Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

--~T-h-e-tit 7 le·~~-- o{<th.eQ-r~e~ed;, ------l-.e~~~s.--t-6_7 ____ they are f•ulty tlut thergiue to~ little to the A wemay die vnto linne, and liue vnto rightethint;lignified.For Chnll.muft e1ther bee our ouliJCs, and haue true comfort in terrours of alone and whole Sauiour,orno Sat;iour.Now confcience,andirithe pangs ofdeath.' they make him bu~ hal_fe .a Sdutour '· and Theeuils from which weare faued,are our they ioyne others wtth h1m as ·Nrtnersm ~he owne linnes,in that Chri!lfreeth vs from the wurk oflaluation,when they teach,that_~·tth guilt and the punilhmentand f.mlt ofthem al, Chri!h merits muft bee ioyned our worlis.ef when we belteue. . grace in the matterofiuftification: and wtth· Thus 'much for the meaning of this title Chriftstatisfacl:ion for the wtathofGod,our fef•s• Now follow thevfes whicharifeofit. fatisfaction for the temporal punilhment; and Fir!lofaD , wherea·s we are taught to make when they adde ro Chrifts int~rcefsion,. the confefsiodthat the Son ofGod is Iefus th 1 t intercefsion & patronage ofSamts, efpec1ally is a Sauiour : hence it mull needs folio~ thar ' <!lffidum 0f the Virgin•c..M•rr, whom they call the we artloll in our fefues, !\nd indeedc before . B.M"i"' ~!tn<ofk..uen,the Motherofm<r<J, withal! wecantrudy acknowledge that Chrillisou; ' ~.~~:·• requelling ber,that bJ thu•thorirJ ~f• >rnt?" },•uiour, this conf.:slionmull rieedcis goe bcPont.f. fl>ttrloNid comm•nd her jimne. If thtsdoClnoe B ore,that we are in truth,and therewithall do ' of theirs may!land, Chrill c1nnot bee the fedeourfduesto be mifcrable !inners vnder • onely Sauiour ofmankinde, but eue>y man m the wrath ofGod,vtterly loll in regard ofour ' part fh:ill bdefus to himfelfe. li:lues: for Chrif/ ••me tofoutth.r """ho·a. loft, . But let:vsgoe on yet further _t<>fc:arch the MJt.r8.u.And whenhe talked with thewo fpcciall re:ifon ofthe name, whiCh IS notably man of Cannn, he checkedher and faid, hee fer downe by rhe Angd.Mat.r.21. rhou p,.lt was not fent, bur to the /of/jh«peof the h••fi of (faith he5 ••Rhif """" ltf"!.f-' ·~' fl,•Of•urhu lfr•r~,Mat.I5 ·•4· Chri!l!efus ca:ne topoure peopleft•m theirfim,. _In wh1ch words we may oylemwonr wounds: Chrill came to fer tilem con~der three poin\S: I. Whom the Sonne at liberty \Vhich are in prifon: and to place ofGod'niall f~ue. Ii By what? !H. From them in freedomethat are in bondago.Nowa ·what.? Forth~ flr{b. he lh~ll faue his p_eople, man cannot poure oyleintoa wound before that is the eled:'ofthele.wesand Genuls;and there bea wound.orbefore it be opened &we Eph•f•'J thereforehe r~.e .S~•i•'!" •f "~ b•air. feele the fmartofir. And how can web~ fetat Wemu!lno,the~e:imagme,that Chnllts a Sahb~rtyby Chnll,cxcepcwe fede our ftlues to Al!us primz cattfzor. dinataf.hi (ecundz eaufa:. uiourofall&:e,tle!y· m~,fonftha: 'fere true, be mbondage,:vnder hell,dqth and damnari. then Chri!llhQ4ld make fi,tisfad:wn toGods C onl When the Dif<iplesof<:>hri!l were vpon iollice for all and eqeryl"•ns fins} and Go~s the fea in a greattempell,they cryed,M•fler, Mot,8, !u£lice being fully £lti</iOO, bee Cou\d no~ m {OHI vs, ll>t f''ifl•• 5<> no maR can heartily fay,I 'f• iuiHce coademne any map : naf, all men. beleeue Iefus .ch~1lhobemy Sauiour, befo•e lhould be ble{fed,becauC.: fatisf,;d:!On for lin; hefeele, thatmhimfdfe he is vttcrly loll and and the pardon offinne d;,end qne_vl"'n an•' call a:vay,withouthis help. B'ut after that we other infeparably. Againe, ,if c:;:hnll b~e an p~rce!Ueour felne.<ro bein danger, and to be cffe<'luall Sauiourof all and euYff. parucular ouc~.whelmed in thefeaofthe wrath ofGod man,why is any m•n condemned? It wdl bee then·wecry out with thedifcip!es 1 Lord Iefu; faid,becaufe they will notbeleeue;belilie th~n fau.e vs,we pcnlh. Many Protell•nts in theft mans will mull: ouer-rule Gods will; wh;reas• da.tes h9ld Chnll: to beetheir Sauiour, but it the common ruleofDiuines is, that tho tirfr' ISorielyforinally from the teeth outward and caufe ordereth the fecond. ,. no further: for .they~erenouer touched with The means of faluation by Chri!l are two ; t\1~ fenCe of~hm fpmtuall miferie, that they his merit .I!>. his efficacie. His,,;,,in that by ~·ght fay:With v... ,,! Sh4111t """<o>i(HfQHb:. his obediencetothelaw and by his pafsion,he lo•gt~h vn:ovs :andWlth the Publican f•ns • made a fatisfad:ion for our fins,freed vs from D {tr111er,L•rdbe mtrcifwllio"''· And therfore the death,& reconciled vs vnto God. Some may concluii6 i~ thi!,t!iat ifwe will haue.C!ui!l to obied: , thatthe obedience.and pafsion of be our Sauiour " we mull 'lirll bde<ue that in Chri!l beeil)glongagoeended, cannot be aour fdues we are vtrerly loll; and fomw!l:that !)3n,9.7 Luk,tS, ·3· ble to fauc vs now: bccaufe that which hedid place be vnder!lood where Chrifrfaith he is r<Soo, yeares ago~, may fe~me to be VaJnifhed not fenr,but to the loQ lheep1= ofthe h~ufe of M"·'f·•• and ~orne to nothmg at tbts d~y. Anf'4!er: Ifl Ifrael; that1s, tothofe which in their owne Chn!ls o9ed1~ncebe con,!idered asan aCl10n, fenfe and feehng arelo!hnrhemfe:ues. & his pafsion asabarefuffering,th<:y are both Secondly, ifChrill be aSauiour, then we ended long agoe : yet the value and prit<'ofi m11£l acknowledge him to be fo.But how !hall them before God is cue!lail:ing : a~ in Ad,.7m wed~ this?l.cnf~er, Thus: Aman is taken fall the action ofeatingthe forbid~en fruit is to be :iskiifnll Phy!ition by this that many ended, buttheg~~>lr of his tr.ansgr&ion goes p~tients com<:.vntohim and feek~ for hdp at a!~ ouer mankmde, and contmues (hllenen to Ius hands.And fo lhonld it be with Chrill.BtJt ~Ius houre,& flulldo to the end ofthe world, alas,thocafe isotherwife. Euery man can talk mthofe which il>all be borne hereafter. \he ofChriQ, b4t few acknowledge him to be a<?€Chri!l, is in that he giueshis fpirit Saniour, by fceking to him for thdr faluari. t~mortthe the corrup~ion ofour naturcs,that on, becaufc they iudge themfelues righteous, P 3 and