Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

tl-8 Of . rufnExpojition them for hisgood, mufl hold them all: andhee :A t.JJermore he is infinite & that diuerswaiei•in" which ho.ldsrhem all in fhewof words,ifhe o- ~ .finite in rime,without;ny beginningandwitli' uerturnebutoneofthemmdced, he ouerrurnes ·out ~nd : mfinite in placeJ becaufe he is euCry the'!' all. . , ·Where,& excluded no wher&.,withinal!-plad:s, . !A-~ame,"bel""''' onethmg, a~d11 h•lm~< and forth?faii places. La£\ly, he is moll holy, ~n ~.?M-or. tb4t, .tsanother.thing! and It contames · that ts,ofmfioit wifedome,mercy,lotte,..good! . m:tthroe pomts or achons ofa bdceuer.I. To nes,&c. andhealoneis rightly.tearm<d moll ' know a thing. I I. To acknowledge the fame. holy, becaufe holineffe is ofthe very n:ituteof I I I. To pur rrull and confidence init. And God himfdfe:wheroas among themollexceiih\his order mull thefe three.actions of fa:th >lent creatures irisorherwife. For the crearore behpplyedto euery article following, which it felfeisone thing,and the holines ofrhecrea· conc•rnes any of theperfons in Trinitie. And ·ttire another thing. Thuswelee what God is this mull be marked as a matter of a fpeciall and to this effed: God defcribes himfelfe to~ moment. For alwayes by adding them to the hh•••hElohim:and P•uldefcribes him ro bee a Erod,J. words!following,wedo apply the article vmo Kiogeuerl•fling,i,.,mort•U,in•ifibil •ndo•ly.,j,ift •·••· our felues inavery comfortable manner. As I B to •hom iuU,e ~tO ho11sHr nudgiiTit}or tNtr. , , t.Tim.r. bele.euein the Father,and doe bekeue that hee I The third point, is touching the number of 1 7· ismy Father: and therefore I put my whole Gods, namely whether there bemere Gods rraftin him,artd fo,ofthe rell. . thenone or no• .An[. Thereisnor,neirhercan Now wee the ob:ell of geaerall , there bee any more Gods then one. Which f'olitlt ,_ which is either God ?rtheChurc~; i~ I pointtheCreede auoucheth, iafaying ,. ~behandlmg of both whrch, I wlll obferuethrs orleeut mGod, notin Gods :andyermoreplainely der.' I. I will fpeakeof themeaningof eucry the Nicene Creede, and 1he Creede of'Arha. artrcle. II. Ofrhedutieswhichwecughno , nafius, bothofthem explainingthewords of !earnerheroby. H J. And laftly;oftheconforheApofl:le• Creede!in this manner l b•l<lue lations which may be gathered thonce. Coni• •ne Goli. Howfoeuer fon\e in for~er rimes cerning God, three things are ro bco confidehaue etionioufiy held , that rwo God~were .red' .And '!irll, by rea!Onof manifeld doub- · 1 the beginningofallthiogs,one ofgood things ctings~har rife in our miods,. it may bedomanthe other ofeuill things:others,th•t there wa; ded; whether therebe aGod! Many reafons one Godi• the old Tellamenc, anotherin rhe might bevfcd torefolue thofe that haue fcru- , new:orhers again,namely theY-"•<inunJ,that -pieofconfcience>otherwaies we are bound ro .C . there were thirty couples of gods: and the beleeue rhar rhore is a God without' all doubheathen people (as .Aut•flirrtreporterh) worting. As forrhe Atheifis which confidently afhipped thirty rhoufand gods: yet we that are nouchthereis no Gdd·, by Gods Law they ,membersofGods Church, mull holdand beought to die the dea;h: nay, rhe earth istoo .Jeeue one God alone,and nomore, Veut.<f. 39· good for fuch to dwell on. MalefJtlours, as pndnjl..,dtbiut.y.& <onfllieri•thilube.rt, th•t theeu'csand.rebels foirheirof!'ence•·hauetheir .JehoJi•h huiJGodioht•otn •b•••, <IIJdvpon the ·reward of death; but rhe offence of thofe, tartbbmtlth:thmisnontother. Eph.+6· One which deny that there isa God,is grearcr: and GoJ,o•ef•itL,.. t b•ptif""'•!fitbe alledged that rhercforedeferuesamollcrue!ldearh. the. Scripture mentioneth many Gods, be- -'Jh.e fecond point follo'."~th, namely, what ca~fe (•)Magillrares_ are calledGo?s, (b)M•- , r h 6 , E>od.JJ f>odrs? Anf.Mof<~ defir:ngto fee Gods face, ~~~scal!ed-A•ro•sGod, (c) thedniellandall • E~oi 1 •o·ll• wasnot permitted but to fee his hinder parts': rdols are called Gods.The anfwer isrhis:They 4,,•• • ·andth~refore no man can bee able to defcribe are riot p'operly or by nature Gods,for in that ',,eo<. · God.byhisnature, butby his effects and prorefpect ther~isone!yone God: but they arefo •·•· l!:.·l .p.erries,onthisorfuchlikemanner: Godis•• rearmed io other rcfpetls. Magillrares are .eifin«fpiiituall,{imp.'e,infinitt,"'cfl holy.Jfay lirll gods, becaufcrhey are Vicegerentsplaced i.n ·ofall,rhar God i&ad e!fcnc~,to (hew,thathe IS P the roome ofrhe true God, to gouerne rherr a rhingabfolutelf fi,bfifling in himfelfe, and by .ii:bie<'ts : Mofis is .A•ronJgod, becaufe he was himfelfe> nor receiuing his being from any ointhe roon:'e o~God to reuealehiswill to .A•- rha•• :A.nd hereio·ho differs from all creatures ron: thedmell:sa god, becaufe the hearts of whaofoeuer, which haue fubfifling and beeing the. wi~kedw?uldgiue the ho.nour vnto him, ,from him alone.' Againe, I fay he is an cffence wh1ch rspecuhar to the euerlmmg God: Idols ' fpiritu1ll, becaufehe isnotanykindeof body, are ca!kd gods,_ ~ecaufe they are fuch mmens I · neirhcr.harh heJrhe pJm of the bodies of men concerts and opmrons,whoelleeme nfthem as 'j ! .erother'creatures butis in nature afpiritingods.TherforeP...lfait:h,~n id11l is m~rhmg in the 1 Cor 8.-4 . uifible, not fubi:a'to anymans fenfeS. r.adde ,'WITI~,th~t is, nothing in n~t~r; fubli~ing, ?r ' • \ I alforrharhe is afimpleeffence, becaofe h:s na.- norhmg 111 refpelt ofthe dru:m•y afcnbed to 1~ ' ture:idmitsnomanerofcompofitionofmar- · Toproceede forward: to belecue m this I. reror Hirmeofpurs. The creatures arecom- 1 one God,is in effctl:rhusmuch:l.To know~nd \ poandedpfdiucrsparrs, and ofvarictieofna· ackn?wl,edgclum as bee hath reuealed hun1 1 ture, but there is uo fuch thing in God :- for fdfemhts word :· II. !o belecueh,mtobe '!'Y whatfocuerthing heis, he is the fame by one God: I! r•. From mr~eheart roput~ll my~e & thefa.mefingu!Jr & indiuifibleeflence. Furaffiance mh1m- To thiS purpofe Chnllfa~th, ,. 1 Tbu '-- ·'