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ofSaluation andVamnation. (;y~work!• .Anf. Weareiullifiedbl:'faith,not A , TheC011fHtation, asit is a vcrtue and a worke, butant tsan m- - The Law is euangelically fulfilled .by be• firument apprehending the iullice of Chrifl, lteuing in Chrill;but not legally,by doing the whereby we are iuflified. And in thisref~e.~t, workes thereof. Rcafon.Thev which arecar• faith is faid by the figure calledMetonymta,to pall cannot pofsibly fulfil! the iaw ofGod:but be imputed vnto vs vnro righteoufi,effe. . the moll re~eneratc , fo long as they liue in ObiefJ. X 111. The workt_s ofgrau ATet{yed this life,are carnall in part• .Rom. 7·14·1a111; in theb/oodofChrift.·.Anf.They are indeededyfaith Pan/of himfelfe,camal/,andfoldvnderfin, ed thereb, but to the end they might the bet- /Prou.>0·9·Who<anfay,Mine heartu p•re,l am ter plcafe God, ro iuflific man 1· and.wherc:is !"'efomfinn,t? Ecel.7'. zz. rTherr u noncfoi•ft they are fo flained, as that they needt dying in vpo11 rarrh,whichdothg•od,andfin no,, Plal.llO' the blood of Chrifl, therefore can they not a- ·3· 1/!hou Lml,objirllewhat u done amifc, Lord nywaies iullifie finfull man. And thepcrfoo whofh,allabid~it? We arc daily taught to pray ofthcworkcr,isas we! dyed in Chrifls blood, VntoGod.Math·6·I •· ForgU.e vsoRrfins, Exas is his worke, yet he cannot f>ythat his percepti,n, Indeed ifthe iullicc ofthe faithfull be fon doth therefore ;uflifie him. B abfolutely conlidered, it is imperfe<l:, but as And as I hauc now prooued , that this doGoddoth exact ir of ourfrailtie, it is perfect. llrineofthe Papifls is very erro"eous;fo I al- .Anf Thisis but thefanfic of fomedoring le• fo auouch that ifis moll ridiculous. Becaufe fuitc. For thi• kntence ofthe lawis limple,efor aman to fay that inherent righreoutiJes is tcrnaU,and immooneable. Gal. C•rftd u augmentedbygood work!, namely, the fruits tNtry ~ne that ctmrinHtth n~t inalithings J which ofrighteoufileffe,is as ifa man lhould fay,that ar~writttninthi<bookt_,to do them. Neither may the vine is made more fruitfull by bearing we imagine, that God will not therefore exgrapcs,orthatth: imernalllightofthe Sunne a<ft the full accomplilhingofthe law, becaufe is augmented by the external! emifsionofthe )<'e arc fraile. For we arc creatures and debbcames. Luther{ faying is farre more true, ters: now we know, ~hat the debt doth not Gqodwork!s doe n1t '!"'~:! J''!,D<d11!.fn, bHt agood decreafe ,by reafon ofthe debters pouertie. mandothm•"tl!'orkt.sgood. ·, . Obie[f., The faithfullare faid tobeperfed The XIV. EmMr; io this life•.An[.There isa two-fold perfedi· Gract;. q•ite e:cting•i.fh•d, orri<ther vtterly on,the one incomplete the which is an endea- /oft byany mortaUfotne. nour or care to obey God inthe obferuation The Confutation. c ofall his precepts ; the othcris tearniedcomI. The word of Goddoth manifellly deplete, this isthatiuflicewhichthelawrequiclare that it i~farre otherwife. Ioh.6·37• .411 , reth,namely,aperfed and abfoluteiuflice, ac. thAt the Fathergiuethme,fh•Utome"'""'"'''""d 'I cording to that meafure which man perforhim that commethvntome,lc4f/ notAW4J. M&:h. me<hll God in hisinncc~ncy.In the lirlll,en(e, x6.t8· Thouart Peter,andvp•nthu rock[ will I the laithfull are (aid to be perfe~, not b this bRildmy Church : fo thattheg4tesofhelljh411not latter. • pmwleagainftit. I Ioh. •· 19. Thqwent out , :The.XVI.)irrour. from vs, burthey werenot •fvs: fori{ they had 1 Woriw don~ ingrace;dve (excondigno)con. bin •fvs, they wouldhaue <ontinoedwith vs. ! dignelym<rittternaU/ife. Rom.5•J. B<ing thereforeiuftified,we hauepea« 1 The Confutation. with God, Now how could this be true, ifhec I.Eternalllife is the free ~;ift<>fGod.Rom. that was before iuflified, could any way quire 6. 2;. The w•ges offtn~eu.duth, buuhegiftof fall from grace, aod fo perilh?.I r. The eled Godis emnaD/ife through JefmChrift, Thereafter their very grieuous failings from God, fore it i,s notobtained by the merit ofworkes. forthwith repented them oftheir linnes, as I I. The meritofcondignitie is an acHon bewe may fee in the example of, 'Peter, D longing to fuch a nature as is both G 0 D &f, the which argueth that they had notquite and man, not to a barecrearure. For the Anfallen from grace, and loll the fpirit of God. gels themfelues cannot merit any thinll at II I. Ifgrace bee once vrterly loll, then the Gods hands: yea and eAdamalfo, if hee had ingraffing of that parrie into Chrift is quite flood in liis firll innocency, could haue defer. abolilhed: therefore for fuch as repent, there uednothing of God, becaufe it is the boonmull needs fucceed a fecona new ingraffing den duty of the creature to performe obedi. into Chrifl: and then it willalfo follo,v that ence vnto his Creator.The merit therefore of they mull of necefsitie bee baptized a~ew, condignity, doth onlyagreevnro Chritt God which is abfurd rorhinke. &man,inwhom eachnaturedorh,for thecifcBur for all this, we deny not, bur gracemay Cling ofthis 11,Jerit, pcrforme that which bein part, and fora rime be!oll, rotheend that longeth to it. Forrhe humanity dorh minillcr the faithful! may thereby acknowledge, and ~tter vnto the worke, by fuif>- koow their weakenes, and for it be humbled; nng,and performmgobed1ence: but th; Deibut that there ls any total! , or final! falling. tie ofChrifl, wher<unto rhe humanitie is fiyfrom grace, we vrterly deny. 1 pollatically vnited,doth conferre full and fi,f. The XV. Emmr. ficient worthine£fc vhto the work;Hence is itL __l!_i!_p!_j{.ble tof!!!fiN __ th_e_L_•_w_in_.:..:th:.:.u:..:lcifi<.::t ':.:...'-'._.::rh::.:a:.:t.::ti.::'•:.:.F:.:a::t::he::rc::d:.:o:.:th::.fpeake thus ofhis fonae, K Math·3·IZ: •