tthytob~••ikdth) the certainty offaith, declaringand applying fonne. the promifes ofGod. · _ The v. e"'"'· c Obutl. I. We are commanded to work<: - Th:faith ofthe,godly, or th•tYrhicb iMJ1ifieth, our~luarionwith feare and trembling. An{. is th•twhmby• m•• doth·in !.'""•0 b1k1utthe Thi fear isnor inregard of.Gods mercy for· pm,ifiil.blej[edn<j{e ofG0 D, and'by ¥Jrhich •lfo giuin our fins, but in refpeCl ofvs, and' our I><giueth hitAj[ent t• orher myjltrils m~ea/eJ of nature,which is <ucr prone toflide away,and God.,nctrning th<Jilme. · O:amng from God. - ' TheConfutatio•; Obieil. II. In reff>CClofGodsmercy, we F•ith is not onelyagenerallknowledge,& mull: hopefurfaluation,butin refpeCl ofour affi:nt ro the hiftorie ofthe Gofpell, but furvnworthinelfe, we mu!l doubr.A•/w. I, We ther alfo a cerrainc power,bothapprchending may not lawfully~oubtof Gods mercy,and and fcuerally applying the promifcs ofGod becaufc doubtfulnclfe is not of the nature of in Chri!l, whereby a mandoth alfuredly fer fairh.butratheranaruqll corruption. -u. If downethathis fins are forgiuen him,and that we conlidetour own vnworrhinclfc, it is out he-isretonciled vnro GOD. Reafons. I. A of all doubt, wemu!lbequrofallhope, and parriclllar affiltance ofthe fauour ofG~d, is defpaire ofour faluation. ·' oft1le nature offaith.Eph.3·IO.,By whom tott ObMl. III. There be tylany fins vnknowne h''"ho/e/Jies,andentr4n<t With conftd<n«,b]faith D vnrovs, and fo alfo uncertaine whetloer they in~lm. Rom-4- oo. Neithtrdidhedtdt~ftht be pardonc'dvnrovs. Anf.Heethatcertainly promifo •f G0 D through vnbeleef•, but "''" and truly knoweth rhor buton< finneis parJirenf!henedin thefaith, &g"'"~lorJ vmo God. cloned him,he hath before Gocf al hisfins reu. Beingfull] •ffomlth•t ht~ which h•dpromimitred,whetherthey be known orvnki10wn. jid, \~asa/fo•blltod.eit. Hcb. xo.••· Let vs Obietl.lV. Nomandarefweare,ordiein dro"' neer.,•ith• true h.-rt iuiJ,.•nceoffaith. the defence ofthis propofirion: l•m th«h•/J II. Particular doubting is reprehended. Mat. o(Go4, o~ in Gods fauou~,and iu!lified. ~nf. '4·31- 0 thOH •flirtk faith,'WbJ didjl thoH doubt! They wh1ch haue an vnfawed fa1th,. Will, 1f Luk.1>·•9· H ••!, J' notin foil"""· III. Thar they be laWfillly called,notonely te!llfietheu I whioh aman prayeth for to God,that mu!l he adoption by an oath, bu; feale !talfoby the1r alfuredly beleeue roreceiue.Mark·li·2f.But blood. . . - . - thcfaithfullin theirpraye\-s make requeftfor Obietl, V. Amanmay.haueth1sfa1th Which adoption iu!llfication and life eternal!: and the Prote!lantstalke of; and lye ma 'morrall j therefore' they mnft ~ertenly beloeuc that finne, andhane alfo l! P?rpofe toperfecere in they fhallreceiuethefe benefit~. IV. Rom._)~ a mortall"finne.A?f.It IS farre otherw1fe: for I. wee beeillg thm(or"uj/ified, h•••pt4<t tollh ACl.I5·9·Tr••f•llh purift:th the h<Art, ------:-- ·-- --- ------· - Thefe