Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

! Creation "ofthe[reede. ofMan. 15 1' ) I to God in righteoufnes & holines. Now.whe- A called, faith, rheywcreflr•ngmjiwn rh• Eph 4 ' 8 therGods image dorh further confifl111 the God. Where by the contrary we maygat!"'r, \ fubflance ofmanS body and foole,odn the f~- that OUF ndt their innCCCilCY hued culties ofboth,thcScripture fpeaks not. Thts the hfe of God, wluch J.S nothmg cls but to l imageofGodhath •· princlpll p1rts: I. Wifeleade alife here on earth, as th?t the crearnre dome,I!.Iioliues.Concermng w1fedome /!•111 fl1all h»t< "'blelfed and >mmedtatc fdlowlh!p faith Put ye on t:;~ newm~n \\Jhich Mcrtat6d in with God;.Which !btxfs in this~that before .tJlC: Coi,J-1• ~.,_,./.age •fter rhe ;"''J' o(him r.hich ".'""d fall ofman,God rcue•led.hirnfelfe in a fpecial him. This wifedome conf>f\s 'in three poltlts : mann~r vnt~ h1m, fu as h>S very body& fuulc I.inthat he knew God his Creator perfeCl:ly': was a temple & <;!welling place of the Crea. for Ad•.,it>his innocencie kne.wGod l'J farre tor. This fellowllrip betwecn.God.and man in forth as it was conuenient f<Sr acreature to his innocency,was made rnani.fdl: in-the famiknow his Creator. l!. He knewGods will fo liar conference which God vow:hfafed to far forrh as it was conuenieo~for him,to lbew man:butlince the f.tll,thfs communion is lofl, his obedience therellnto. Ill. He knew the for man cannot abide the p1efence of God. Wifedome & will ofhis Creator touching the B And therefore when Peter had lilbed al night, particularcreatures: for after Ad•mW'IS creaond caught nothing, our Sauioor bad him ca{t ted,the Lord broght euery cteaturevnto him, downe his net to make a draught~ who did prefenting them vnto'him,as being Lord and fo; but when he faw the greatmultrtudc of fiKing ouer rh<, .that he might giue·namesvnt!' fl1es t~at were taken, at this fight b~holding · them. Whereby it appcares that Ad•mmb1s but as lt were fome fparks oftheglonous mainnocecydid know the naJureofal creatllj'es, ieflie of God in Chrifl, hee f<il downeat his and the wifcdome ofGodjn cre•tingthem;els fe<te, faying,Lorddep•rr fromm•,for l•m•finhe could not haue giuen them fit names :. <\Ad ner. Thefecond point wherein mans dignitie when God brought Eut vntoAd.,., he knew cohlifleth,i<that man was made Lord& King G<n.z, her atthe firfr;and faid, This is"'" bone •fmy ouer all creatures, as Dauidfaith, 7hou haff •J•' bont,andfi'fh of,;Jle(h, fh" jhaO ~t C48td ,.,._ m•de h•m I< h•ue dominion in rhe 'W•'k" of 1hy ma~,&c. The fecond partof Gods image ill hands: and therefore Gog hauing created him man,is holineoand righteouCnes;whichis noinhisi~age, biddeth him, r•i• '""thefijlm •! thing cls butaconformity ofthewill andatfethef••,ouer th• fo'lklles ofthe h•••en,and orttr ""') Cl:ions,&ofthe whole difpo.6tion ofmanboth beAff th.u "!'.'""h vpon rhe Mrth:and aftennrd in body & foul, to the wit ofGod his creator. C he broughtthe!Dall to him, as to a fouerafgne Yetwe mull:remeberthat o.Ad.m in his innO· Lord and King to be named by htrn : aud ancency had a changeable will,fo as he could eifwerably euery creature inhis kind gaue reuctherwil goodor enil:he was created with fuch renceand fubieetion vntn man,before his.fall, libcrty.ofwil,as that he couldindilfcretly wil as vnto their Lord& King. Where bythe way either. And we mufl notthink that the will of wcmufl remember,thatwhen we fee anycroa' tRecreaturewas madcvnchigeablygocod,for. ture that is hurtft1ll andnoifome vnro man;- thatispeculiarto the will ofGod, and hereby, and would rather deuoure then obey him; it isthe creator diflinguilbed from the creature mu(l: putvs in mbd ofour fiooe : for bycrea.. Andheretwothings offerthemfclucs to be tion we were made Lords and Kings ouer ail confidered.The firfl,why the man is called the I creatures, and they durll: not but rcucrcnce& J.Cor,JJ im•g••[God,:md not the woman. An{.,. He is I obey YS: but the rebellion ofman vnro Go£! 7 ' fo called, not becaufc holine!fe andrighteoufis the caufe of the rebellion of.the creature; ne!fe is peculiar to him which is common to vnto vs. The third part of mans dignity by borh: but becaufeGod hath placed more Ott~- creation,is that before his fallhee had a wonward excellencie and dignitie inthe perfon ofI derfull btattry and Maiefly aboue al creatures a man then of a woman. Thcfecond, how D inhis\>ody, wheeuponD••idfaith, the Lord Chrifllbould be called rhe-i""'t' ~[god. An[, hath trowned him withgl•ry••"worjbip. And Coi,J,Jf. He is fo c;alled fot>. f~eciallcanfes. Firfl,boin the renuing of the Couenant with N.. ; Pr.1.s.5. caufe hersofthe fame _fubfrance With t.he FaGod faith.rh•trhedread ••af .. re of mmfL•ilb' Gen,9 :, ther; and therfore rsh1s mofl abfolure 1mage, vp•n•Ocr~ar•w: whioh now though it be bnt and as the author of the Hebrewes faith, The frnal,yetdothit plainly lbewwhat was theglobr;ghtneffiofhisglorie, andtht ingra••• forme of ry and maiefl:y ofmans perfun at the firfl. The Hcb.J,Jo his perfo•· Sec~>noly ~ bccaufe God .bei?g inuifi· fourth dignity ofma~seflate in·innocency, is ble doth mantfefl hrmfelfe mChnfl:, Ill whom thathts labour wa• Without pain or wearines: as in a gla!fe wee may behold the wifedome, iihe hadneuer f.,llen, he lhouid haue!aboured goodne!fe,iuflice,and mercy ofGod. in the garden; but fo, as he lhould neuerhaue The fecond point to bee confidered in the bin wearied therwith.Forwhe AJ•.,wasfal- G:n•l· creationofn.'an, is the dignity ofhis perfon: lcn,Godfaid,inthe["''"' o{1hy f•ceJh•lr rho. w , 9 , for D..,dfatth, Thouh•fl madeh'"'''"'""fi"- thybre•d. Now ifthe pain in labor come after Pt: 1 1,8,f, o;Jr tothe .t.lngtlf,,ndcrownt!dhimwithglor]t~tml as acurfe vpon man forhistran(orefsion then ww{hip~Thisdignity frauds in fom·e points. I. beforehis fall man fe!ctlO paine ;~,his alf:ires. Ablefled commumon Wtth thetrue God: for At>dm thefe foure.thmgs confifleth mansdigP••Ifpeakmg ofthe Gentdes whrchwere not , ntty wh1ch he had mthe creation. '--------~~------~----------------------------~0~------------~o_,_v _____