Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

2. Pf2l,,.,, 10. .•. 164 Adams cufnExpojition F~ 1--~--~~~--~~--~~------~---------our felues a thoufand times weaker then .A- A man, becaufc: the fpirituall thraldome vnder damwas? Many men there bee that mingle fin is ofall miferies moflloathfome andburthemfelues with a! companies; tell the ofthe denfome.And in this refpe8: the day ofdeath danger thereof,they will prefently reply, that ihould be vnto vs moll welcome, betaufc it they haue fuch aflrong (,ith that no badde dethvnloofevsfromthismiferableeflate, in companycanhurtthem. Butalas:fillypeople. which wee doe almo(\ nothing but difpkafc Satan bewiccheththem,& makes them to beGod,For this is the grcatefr griefe thatcan be leeue f.,!fi,ood to bee rtuth: they kn9w not to fuch as are indeed the children ofGod, by their miferable eflate. If Ad•m.faithBernard, theirfinnestooffend their mercifulfather.As h•d• downf•Din Paradifo,wh.r jhao \lzee doe rh•t for thofe whichfeele not the weightof their <rec•flfmh totbe dunghiU!Let vstherforeofnatural! guiltinelfe and corruption, but lye ten come to aferlous c6ftderation ofourown· flumbering in the fecurity of their ownc weakenelfe,and follow withal the praClife of hearts,they are therefore the more miferable, 'Dauid,who being priuie to himfelfe touching in thatbeingplunge\! in thegulfeofall mifery his owne corruption, pcayethto Ged in this yet they feelenomifery. ' manner, Knit "'1heart ''thee,0Lord,th.r I"'"! Thus much of the permifsion ofthe fall of f'arerhJ ""'"·Pfal.86.n.Secondly,welearn• B man.Nowwe come to the Couenlt ofgrace: c • hereby abfolurely to fubmit our felues to the Which isnothingelfe, but • cornp•fl m•de be- or"~:::';. authoritie ofGod,.and !imply torefolue our tweene God&m4ntoNChillg rectmciliation~tndlifo felnes, that whatfoeuer hee commaodeth is eorrlaf/ing by Cbrijl. This couenant was lir!l of rightand iufr, though the reafon of it beenot all reoealed & dc!iuered to our lirfl parentsin knowneto vs.For euecondefccnded to liflen the gardenofEden,hnmediatly aftertHeir fa! to the fpeech ofthe Serpent,and without any by God himfelf,in thefe words,Tke foed if the G callingihereafoned with it ofamoll waighty ,..,,.n {b.O br•ifo rhe[erpentsh,.d,& afterward ,;:'•l• matter, and that in the abfence of Adamher it wascootinued& rc>1ewed with a partof .A. head and husband, namely, of the truth and dAms pofleritie, as withAbraha.,, lfo4C, /a. glory Of God: and hereby was brought to c.b,'D••id,&c. butitwasmo(\fullyreuealed doubtofGods word,& fo ouerturned.Thirdand accompliihed at the coo1mingof Chrifl. ly,ifall men byAdams fall bee fuut vp vnder In the Couenant I will confider two things; damnation, there is no caufewhy any of vs thepartiesrcc6ciled,bctweenewhom theco. ihouldftand vponhis birth,richcs,wifedome, uenant is made, and tht foundation thereof. learning,or anyother fuch gifts ofGod:there The panics arc God & man. Godjsthe prin- Pmiet is nothing in vs that is more able to couer our C cipall, and he promifcthrighteoufnes & life couenst>o vilenefieandnakcdnclle, then flg-treeleaues etergallin Chri(\: Managaine binds himfelfe ting. wete able to couertheoffencc of A dam from by Gods grace to bell:eue and to reil vpon the Gods eyes. We are vader thewrath ofGod promifc. Here itmay bedemanded,whyrnan by nantre , and cannGt attaineto euerlafiing is more in the cottenant then Angels. .An[~. lifeofour felues. Wherefore it cloth !land eThe will ofGod in this point is not reuealed, uery one of vs in hand to aoafe ourfduesvnvnle!fe it be becaufe a.gds fell ofthemfelues, t derthemightie hand ofGod, in that wee are not mooued by anyother : but mandid fall by become by our finnes thevery bafe(\ofall the thero.Again,it maybeasked,whetheral man· creatures vro catth,yea Vtterly todefpaire in kind were euer inthe couenanror no? An{w. refpe<t ofourfelues,and withbleeding hearts Weecan not fay that all and eueryman hath to bewaile ourowne cafe.- There is no danger bin and now is in the couenant, butonely that in this:it is thevery way to grace:none can be little part ofma•kinde ,which in all ages hath a liuely member of (;hrift till his confcience bin the Church ofGod,and hath by faith emcoiJdemrie him, and make him quite out of braced the couenant: as P••l plainely auouheart in refpect ofhimfelfe. And the wantof cheth,Ga/at.J.22·The Scripture(faith he)hath thisisthecanft why fofewperceiueany fweet D concludedaDvndrrfin:thar thepromifo ofthe f•ith nelfe or comfort intheGofpel: and why iris •fltfi" Chrif/Jho•ldbegium[notvnto all men] fo little loued andembraced now adaies.Latl:- but to tbmJ th.ct bel(tHe. w;thoHt {11ith nl} m~nctm Heb.Ir. ly,ifall mankindc be ihut vpvndervnbeliefe, pleafi God;and tberefote God nukes no coue- ~. the duty ofeu-:ry man is, to labour in vfing all nant ofreconciliation without faith. Againe, good mcanes whereby we may bee deliuered lince the beginning of the world there hath from this bondage, and to pray to God with beene alwaies a dillin<tion bctweene man & Daaid, Cruu in r»tt4 c/e;cne he•rt, 0 Gtul, t~~td man. Thisappeares in thevery tenourof the renew "'r~~htJPirit withmme. And cry out with words ofthe couenantmadewithour firftpa· Pau/,0 \\~retched m~tnlh~t l4m, whoJlultdtliuer rents, where God faith he will put difference mefrom thU b,dJ ofdeflth I Andwemufi: neuer bttrume the fetd~1 the wrm111n ""dthtftedt oftht Gen. J• be atre!l,till wehaue fome ailitrance in cofdSerpent: meaning by the feedeofthc woman, 11• ·ence, that in Chrirt wee haue freedome from Chrill: with all the Ele8: whom the Father this bondage, & can with the Colofsians gine hath giaen vnto him,who ihall bruife the Setthanks that we are deliuered from the power 1\ peuts head,& trt4d Sat•nv•dertheir feet. Ro. 1 Col,t.7J ofdarkucs, and tranfilted into the kingdome 16. 20. And by thefeedeof the Serpent hee of Chrifr. This ihold be the affection ofcuery meancth wicked men that liue & die in their ~ ----~~--------------------------------------------------------~fi~tn~n~es~,~-----