Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1· '4· Lulc,lo. >0, Rorn.S.~ z..Tim,~. '9• .. -'Theorderofthe caufes vJ,to be<adepttd thro•gh lefiu Clmj/ v~to him• A but!" idlememonie,&a/fotheptrfontoftheTri. fllfe,actordmg to t~eg..dpleafim ofhu will. I nttyl~oldbeth~ught lym. Wlmfore thoftaffiiCied Secondly, becln~thc fi:ru,ant$Jl;!fhrillwe "'en, whmSalan•Jfoulteththtnt,·mtif/reJifl him are admonilhed, · . o , 1- '"' Wlththe[ewordt:Depart frcmmeSathan,:h..haft I. Tofightagainfl:aldoubt\ngilf 1 Clif6dence I neuher p.rtm~portion in rh• inhcrirnnceofmy ofour &luation; 'be'Ca'tife it neit~r d~pendeth fo•le, O«<nfe I ambapti:udin the"""'' oftheho– vpc;n w<>,rkes,nor fai~h,but vp?fGeds decree : ly Trinity,•ndfeam I tr~tly madetheSon ifr;; 0 D which is'Immurabl,<. Rewycc t'f.'•I••r namu by_adoptio~. An.~ thefe are the firong weapons, are written intheb,oo~oflife. Wh~Jhafll.<yany . which fo many times; and in fo many wordes, thing to'rhedhargtlfGodsche[en? it-uGodthat . 1 · haue binobicded agaiaflme by D. Andreas, i•ifl'fi;t]?, who jha/1tondemvt? 1))is tc~cheth; ~-';"herby h~ hath go~ten the VI('\orie:but qcthat the ankcr 6\ hope riiufl·bc fixed m that 1 caufe tbts h1s reafon 1s fomewhat mtr(oate I truth acd fiapility .of the immurablc good , wil cxplancitafterthis fon.Firfi,forthepla'ce ple~furcofCod: fothat;tlbeit'p~r faith be fo I ofScni?turewhichhe alleadgerh,namely that tollc~,tsthat m dangeroflhipwracke, ncucrG0 'Dugrwerthenourhtarts:J.!oh.3·20·!tis theler it'mufl: ncoer lioke to the bottqmcr but B:fo far from comfortingao.afflided cofcience, cuen m the midfiofdanger take,~olp VI:'."" re- ~- that it will rath~rdriue him todefpaire. Nei– pcntancea~on a board, ant! fo (eCoue~ It felle, :her doth lob: I. Epifi:+>.Q.·m~l\cment(on of II. ro humble OU( foules vndcr themighty I lt,toeafduch as arein defpaire lhewingvnto hand'OfGod : fqr )l(.•f a~e a• clay in th~ hand themby thatfeutence, t~e_g;,~tncsof Gods ofthepotter.Rom. I1,zo. ThrythroHghmfidcmerc•es;put.rather that he rnighttloereby<uen litieiJrebrok!n •Jf.,b~t thouJlandijt throughf•ith. bru!fe in pieces the hearts~ofproud p.erfons, Be ~ift high mmd;a,b!'tf!ar<. , . ~hen they con!iderthe greatnesofGods mal!!. -To gtue ;;\1 glory to God. z.The!f.~. lcfiy.Andforthe other place, when as a man iJ.IVetoug~ttogiue th,1""<' •lw_ay toqodferyoH 1 doubteth ofhis faluation, and feeleth ~o teftibrethrcn, be/olli4of.t~e Lord, bec••Je fh"' God monies of faith inhimfelle, (for fuch an one h<thfomthtbet.,iiinirig,cbofe~,J.~.I/·t~[fd"ation. 1 we herefpe~keoOwhat comfort, thioke y9u I V. To beare ~rolfes.panendy. Rom 8,>9• can he hauc mthefe words:Mar.I6.t6.Hethat Thofe whichhe k._n~~Pchefore,hee ~.ith'alfoprede/ibeieeNtth,•ndwb•pti%td,jhallbefoucdf For hee nate,to beemade iifl.!iotht iinage •f hil.fonne.lhis wold ratherreafon c6trarily thus.! i~deed_am likenelfe to Chrill, is the beacirig.afflidions. baptized,yeifo~al that I bcleeue not,& there-. Phil;~.1o. That I ""'Yk!!•~ hill', •114.t,hevmue C fore my baptifme is not au,ile~ble, I mull: afhu reforreiJion,•nJthefe~'l?fhip_ofhrrII]JMiineeds be condcmncd.Forthe faying •ns,robe made conforrpable t_o hif deai:h, ( his treatifevpon Ioh.6-!s very true,who fpeaV. To doe ~ood work'es.Eph.o. IO.Weare king ofSimonMagus,faith, Wb<tgooddid itto hi< l!!ork_rmanjhippe cre•ud in Chrift Ief1U to .bt him tobtbapt'"ed! Brag nor tbmfore,faithbee, ,goodworkss~ which Godhath ord4in(d~ thAt we~ thlltthoH art b11ptiz.eli,M though thAt werefoffici~ jhrmldwa'k!inthem. '' ". entfwthee,toinherittheki,ngdlmeofhelfum. A$ I ThusmuchconcetningTheologie. fortheplace of'Paul, Gal. 3• 12. !!hewed 1 A'i'{, EXCELLeN r TREAT./ SEplainelybeftue,howD.v.f•drt..,didvio!ent· ofcomforting fuch,as ue troubled aly wreltit to his purpok. bout their Predcflimrion: , Neither are his reafons taken from theabTa/esnouto/thcfc<'ndanfr.erofM. Be<A,to D., . furdity that would follow, ofmore force,then Andreas, in the a('! oftheir Colloquie at _ the former, albeithe m•keththe efpeciall pil- ..511ompelgart,&c, larsto vnderproppe the trwth of his coufe: V Nkjfe (faith D- Andreas)regmer•twn be.~ For, I prayyou,is God ofle!fetruth, becaufe ai1~aies vnitcdtobapti[mt, andremaineth i." his truth is ,oegled•d & derided of them.that fuch .uarebaptiz•d, howfbouldthttroubledcon;o 1 contemn~ !'.I. Is the ceremony of Baptlfme lfcimceto{thofebe eafeti&comforted, wlio bec••fo: therfore mvam, becauftfome rcfufethe grace 1theyfeele not inth'ijilues •nygood1}11Jtions ofG•ds olfered in Boprifme: qth,crs (ifw!'e may belholy jpzrit,fiadenonoother refxge, butthe Word~ leeu~D -And.)med thatgrace whe they haoe ;Sacrammtt,cJPeciallytheSacramentofB•ptifme! recemed!t? What? Is nor theGofpel ther~- 1 ?{_, lil!l thu remedjwouldbeoffmaaferce'. •xctpt ~~ fore the power o~God ro faluauon, becaufe \' beoppofed againj/ thofe imagmatiOns,whtehthediIS to fuch as beleeue n<>f, the fauour ofdeatn \uell 'ca/leth mtD atra~tbled hc4rt; 1e4 to eternall death? Maynot the Supper ofthe ;tau(htfuch,that G9dUgreaurthenourhe4rt?who Lord,bea pleadge ofGods coueRanr, becaufe l inbapti{mehathnotonelyojfcredvs theatlopuonof fo ma~yabufe.thefe holy !ignes,or(as D. A~<- fennes,but h.rhindoeti bejle~~edthefamcvpon vs: <lrtAI!S of .opmion)_ the very body and blood .u it;,foidbyChrij/, Mark.r6.t6· He that beofour Sau10ur Cht!ll? And that I may reafoo leeuetb,and is bapti>:<:d,lhall be faued. Andby from thatwhtch IS true m thcexpenence ofePaul.Gal.3.27. Yee which are bapuzed,haue uery chdde: canthe Sunnebefatd t~ be withput on Chril\. Da11idbeein,zarmcd with rh: like out hght, becaufe they which arebhnde, and comforrftom hucircmncijion,fearednotto•oyne aUeepe, hauenobene~t ~y thelightthereof; bamll»iththc qiaut qoli•h: & if tht1l!!trt notfo neither fuch as Omt t~eir<les fo clofe that they it muftmedsfollow)tht't B4ptt[mew~enothinge/s~ will not enioy the comfort of the light ? BUt - --· ---- • - - - - amen ft