Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

God. vmothe Lord? it washisowne foule, and the A and thus haue fome heretickes thought B eternal! faluation thereof: But what mooues 1 ~deede th<fe m~Q a paufe or diflinCli~n b~~~ htm totrufl Gocl?furely h1.sperfurafiou,whermade, that the name or tideofGod may b ' •-Peq. by heeknewthat God would kecpeit. And fet in the fore-front, as common to all t~~ , 9 , Pmr faith: Ltt th""' th<t (ujferAC~ordmg tothe three perfons following.. For that is tne·very w:ll?fGpd, commrt thur fottln ta hun mWtOda~ Iptent ofthe orderofthis Creede to teadi v in!..,'" '!Intoaf•ithfu/1creator.Lookasone friend to belceue in one God, who is diflina in thre! layeth downe a thmg tobekept o£ another:· fubfiflences or perfons,called the Father'•'the fo mufl a man giue that he hathtothe cu!to· Sonne, and rhe holy Ghof!. And h~erc o'tfds die ofGod;Few-ornone canpratl:ife ~his,and it felfe t<>be_confidered, eu~n oneofthe greatherefore~henanY,emllbefalls them eyther tefl my!tenes0f ourrchgion: namely, that tn booyorm goods,_oranyotherway whatfoGod IS the Fa~her, the Sonne, aud tlie holy euer;then they prclently lh:w themfelues raG-holl:and agame, that the Father-the Sonne· therbeafls then mcn in impatielice. For in and the holy Ghofl are one & th;fame God: profperitic they hadno care to puttheirtrufl Some at the firfl may pofsibly fay, thatthis ihGod,and therefore in aducrfit1c when crof. B cannot fland , becaufi: it is againfl all reafon·' fes come,they are void ofcomfort. But when l . that one fhould be three,or tbree one.The an~ aman hathgrace to ~cleeae,and truftinGod, fweris, that indef:deif one and the fim.ere~ he commits all into Gods hands : and though fpe~ bee kept, it is not pofsible but in diuers all the world fhould perilh, yet bee would not confi~crations and refpects it m~y. And thus be difmaied. And vndoubtedly,ifa-man will rhc Fat-her, th~Sonn<, and theholy Ghofl are be thankfulfor the prcferual!on of hts goods, th1ee,namely m perfoo;and againe they three orof.his life, he mufl 01ew th$: f•m.e by cornare one not in petfon,but in nJtu're.'By nature mittingalhehathinto Gods hands, andfuffi:r ts me.ant, aohing fubfif!Log by it felfe ,:thJtis himfdie to be ruled by him. •. common to many: at rho f<tbflarn:e .of man Now followesthe confolationsandcomconGfling o~body and fdufe comm6n·to all forts which Gods Church~nd children reape \)len,which wecall the hqmanitieofaman, is hereby. Heethaobeleeues tn God, and-takes tbc nacttroofnian·. By perfon is meant, a thing God for his God, may a!lltre bimfelfe offilor e!f,nce fubfif!ing by it fdfe, not commou uation,andofahappy deliueran·ce in all danto mmy,Gut incommunicable:as among men 1 gers and necefsities. Whea God threatned a . thef~ particulars, 'Pmr, /o~q, PA!tl, are called >,Cbr, plaguevpon Ifrael for their Idolatry, good '! c perfons. Ana foin the miflerie of thl:Trini– l4•'7• King -l•Jiu humbled himfel(e before the ;y,tbc,diuine nature is tl\e <;;odbead it fe!fe, Lord his God :and he was fafe all hiS daies. . limply _and. abfolutely eonGdered;& a per!on I ' >.Cbr.J. And fo king Hez..eki•h, when Sen•cbtrib the ; isthar.whiclilll~liflethi~tthatGodhead,asthe •· kingof A(lmrofferedto inuade /ud.h,trufled ' Father,th~ Sonuc, and the holy Gholl:.·,Oralikewife i" the Lord, and prayed vnto hi11, gain~, a peifon is one aud the fame Godhead, and was deliuered: Whereby wee fee if a notabfolutelyc6fidered, but in rotation, & as man puts his whole trufl inGod, he !hall haue !rwete,reflrainedby pel!fonal oreharatfterifli· ;~:::: fecuritie andquietnelfe, as lehofoph4t faidto. call ptopenies:aNheGodheadorGodbegetthe men of Iudah, And our.Sauiour Chri!l: ting is th,e father; Godagaine confidertd not I I Mar.lf• 34. · Hcb•1'·7· whenhee was,·pon the crotfe, and felt the , fimple,but fo far forthas.he is begotteq,is the whole burdcrtof the terrible wrath of God ' · Sonne; and•God proceeding ofthe Father, & voon him, cryed, .ftf1 God, mJ v•d, ,.by i!•ft theSonne, ;the holy Ghofl. And if any nlan thouforf•~mme? And it appearsin'the Epiflle would co(lce~ue in mind rightly the diuine natothe Hebrews,that Chri(b~·otshe..,.dinthAt h.e ture, hee muG: conc.eiue God or the God~ fe•red: whereby we are giuenm vnderfland, head abfolntely; ifany,of the perfons, tlren that ihey fhall neuer bee vtterly forfaken, D he mufl com;eine the fame Godhead relatiue– -thattake God for theirGod. Andking 'D<~uio l ly with perf9nall propert;es! Thus the God· hauing experience oTthis, vfeth moll excelhead conlidcrcd with the proprietyoffather· I /cntfpeechesfor this end, to fhew that th_e 1 hooJ or begetting, is the Fathe.r : and <~>ngmund ofkis comfort w.ts, that God was hts ,. cenung the fame Godhead With rhe propnety 'I God. And it islaid, that DttnJel had no man~ ofgener:it:ion, wee conceiuc the Sonne ;. and 1 Dan,G.>. nero(hurtirtthe Lyons denne: becaufe. bee the Godhead with the proprietie of proccef •· trufledintheLordhisGod.Al\dcontranw•fe l dmg, wee mnctJUe~hc holy Ghofl. Netfuch as diflruf!God,are fnbietl: to allmiferies thcr mull it feemc flrangc to any that wee and iudgements. The Ifraeliies in>.hewildervfe the names ofmmre and pcrfon, to fet , pr 3 t.i8· neCfebebuudmt Cjod,ttndtmjledn9tm huhelpe. forth thts my!tent by; for tney.hau7 bee~e I iJ,!.z. therfortGod'Nt~skj_ndJe-djnJilcob,mu/"PJrathc•me taken vp Pi common confent m toe Pn1 vp9n l{r4d. Rlitiue ~Qurch, a1~d that vpon waightie con... 1 GDd, the father, Almightie.J Some haue ftderat1on, toman1fe~ ~he truch,and to fiop 1' thoughtthatthefewordsare to bee coupled the mouthcs of hmnckes; and they arc 'i 0 the formerwithoutdiflinClion, as if thennot fo vfed againll the prope~ fenfc of the I, Hcb. 1. tleofGodhadbecne proper to the lirfl perScnptnrcs, nay they are t!Jcrem(•) c~ntai- , l· fontlle Father, and Not common tothe rdl:: ned.. Thus· wt:e ke how It comes to pa{fe, Gal. 4• 8. 1. that ' ..