Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

IOfGods___ o/the[reede. Pi·ouidence. i55 0biell \ , Againft the proui~ence of God (undry A ofmen whlchkno":' noc the r~afonof thin~s, anfwe<ed; things bee alleaged. J'he Rrft and lj>eclill IS we~may fay ther9s chance : and fo the fpmt I• thatprouidence and difJrder, co~fufioo and ofliod fpeaks, rtmt 4ndch•nct Cfr»t to them~/. Scd,g J: 1 order.cinot fra.nd,No\y_mth~~v~r14 And agame ~ th:re-cam~ down f1 frufJ· Lu1c.1 0 , there- is nothing blltdifordcr apd confllfion, the ~•mew"J· Now th1s kmdeofchance lS~!'t >'• in (editioM,treafons,confpiracies ~nd fubuerasamll: rhe prouiden~e ofGod,bu.t is ora;~ed lionsofkingdomes; wherealfo:finnea,nd w1c- ~y lt; F<?rthmgs_wluo:;h m r~gard of men..are kedne!fe preuailes•. An,'w. lr)otrqe mdeede caftilll, are.~ertamiY._ki)O~O'),andderermmcd there hath beene confufion in the w~rld euer ~JI God•.Arfme ch~ncf u, w_~en. thlrtgs ~-e fa1d fincethe fallofrnlOand Angels;•ndyar&th or thought to corn~ tO p,ati~_ {Yit/IOllFa.!'y not from God, bur from them alone; who as · qufe ar all.Butthat mu~ be,af1liorredolys as they did at the firltrranfgre!fethe wil of God, aacuertur_nm~ ~hepr_ouJdence ofG~d. _, ·'< fothey do~ what they oan toturne ail vpfide Tlmsfoemg '.'IS plame thac_c?,ere)s •Pl)>9Idowue. Now then confufion and diford<r is, d10nce, let vs m .he 11ext pface fee ,what 1t 1~. only in refpea ofthe diuell &his.inll::uments; Pro.•Menceis a moft free and_powerful! acti~Q. but in regard ofGod, inrhe very m1dft ofall B ofGod, whtreby he hath ~~r.eouer all tl),i~gs confulion thereis order to befom>d, btcaufe tbarare. , . ., _,.' . . . .5~, he can, and doth difpofeirro the glory of his : Pronidei\ce hath twop~rt~, 'k._•o.,hdge ~1'\;\ ownename, and to the good and.faluarion of f..D1!trnm<•t. Gpds knowleqge, is where_by .~.!! Proui. J~nc~d~ lcribcd. Theparts ofit• hischofen as alfo to the confulionof his cuerlu. gsfrom the grearell:to the lea£1: arc maiUinies. ' i'e!l: betore himat al times.As-7.>-tuJd faith,Bt4 , Pfai'.ltH Againe, it may be obiecred, th1t with vu· >yes wiUconfid.r, hu eye-t.ddes "'il/~ry the Chilgodlyand wickedmen all thmg~ go well,and drmofmm. And agline, fiee ,~~b4feth h~.m[elfotCJ · ~~:tl.11 3· cOtrariwifewith the godly allthtngs gohard~ behold th3things that are in t·be he'fUm 4m1 the ly. Forthrough theworld,n0\1~ are m•>re moe•rrb. And the Prophet H•nan' faid id A(4, lefted andmor.c vnder outward mifery then The 'J«ofthe L,-dbehold •P the <arth. AndS. · t_.Chr.•6 they:but ifthere weteany prouidence in God, lam.~s .faitp, Frwm th! b!!~inr~ingof the world God 9. then it !bould beo'therwife ; the godly !hollld ~no>f«h aa hi<_worket. This point hath a double All,>s-<S flouri!h,and the wicked pcri!h. Anj.The convfe,asS.Pmr faith, it inu(t rilqouevs_torfo.ho~ liderationoftheoutward eftate pfmen in the eoi/lqndd.e good: Why, Bec•ofo; faith he, th• ,.Per. 1• world,wasto D4uidanoccafiOofa foretemp.. e1~s of the Lord.-r~ vprm the i11-ft, and hid c~Rnte- 11,11• tation.Forwhen bo faw the wickedto profper C •••ce •f!,•in/1 euliidoert. Secondly,it mufrcomalway, and their richesto increafe, he lltake .) f<>~tall rhofothat labour to keepe a good con- ' foorth and faid, Ctrtmly I haue clu•fid my !(:ience. For ,he eyes of God behold all the ' !.'ta.71·13 htart in 'U•ine, an1 \\'4'(bed m7 lnnds in innocen'J· earth to fbe"' him{eifejlront. with them thAt ~reoj Now ifwee would repel! this temptation, as perfcEJ htart toW<rds him. ·• ,.Ch. 1 6, 9 · l)auidafterwarddid, then wee mull: goe into 9•••rnmem,is rhe feccmd part ofGo4s pro-. verrc •7• the Lor.1.r Santluarywithhim: and learne to be ui.dence, wh.eteby h~~ order~th all ~t'!d refolucd in rh•fc points: I. Thoughthe godly duea~thrhem to good ends. Anl ;r!\iu)l: be be laden with mifcries, yet euen that, by the e~tended to rhe very le•ft thing that is in nea efpeci lllprouidencc ofGod, turnes to their uen or earth, a.~ to thefP 1 irrowes, ~nd t9 oxen, \1~r 5 , 6 gceat good.Forcuery man !i<1re the fall ofAand the hairtl of~ur h,.,ls. And here wee mull 0~,;,_~5• d4m is itaincd with the lothfome contagion of confider two thmg;o, the IUanner ofgoucrne- ·-+. . finne. Now the child ofGod that is truely rement,and the meanes. . ·tOr.,o. gencme, & muft be fellow -heire with Chrift The m~nnerof goriert'imcnt is diuede, acl 0 • ~fter this life in the kingdome ofglory, muft cording·a~ things are good or euill. Ji. good fn thi>lifebe caft into the Lords furnace, that 1 rl)ing is that whichisapprooued ofGod. As . in the ~re ofafAiaio~ he may more and more J D fiyjl:ofalL the(ubfl••ce• ofall creatures, euen be skoured and purmed from the corruption 1 ofthediuels rhemfdues:in wi:om whatfoeuer ofhisnature, and be cil:rangcd from the wic- ! is remaining fince th_dr creation· ;r ~JtC kedne!fe of the world. JI_. The profi>crons: good.Secondly>the qu.,titieJ,qu<liti<~,m•iions. fucceffe ofthe wtcked, their fpotles, thetr re-·1 ~irms, & inclinations ofth.e crea~res in themuenewes,and_ all their honour turnes to their . fcdues cOfiderePwith aJt~cir eui:ms are good. greaterwotmtheend; a.s doth appeare in Ag,lii1eJgood~s~hhcrnatur.dlormorJ.Il.N.a- /obs hillory, and inthe examples ofthe Chal- 1 tur•H, which iscreated by God for the lawful! de:ms,of 'D~tuids enemies, and of Diues and 1 vfe ofman. ;Uoralt, which is agreeable to rh.e L•z .'trm. . ' erern.tlland vnchangeable wifcdom<: ot Cod - Thirdly, it may beobieaed, that me.ny tellealcdillthemoralllaw. . ' thing< to ;>a !le by chance, and 1herefore Now God gouemeth ali gooa,thiilgs two not byGods pmUidence ' becallfe chanc.e aJ]d I wales. Fuft,by fufl•mmg and preferuing them proli!dence cannot ll:and together. vJnj. Wc 1 that they decay not. S;econdly, by muoui>>g mllll:ddhngUI01 between ch•nct&meerch•"<·'· them that they may attaine to the pafticular ~h•nce is; when at>y thing comes to palfe, endsforwhichtheywere feuerafiyorctained. tne caufe thcreofbemg-vnknowne no): fi!nply, For _the quahry and yertues which were plabut 1n refpetl: qfman :and·thercfore mregard~ cedan the Sunne, Moone, Starres ,. Trees, 0 r Plams-;____ 3·