Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Rom~u. ZJ· q8 OfGods Omnipotenc;i~) mne as they haue .<lone, -but become new A vsromakeftxe.peritions; i)ltbeendhq)iueth men, and walkeint~eway to eternalllife. vs areafon.,:Qr.:..motiue t9 iijduce vs to fiand 'l:hirdly,wear.e taught bythe Apo!Ue P••l. vpon, and to.wait for rhe benefits bcfcJre erathat ifwe betodp~any duty ro our brethren, ued1inth<:fe worqs: Tbin• u tl>•kingdom•,rhin• as to releeue them, we muG: do it with chearu thep6"tftr,&c. fulnes : for he laboured) to perfwade the CoSecondly, hence wee learne this comfoq, rinthiansto chearefullliberality, and the reathatall the gatesof ho\llhallne~er be able to fon of his perfwa!ion is, b«a11fo God if •bl• to preuai!e againO: the leaO: member of ChriO:, I mai,c •U gra" •• .b.,,.. tow•rdst}Jt.m. Where ~oenot fay ,they fhall neuer beable to aftault, al(o this duty is taught vs, that fi:cing God is ortempt rhem,forthat may bo , buuhe.x;()l,all omnjp,otent, and therefore able to make vs a- ;Q.euer oucrcpme then\. !'low (will .fpm~ (ay) bound,therefore we mull giue chearefully to may we berefoluedo( this 0 l ~·f~m,Byrea~ : our poore brethren which want. [onof Faith; 'for iF a ChriO:ianman doe beFourthly, whereas there are many in euery leeue that God the F;.tlwr, :and: ChriOJ his pla\'F,w)lich haue liu<d l•mg in their !innes,eSonne, is Almighty,no enemy,!hall euer he a~ uen f;om their cradle; fome in wamonne!fe,.,,;s .bleto preuaile ag•inft him" Si>S.Iohn reafo– fo!lle i1;1 drunkenneffe,fome in fwearing,fo'me ' ncth : Litt/e,&hildren,Je lfr.e-,ofGPJ., "ndb'"~Pin idlene!fe, aad hJCh like: out ofthis place to H<rcome tl,.m, that is,aU.falfe.teachers, .buaoft I.M.H all fuch there is agood lelfon, namely, that egre•teruhi tlr•t,;, inJou(Ch•iil Iefu.sby his houery one ofthem doe now become newmen, •ly fpirit,who is <Sod,arnl tberfor.e Almighty) & repentofall their (ins, foralltheirlife pall:.. th<nb~th.r u in the ll>or/4; that is, the fpirit of Fot mark what Paul faith of the !ewes which Satan:therfore youneed.notto feare. SoDaare cut offfrom ChriO: through vnbcleefe,and uid compareth h,imfelfe to a filly fheepe, and haue continued in hardne!fe \of he~rt, and fatth:Th•ugfo l fhou/d ll>alk!thro•gh th• va~'J of defperJte malice again(\ him,almoll: 16. bunthe jhado'll> •fd<At/J, that i~ ,.a•·i~ werejn the Pf,I,•J, drethyearcs : lf(faith hee) thn abirlenotjliHin /mouth ofthe Ly.on, lyet 1'11>.•~/dfr•r!.•.•ne tuiU: •· vnb•ii•f•,(hq_m•J b,g"fudi• th<iroh•• •gaint: why fo? b.ecatifeche I.oril is with !Urn: th7rod and hisre~fon is this,~~e••fo God u abJ,o ~raft . '( C.ithhe)and·thy]l•ffuomfort m•. the"! inag•i••· . Euen fo,though we ·haue liued • . :rhus much forthe benefits•.Now where• many.yeares·in fin, (and a da~gerouii lasici• faid.thc firi\Perfonjs a Forh~r,(llld alf<> an<) fe¥efidlcafe foca man to hue zo. 30; or 1 ,1/rmghty,IOyne thefctwotogether,and hence to• yearcsynde~thepower ofthe diuell;) yet c !~i!J arifc .fingular bene6.tS> arnl inO:rud:ions. wemull:knetw, tbatifwewillnO:wJfueanew · ~ F.irll:, .whereaswe ar~taughttoconfelfe,that Ilfe, forfall,e ail our!innes, and iutne·to Godj the liri\Yerfonisa F•thl~ Almightit, we;and wem~)lee receiuedto grace, and.b~made a eqtrymanmil!Hearne tobaue experience in bral}Ch>Qf the, true oliue, though wee haue hi!>lfelfo,ofthemighty power ofthisAlmighborne the fruits of thewilde o.Iiue ail our life ty Fatl\c:r.Why,will f<>me'lay,that isnothing, lpng. But fomewill obietl, that•they haueno for the diueUand all th<'4ilnined foules.feele hope ofGods fauour,becaufc th•y haueb)n fo the power ofthe.Aimlghcyi True mdecd:they grieuous ftnners, ;and continued,in them fo feelethepowerofGoo, na(llely, an long. rA•f. But.k11ow it,whoJoeuer thou art, Alll)ighty.Iu9ge condem?iog·them; but they God}sabJe t9graft'the.ein;and Ifthou repent; feele notthe.power of an Almighty Fath'er: bee will receiue thee eo his loue and faudur. this is the point mull: iudeauour This mull: be pbfe'rued ofail, butefpeciaiJy of to haue experience lnourfel\l<S. Paul prayctKi fuch asare .pld·in yeares., and temaineignothatthr God¥{ our Lord ltftu Chrijl the P•ther Eph, 1 ,i 9 ran't without knowfedge 1 they mull: turne to of glory;w•utdgi~• 1Jiflo tk•,ephsfians tht fPirit ·of tf)e Lord by repentahce: otherwife, if they wi(tdornr, to-fu ..hat u tbu.:cudi•g gre~tntffo comi9uc /lillprofane .and.impepit~nt, they D of hupoweri~ (b<m. -which b•l«u•, •ccordi•g /o f\lt;O:kll91'lthi$, . <ha~ the It damoatton comes ' th.• •or!Qng4hPmsg.htyp•~m,whrcforP• wwght pqil:·IJal!,tQmeete.them,and they.toit- .. i• Chrijl. Whichplace fl1uflbee conlidered ~ And rhu~muc;h for rhe duties. Nowfollow for here the Apoll:le would haue v& h~ueiuc~ the >On(olation$ w.hic.h God.-. ~hur'h r~ape a fp<lt~~Qtll manifeO:ation of G,"ds pow;r f:ri from ;hi.!, that Go,d rbl'}iatber·!sJ'lq.•ip"'•'· our &;fyeh like to that whw..bee did:once Firll:,;he woudeofull t>owcro(gqd ferueduo !hew forth in Chti!l:. But how did Chtl[f:fee ll:r~ngthenvs inprayervnto Gq!i: for h~ that and finde the powerof God as h~e was nian ? will PJ•Y t<ttely,, mJtll: onely pray for thofe _Anf.Djuers waies:I. on thecrofie hedJ:ed the thiogs_ for whiqb :hee h~th warrant in Gods lirll: death ; lvhich is the feparatton of bod11i word_: all our prayer$ viult be, madein faitH, and foule: ;md hefuffered the forroweso(the andforamantop~ayinf•ith,itlshard:therefeconddeath. Fo.r in his foule hee bare rhe ro,~a ( (lrengtheo V~ whole wrath ofG?d,and all ~he_pangs ofhe!, ·theV)tigbtie power .of God,, Thi$ was the and after was _buued and laid m the graue, ground and O:ay ofthe leper, whom onr Satil- ,where dear~mumphed outr him forth~ fpace our ChriO: clcnfed:Lord (fai.ijl he) ifth•• wilt, of threedale$. Now m thts extre~m!tteGod I t.houc4n/l m1~o "" cl•••!. And io the Lords did!hewhispower, inthatheeraifed Cbnll: ;pr 0 yer, when our Sauiour ChriO:.hath taught from death to life. And look as his power was ' mani-