Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

The firjl 'Principle. · ~ll:ion. A andbotfy,maybek!ptblamcle!fev;ltothecomming • HAT doell:thon belecue ofourLordle(iuChrijl. concerning God? Thi& 1[try thereforeanduflifie inthe Lord;th:rt .A, There is one God, yehenccfor.~hwalk.!.not ;,A.jther Gentiles waPi£~ in I Eph.4.:7 Creator and Gotternour vanitie oftheir minde. I ofall things, dilHnguifhHauingrheircogitatiolldark._ened,c;-beingfiran- Verfc 1 s ed imo the Father, the $e~sfromthe lifeof God, through igr.ora:JCeth:rt /I ' Son,and t!Jeholy Gholl:. u mthcm,bec.uft ofthe hardne!fe of chm heart. · Proofes ontofthewordofGtid. When the Lordfaw thatthewick!dneffeofman · Gcn 6 1. There1sa God. 1v.ugreatm the earth,andail the tm.-rgmattons of' .f, For tht! innifzble things ofhim, that is:.hi.r eterthethoilghtsofhi&hcart,lJ'treeHilonelycOtinl4aliy. Ro:n.1. nailpowtr0- Godhead, are fimeby the creation of! 3. Through A dams fall. . :o. the warld, beingconfidered~hu r~_irk!s,tothe m- B When:for~, tU by.onemanfinne entredmto the Rom,f• tent~that t hry fhouldbewit?out exc~fe.~euertheW'9rld~anddearJJ by finne~ llnd fo deathwent o:ur I I:, lcffo, he lift not himfe!few&thout Wttnes,Jn that he allmm.for fo m.uch IUallmen hauefinned. dMgood~andt_aue vs rttineftom hermm,•mdftuit4· And fo areb~comc ilaucsof Sathan. Acts 14· fultftttfons,pNingourhettrts~ithfood&gladnes. Wherein in times paft ye wa!k£dacc.ording to E h t. :. 17 ' z, fhisGod 1sone. the(ourfcoftheworld~ andaJterthePmzce th4t p • 1 Cor. S. C~ncerning therefore meatefacrificedto !dolt, r.u!ethinthe ayre,euen theJPirit thatnoJV workt_th 4~ wee k!Jow that an Idol UntJthingin the world: and 1 i?1 thechi!dfmofdifobedience. 3· He ts Creatorofall things.· k!rs offl,f!J •ndblood, bee at(O himfiife lik[wtft that there unoneother God6utone. ! For tU much then, m the childremrere partttIn the begmmng God created theheauen 11nd took$ part with them, thttt hee might deflroy ' Heb."Z.. Gen t.Jt the earth. thronghdeath, himthathadthep(lwer of death; 1+ Thro1rghfanh wee vnderjliiJfd, that the world f .that U~ the dine//. ~cb. I I. =~:;:fo~?r:~o~:.:t:;;t:::;h;~~h::d:~~ C mi:1~t:;~;f;:j:!t;~~=~t:,~;~;hj}';~:~~: ~.Cor+ pe11re. . ri<11u Gof}e~ofChrifl, which istheimttgeqf'God, 4· He is£\Ouernourof.all thmgs. Jbou!dnot Jhme 'Vnt• them. Piou If· The eyes ofthe Lo,-d mmery placebeholdthe 5. And guiltie of erernall damnation. euillandthegood. For d4 n1.1ny a& areofthcwqrk!s ofthe law,are ;. Mat:h. 10 ;o. Yea,&alt thehairesofJ'Mrheads are nnmbred. vndertheCllr{e: for it is written,CurftdUe;ury Gal.3.Io. 5. Difl:ingui01ed imo the Father, the man thatcon:irmeth not in all things, whichaxe Sonnc,and the holy Gholl:. written in the bookJofthelaw,to doethem. And le[UJ!Vh(nhe WM baptizedcamej/raight Lik!wi[c thtn,MbJ theojfenceofone, thefault 1\htth. 3· omofthewater: and foe, th: heauens·were opened cameon all mm to condemnation: Joky the iuflifj- ~~.m·.s. 16. vnto hmJ, & 1ohnfow the(jnnt ofGoddeftendmg ing 1' o~c,the benefit aboundedtoward all men, tr:~ lt'<.; a DOi<eandl>ghu,,g'Vpon htm. the i•flificatwn oflife. I .Atzdloeavou:ecamefromhcaumfa)'ing,This . "' . . Vcrfc I7. is mybdo~ttd Sonne, mwhom I arA well pleifed. The thtrd Pnnctple. For rh:reare threewh~eh beare recordm hea~ D ~Whatmeanesis there for rbee to efcape ~!oh. ! uen,the F<thtr,the Word,andth~holy Gh>JI: and this damnable c!tate? t hefe threeare one. A.I efus Chrirl, the cternlll Sonne ofGod, The fccond Principle. being made man,by his dcarh vp6the Crolfe,– andby his righteoufi1es, hath perfectly alone .Q. What doell: thou beleeue coRcerning by himfdfe accomplilhed all things that are man;and concerning thine owne felfe? needfull for the f<~.luation of mankinde. A. All men arc wholly corrupted with fin I. Cbti!t Iefus the eternall Sonne ofGod. throughAd.tms fall, and fo are becomefiaues Andthe Wordw,u madeflejh,-.nddwelt am?ng ofSttum,a•1dou1ltie ofetcrnalldamnanon. vt,andrveftw thegloryth::rctif,mtheglory of the loll.T.-14 I. All me;arecouuptcd with finne. \ onely begotten(Sonne)ofthe F4ther,fuUof yrace I Rn"'"l. 3 • eAs Jt unmttm, There z.s nonenghtcomJ no and tfltth. '"" 10, not one. I 2· Being made rnarh 1. Theyarcwholly con upted. Far be inno fort too~ the Angels,,bHt he to~ 'The!T. lVow thevery Godofpeacefonf1ific you t hrougb thefi-edc of.Abraham. \IIe-b."Z..t 6 f·t3· out,er I pray God thatyour wholeJlnnt~dfou'c, 3· By his death vponthe Cro{fe. ------A- ; But'