Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

154 Of God~ ru1nExpojition Pr.ouidence, Fifchly,man was created, thattheremight A f•ithf•liCrwour, that is, God did noto!!ely be away prepared, whereby God might!hew make heauen and earth, and fo lear.e them, as his grace and mercy inthe faluation of fome, Mafons & Carpenters Jeaue hou(es when thty and his iuflice in the deferued damnationof are built: for by his prouidence he doth moll others for their finnes: and in rhe creation of wifely gouerne the f,me. Now rherforelet vs man Gods eternal counfeU begins to come income to fpeakeofGodsprouidence.And lirfl God, to execution. Hereupon it!l:andsvs in hand to of all the queflion offers it felfe eo be confide. proui 1 i:c make confcienceofeuery euill way, being rered, whether there beany prouidenceorno? prooue4. pentane for all our fins pa£1:, and hauing a confor eh~ minds ofmenar~ troubled with many !l:antpurpofe neuer to finne more as we haue doubtings hereof, And ro·make rheque!l:ion done, that by our good conuerfotion here in our ofall doubt, I wiU vfc fourc arguments eo this life,we may hauc a!furice that webeeterconlirme the prouidence ofGod. The lirfl is I. nally chofen tofiluationby the Lord himfelf. the te!l:imony ofthe Scripture,which afcribes Laflly, whereaswehaue learned, that the the euenc ofall particular actions , euen fuch Prct,t6. foule of man is immorca\1, wee are hereby as are in themfelues cafuall, as the c.f/ing of taught totake more care for the foule the for B lots, andfuch like, to the difpofition of God: jj. the bodie. For it cannotbee extinguilbed : which very thing alfo teacherh,rhat euen men When it is condemned,euen then it isalwaies themfelues, inducd with reafon & vnderflanin dying, and can neuer die. Butalas, in this ding, haue need to beg•id<dinall things and Pro.:zo. point thecafe is flat contrary inthe world:for gonorned by God.-and it fecues toconfute ~hofc ,,, men labour all theirliues long to get forrhe that denyGods prouidence. WhJ[•J'ft tho•,O Lt"r.IG,lJ body, bucforthefouletheycare litrleor nol•1•b, •nd fPeqk!f/,0 lfrael, "'Y'"•);, hiddefom lfJ..'}O.!] thing at al ,whether it fink or fwim,go to hearh~· Lord,andmyMdgr11mt up..[l OHfrby my qcdl uen or hell, they refpect nor. This doth apThefecondargumentmaybe taken fromthe .. peare to be true, by the practiCe and behauior order which appeucth in the whole courfe of ofmen on the Lords day :for ifthe number of nature.Firft,to begin with families;there is to ·thofe which come to heare Gods word, were be feene an Eutaxie or feemly order,in which compared with thofe which runne about their fome rule,and fame obey:and the likeis to be worldly wealth& pleafi1re,I feare me thebet· found in townes,_citties, Counrries,a~d Kingter fore wonld be found tobebut alitle haAd- -domes:yea euen m thewhole world,m whi·:h full ro a huge heape,oras a dropto the Ocean all thingsarefo difpofed, that one ferueth for fea,in refped: ofthe other. Butwilt thou go an C the good ofanother, Trees and hearbes, and hundred,miles for rheincreafeof thy wealth, grafle ofc6efield ferue for beafls and cattcll : &delight oftlly body?then thin[\it not much bea!l:s and cattdl fecue for men : the heaueas to go teri tho•fandrnites(ifneedwcr~)tqtake aboue ferue for them which are beneath: and any pames for the good of thy foule , and to a'IJ the creatures which are aboue and beneath getfood{or the fame,it beingeuerla!l:ing. ferue foe Gqd.This argueth,that God i<mo£1: Andthus muchfor theduties.-Notv follow wife~nd iJrouident in orderin? and difpofiug the con!Olations, Although by reafon ofthe all thmgs whatfoeuer. The third argument is 3· fall of man wee can haue but little comfort taken from the confcience fpecially of malenow: yet the Creation doth conlirmethe vnfa.ctours. S~ppofe aman. thatcommits amurfpeakeable prouidence ofGodouer his creader fo dofely,that no man knowes therof,and rures,but efpecially ouer man,inthat the Lord that the party himfelfis free f.·om al the dancreated him che£ixt day: and fo before he was ger ofthelaw: yet !hall he haue hisowncon. made, prepared him aParadifefo~h'isdwelfcience to accufe, vpbraid, &condemnchim, ling place,& all creaturesfor hisv(e and cornyea euen to fright him out of his wit, and to fore. And ifhe were·chus carefullfor vs when giu·e him no more re£1: then he can linde vpon wew.ere not, tberino doubt he will be.much ID theraclieor gybbet. Nowthis accufacion and more carefull for vs.atthis prefent , in which terrour ofconfcicnce, is ne-thing els but the weliue and haue being. Nay, marke-further; fore-runner of another mo£1: terrible iudgefince the fall man eates and drinkesinquantimenc ofGed, who is Lord ofal creatures,and tie a,jreat dcalc which in common.reafon iudgc of all men. And this alfo prooues the !hQt!l rathet.kil him, the turn to the fire>~grh prouidence ofGod. Forifthecon'fcience can 'lnd nouri01mentofhisbody: yet herein doth linde a manout, &Jay his faults ro his charge, the wonderli!ll power of the Crcatour mofi howmuchmore !hall God himfelfe the Creanotably appeare, who bath made mans frotour ofthecon{cience fee and coqfider all his macke as a lymbecke or !l:yll to dige£1: all doings? The fourth and Ja£1: argument is this: 4· me.rcs that are holefome for his nourifhmcnt The prophelies of rhings to come tbould bee andpu:feruation, vncertaine orfalfe, 'if God'gouerned not the Audthusmuohforthe Creation. Now in world.But now confidering things manyycers thefe words, ofb~4uen rende4rth]ismore ago fore·told, cometo pa!fein the fame mal!- to be ynder!l:oodthen the worke of creation, ner, as they were fore-told by the Prophets namely, Gods prouidencc in gouerning all and Apo!l:les: hereby we mu£1: certainely coohPct•of· things created,as he appointeth i1~ his eternal elude, that there is a prouidence of God, ... decree:and therefore Saint Peter Cdth,God i4 tJ whereby all and tuery1hing is gouerned. Againil: