Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

\ ofthe [reede. Creauon t·-t-J ., , ----------------·--------~--------------------------------- J themfeluesto mecte him intl1e way before he A mentsappointed for excellent vfc:s, and fptciOf the cometo iudgemenc.bccaufe he is a Creator,& ally man for the accompli!hment ofhis will. therefore able to bring infinite punilhmentS And rhereforc when•he r<bels againlhhewill vpon them at his pleafure, and to b:ing them ·ofGod,apd by fin puts thecreatures to \yron11 to nothing,as he made them ofnothmg. And ends, hee cannot burmoft grieuoully offend lett!iem.know it whofoeuertheybethargoe God.- , forward in theirfinnes, thatGodrhe Creator And thus much ofthe duties. Now in the Ccorol.owhenfoeuer hee will,can openhell to deuoure rhird placefollow the confolauonsvnto Gods ooos. them: and that he can lhewhimfelfeas mighChurch ap~people.Firll,as Saint Peter faith; ' tie in his iudgements to mans defrrutl:ion, as God U4 Cre4UJHr, 7e.s a (4;th[t-41l CYuttl)ur. The t.l'ct.4. he wasmightyinthebeginning ·ingi~ing vs properties ofa faithfullcreatouraretwo • J. •9· beingwhenwewercoothing. VVheretoreno· Heewillprefcrue his crea.tnre; no man is fi) table is the practife of D••itl, who inures tenderou<r any worke ,.s he rhatmade it, for himfelfetothefeareofGodbyrheconfiderahee cannot a~ide to fee it any way abufed . PCal,tl9 tion ofhiscre:ltion,faying, I am fearef•Uy,and yod therefore being afaithfnll creatour, tcn1~ wo•derfnO; made,&<. · derly Ioue~all,his creatures. So lob rcaf<"neth Lallly, thofe that hane beene impenitent B with God, that hee will pot c•fr him off, belob tc,3 finnersthrough all their Iifepa{t, mult not i:•ufohri~theiOarkt~fhuh.. •s. H. Godwtll onely learncto repent for their linnes; but albeare with hiscreaturt, to fee wht:thcr ir will fo .indeauour to performe obedience vnto !?cc brought to any gooclend .;md vfc. b~fvre Gods word. God is a Creator,and the thing hewill dellroy it. And tovfe thcfqrmer cop~ - created !hould in all refpeCl:s be conformable parifon: the potter will turnt and wor,k the Pfal,n9tohiswiU: for'D••idfaith, Thi~teh•nds hAue flaycuery way ro make a vefli:il vnto his 31· f•.fhi<Jnedmee,4ntlfir_4medmee,giHe me_vnderft•nmmd;bm: ifitframt no way,thenwill hcec"'fi ding therefore th•t I m•J learn• tbr .com.,•ntkit away,& dalh itagainllthe wal.And fo God "''""·And good reafon:forrhereis no man of who created man,lliU prefecuerh i>im, and vanytrade, buthe would faine haue all thathe fethall meanes to make him conformable to makethand deuiferh, to bevfed: butyerfo as hiswill,before hecalt him otf. The Lord did thevfe thereof mull be conformable to the longj?r~ue with men in the old world, roturne willofrhemaker. Forthiscaufeo.N•festhat them from theirwickednelfe: but when nofairhfull feruantofGodfaith, that the people thing wouldierue them, it is faid: ltrepr•itd Gcn 6 ;. oflfracl dealt wrongfully with the Lord: · theLmJthAtbeb•dmade m<mBntbo•rth, And 6 Dcut.J:t. why? for heb.cthcrtAIIdthem, and ,,.DporliBnld re in like manner, if wee which are thecre:lturcs f,6. them:he u theirf•ther ••d be~••ght them:1<1 the) ..- ofGod, !ball rebdl againll,t~is our CrcatOJlt. h•uediflm••urdhimby corrupti»g themfolntJ ,._ it may bee, hewill b:are with vs for a time : 'W4rds himbJ their vice.. Out ifwee continue therein,and doe not lUrnt· All creatures in heauon and earth doe the to him by repentance, hee will bring vpon vs will ofthe Creator,except m>O,and the diuel a final! dellruaioH both in body and foule. and his angels: fortheSunne, the Moone,and Yet I fay, before he doe this, his manner 1s to the Starres, they keep!hat cotirfe which God try all meanes to preferue vs , and rume vs hath appointed them : butman though he bee vnto him:and afterwardifnothing will feruc, bound to doe the will ofGod,becaufe God is then wil he fhew forth his power inmensconhis Creator, yetheerebel<againllhim. The rufion: and therefore it llandsvsin l.and w potter,if in tempering his clay, hee cannot looke vnto it betime. make and frame it according to his minde, at Secondly,Iooke what power the Lord did length he willdalh itinpeeces : fo God,hee manifefr in the creation ofallthings,thefame createth man, not that he !houlddoe his.own power he'both can and willmake manifefr in will,burGods will: and therefore the Lord in theredemptionofmankind• .In the beg!nning his wrath w1ll confoundhuneternally,whofo- D God made all things by his word; and !o lik<- he be that follo":eththe lulls ofhis own \vift he is able llill ro make hy the power of Wlcked heart, and wlll not be brought to be his word, ofa wicked man thlt isdead in fin contormable to Gods will, bu_r goes on in his a true and liuely member of Chrill: which th; rebelllon Wlthoudtay.For th!scaufe !tllands Prophet cf'9 fignifieth when faith' The % .4f. cucryman in hand to yeeld himfelfe plyable Lord thAt CY84tedthe, 1111d{prt<1dthfmt~- :~f:• to Gods will, and toendeauour to obey it by brwJ, htth.r jirmhtth forth thee•rrh, ••d 11,, kceping'agoodconfcience beforeGod,lnd a! h•••dJthmof,&c. ltht Lordh..eut.',dthtt ;, men,andb~ walking faithfully in his calling, righu~•fo•ffi.· T!1is mull not encourage euill ldltheendoeconfuGon.If~ man hauea trade men m the!r w1ckednef!e, but it ftrueth to and other men come u1to h1s lhoppe , and vfe comfort the peo~leofGod, conlxlering that fuch tooles and mfl:ruments as bee there , to rhe fame God wluchonce created them isalwrongends, hee will in no wife brooke it,but foasable_r~ faue them:.nd will !hew hi;ll!e!fe 1. take th~ a~fe 111 great dtfpleafure : .now ~he as m1ght1c mthetr redempt1on> as het w.ts. in world IS as ICwere anopene~ fhop > mwhtch theircreation ofnothing. r, ~od hath fer foorth vnro hts glory and maAnd rhus much of the creaticn in gcnerall. ) 1efry,andthe creatures ofal kinds to be infl:ruNow it followeth,thatwe come eo rht_hand- '---'-- --- N 4 ling