Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

IlO Cfheorder ofthe caufes Reafons. I. He adiudgod all and eueryone of A pel,diddeerer tb<irtlejlruSiion andcondemnation. rhofe foule and wickedfpirits,whichfell from TheCmfut,uion. him toeternall torments.II.He decreed alfo, We vtterly deny,thatthcforefecingofthe as is appare"t by the euent, that men fbould contempt ofgrace in any, was the lirll: and. liue by the llaughter of bea!ts; and yet God principoll caufe ofthe decreeofreprobation. is not theref<>re cruellagainll: them: and wreReafons. I. "Paul, Rom.,.,g, doth deriue the ly God is no more boundvnto man, then vncommon condemnationof the Gentiles from to the very bruite beafts. hence,namely; that they withheldthe trHthin Exception. God appointed all to be faued, vnrighteoujiuffo, that is, becaufe they did witwith this caneat andcondition,Ifth~y beleeu~. ti~glvextinguilh th~t light of nature, bytheir Anfw. Thisis abfurd ta aflirme: for,!. by th1s w1cked domgs, wh1ch they hadof the knowmeanes thedecree ofGod fbould depend vplodge ofGod, &womld not obey tooirconfcion the will ofman, when as contrarily Gods enccs inwardly cheeking them for the fame. decree doth limit and order all inferiourcau• I I. Ifthatfaith fore-f<eee,benotthccanfe of fes. II. It quite rakethaway tile certentie of the decreeofdeaion, it cannot beethat the Gods decree, becaufe a conditional! propofi- B wantoffaith forefeen<. ffiould bethe caufe of tion doth fet downe nothing as being ; or, it the decree ofreprobation; but rather,as faith doth no•certenly aflirme any thing. doth,in order ofcaufes,follow after eleaion, Obielt.Ifthe merit ofCbrill:didnot extend fo mull: incrednlitiereprobation. Forchereis it felfeas farre as the fallofAa..m, then is not thclike reafon or proportion of contraries. the1\i:adof the Serpent broken, nor Sathans I I J. Many infants dtpartthi~ life,both being kin!ldome abolifi>ed in Chri!t. Anfw. This outofthe true Church, and before they hauebru!ling ofthe Serpents hc!ad,is feenein them any vfe ofreafon:and againe, many thereare, onelywhidiareatenmitie withthe Serpent, which albeit they liuelong., yet being either namely, infuch as truly belecue. 6en. 3· I 5. idiotsand fooles, or borne deafe,they cannot compared with Ram. I 6. 2<>. come to the truevfeofreafon:inall which it is Tocogclade,that is not true which they fay, .not credible,that thtre fbould be fufpeaed·anamely,that this opinion ofan voiuerfall and aycontempt ofthe Gofpel, which they could elfe&all redemption ofeuery fingular man,is not learne. I V' Efou was haied of God for anotable remedy to comfort affiitled confcinone other caofe, but forthat it fo pleafed ences. For I appeale to the'iudgements ofall him. Rom.9 I 8. V. Ifthis opinion fbould be men , whether inthis manner ofcoofolation , C true, then would it foll"w,that menfbould be be any great coforr to the cOfcienceaffli~ed. condemned of nothing elfe but incredulitie, ChriftdyeJfor.rllm"'· thewhichisnot fo.Ioh.3•36• Cbrifi.fpeaking · Thou art aman: pfvnbeleefe, faith not, thatfor it the wrathof. Therefore Cbrifl: dyed for thee. God came vpon man, burr""aineth"'pon him. The I I. Errour. And why fhould we daily aske pardon for our Goddidfwtk!Jow thef•O ofAa..m, but beedid finnes,ifnothing but incrcdulitie or vnbeleefe not byhu eterno<O tler:reefore.ora..lne thefome,and Condemned vs?nay, although thar there were theriforerh•t hu f•lt nwwith•~• the •gentperneuer any contempt ofthe Gofpell, yet that mif{w• if God. corruption oforiginall finne, were fuflicient . TheConfutoati... • eooughtocondemne men. VI. Alfo that adItisfalfe. For,r.THtre'isnot tqe lea!l:thing miration whii:h"Paulhath,Rom.9.2o.Om•n, innarure, butit commeth topalfe bythedewho•rttholl, which difPuuflwith God! cloth creeatrd willofGod.Math.lO•Jo.Wlierefore plajaelyfbew that the caufe of the decree of fuch as affirme, thatGod did onelyforeknow God in reiectiog fome,is vnkarchable: & that thi~, orthai, theydoedther quite ouerturne itdoth not at all depend vpon anyfore-feene t~eproui~e~ceofGOD,orat the lea!t, ima- D ~onrumacy towards :h~ grace ofGod offered gme that1t1sa very 1dle prouidence. I l. The tn the Gofpell. Fonf lt were 9therwlfe, we fact ofHerodi.nd Pilatt,indeliueringChri!t; might eafily giue a reafon of Gods decree. again!t their 'owne confciences, to be cruci'ti. Augull.epi! very well. Who (faith cd,m:l¥ feemeto be as heinous as was hce)createdthe reprob•w,but God!andwhy,but fall, andyet th'eyace faid to haue done that; b<c•ufe it pk•fedhim? butwhypieafedithim·' 0 wl-lichrbe h•ndof the Lordh•dfne.ord.inedto m4n;whoart thouth•t dif}uteft\vithGod? be, Act. 4· z8. Againe, the fall ofAa..m Some Diuines perceiuing that this is an was two manner ofwayes,by Godsactiue,or. hard feotence, they goeabour to mitigareitin rather operatiuepermifsion. I. In asmuch as this fort, The mamr,(ay they,orobie&ofprede. the fall was anaCtion: for in God alone we fli»"ti<Jn,U :Jre~t[onitblecreatHre,andthtJt not.fimliue,we mooue,and haueour being. I I. In as plfor•bfoiutelycoftdtred,but p«>'tiy.u itfeO,partmuch as that thisfall was but a barerriall <>f lyasofitJelfe itw.uf.bitlttof•ll : andthereupon his loyaltie toGod, whereby God would, trie Godpreorlli<ining menftom euerl.jling, conftdered both thepower and will ofhis creature. them,notftmply .uhe waoo mal,tthem men., but Tht Jl I. Errour. asthrywmfoch,.,enanmght fall intoftn,anda_ God"y re•fonth•t hedidfore-Jeethe difobedi. g•inebte rttletn"'l by Chrifl, andaftercalledto · tnce offome,or,that they would<ontemneth• Gifthelight ofthe Gojpd. Theejficffnt orfirfl motiHe - --- -, CtUtfl:._