Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

-;)[frame ofthe dofirine of'J!redeflination , out of the writings 6(fome later DtutneJ 111 Germame. Gods etcrnall decree,whereby he decreed: [ \ ·I \ 1. To create mankind<· ' I I · I I . ,. Togiuealawtoh•screamrc,wnhcoa• clition bothoflife anddeath. ,. A"''"'ll.... w,.., the fall. 11 4• To redeem< allLaLindc iu Chrill ; fo that eltlli•• is inthis place made t~niller. faH. I \ I I . s. To call mankinde fo redeemedmtllile : m-•~;~~ Predellinat1on or fpeciall ele· · Jncrcdulitie and coilmmacie Bion , whereby God purpoforeknowae • wh<rei>Y the r<fi fed witb himfelfe vpoo his ofA"""'Jpofierity,refufegra« meere mercie , to bellow faith offered in the Gofpcl· I vpon feme certaine of .Adams po!leritiecalled : and in like ' Thedecreeol Reprobation, fort freely, not by faith or whereby<:iod, fortheirconm– workes forefeeoe, to iufiilie, macie foreknown<, decreed to ""'''"""' VM .... w.......... The manifellatiou of Gods glorie. --'------- PI.ctt'H T•hle bttWttnt Fol. to6. andt01·