' ALL I'GNORANT PEOPLE that 'defire tq·be inftrutted. 0 0 RE pe.ple,yoHrmanner u to(Poth vpyo•rJfllles, Mthoughyewere inamoft hAppieeftate : hut .zfthematt8rcometo aiujl trial/, it n;illfall oHt[4rre otherwif"e. Foryo1t leade_"'our liuts ingreat igmrAnce,Mmayappeareby theftyo~rcommonopi– nions whichfolloW; I Thatfaith is amans good meaning, and his good fcruing ofGod. ~ ~atGod is (erued by th<( rehearfing ofthe ten commanden.euts, the Lords Prayer, and the Creede. 3 That ye haue bcleeucd in Chrifr euer Gnce you couldrememb.er. 4 That it is pitil'.that he lhould liue whiclJ doth any I;Vhit doubt ofhis faluation. 5 That none cat~tetl whether he lhall be faued or no certenly : but that all men mull be ofa good bcliefe. ' · ' . 6 Thathowfoeueraman liue, yet if he call vpon God on his death-bed, and fay, Lordhaue ' mercy vponme, and fo goe away like a lambe, neis certainely faued. 7 That ifany be frrangely vilited,he is eithcrtake11 witha planet,or bewitched. 8 That aman may lawfully f'\'eaTe 1 when he f~eakes nothing but the truth , and fwearcs by ·nothingbut that which i• good,as by his faith,ortroth. · , 9 That apreacher is agood man no longerthen he is inthe pulpit.Theythin~a/1li~ themfelues. I o Th1t a manmay repent when he will,becaufc the Script:!lre faith;At wh•t timefoeuer afin. ner doth rr:penthim ofhuftnnes ,&c. ~ 11 That it is aneafr.enhiog eo pleafe Godjthen tqpleafe oor neighbour•. 1 z Thatye can keepe thecommandemems,as well as Godwiil ~:,iue you leaue~ 13 Tbat itis the fafefr todoe in Religion as mofr do•· 14 Thatmerry ballads and bookes, asScoggin, Benis uf Southh•mpton, (7-c. are good to driue away the time, and to re.11ooue heart-qualmes. 15 That ye eau ferue God with all your hearts, and that yewould be foiri-- 'lfc. 16 That a manneede not lleare fo many Sermons,excepthe could fo,low thorn better. I 7 That a man which commerh at no Sermons, may as well bd<eue, as hte which heares all the Sermons in the world. 18 Tharyc know allthe Preacher can tell you. For hce can fay nothing, but that eucry man is a finncr , that we mutt loue our neighbours as our ll:lues, that euery,man mull: bee C.ued by Chril1 : and all this ye can tell as wellas he. 19 That it was a good world,when the old Religion was,becaufe all things were cheape. 20 Thatdrinking and bezeling in the ale- houfe or tauerne, is good fellowlhip, and lhewes a good hinde naturc,and maintaines neighbollrhood. 21 That a man may fweare by the Ma!fe, becaufe itisnothing now, and byr Lady, becaufc 01eeisgone out ofthe Countrey. ' 22 Thateuery man mull be forhimfelfe, and God for vs all. 2 3 That a man may make of his owne whatfoeuer he ~an. ' 24 Thatifa man rcmeltlber to fay his ~raycrs euery morning (though hee neuer vnderftand them) he bath ble!fed himfelfc for all the day following. 25-Tiiat a man..pia](~thwhen he faith the ten commandements, 26 That amaneares hisMakcrinrheSacramcnt. 27 That ifaman be no adulterer, no rhiefe, no murthercr, anddoenoman harme,hee is a right honclt man. 28 Thata man necde not haue any knowledge ofreligion, becaufe he is not bocke-learncd. 29 That one may haue agotldmeaning,when he faith and doth that which,iseuill. 30 That a man may goeto wizza'rds, called wife men, for counfell : becanfc God bath proui– dcd a falue for eucry fore. 3' That ye arc to be excufed in allyourdoinr,s, becaufe the bell: men are finners. p T1atycluue fo fuong afaith in Chrifr,that no euill company can hur_t..<.y_o_u_.---, A- .- Thrft,