-----~-:-::1~-:t;~;:::-;--------;:::-~- 117. The title Jln Eipojition Sonne[ · ·' ~.Cor. fOo9• PlsLto~. Zf.with Joh.r•J• J.loh•5• loh.t.t. &s.ss. /"" r8 ro.&l.6, ,.,1:s-•1 l I j•• ' I I I·· L,;I.t,<O loh,t.t. Hcb.r. 3• :z.Cor.l; 3· lohn 17. I ~~~t,lS. ore:,i~e:The childre ofiCrad are faid to haue t A 'cati3n ofthe Godhead.And wher.eas itis'faid te!Tlpted leh01••h: and P••l fatth , _.r.hat hee thatGodisofhimfclfe,iftheriameofGodbe whom they tempted was Chrift. lehosah taken fur the Godhead it' felfc abfoiutelt \I Chrdt. I!. Chnll the Sonne. :9f God is by particular perf~n in the Giidhead it is falfe I nairiec;,(lcdGod;hf.uc&riflisv!ryGod&life Ih. Ohitif. Nbne is greaterthet:God: blJf foun~~d the oar~!' , at11 the fame.is faid of,t confider, it i~ true:but if it be taken for 'ii:n}t 1 et<rn,•tl ~1!. The ·P,t<;>p~rti;~ oh~·e Godhfad the father isgreater th~ Chrifl:;for fo he faith, · are a!Cnbtd vn;o Ht,ll,l:: Fie tsetCJ,nall,bec~ufe ·. T,~e {atb<r is'f.rwertbrn l.A•(rv. Chrifl:ttiere . J h~.t'las !h,en whe~t~<;~e wasno cr~1ture./n.'he fpeakes of htmfelfe as he was aman abafed in Ioh•f,t~ beg•~mng ~·'the ~t'~f:'and.before. ~Otab•m "'"' the forme ofaf~mant: in which refpeel he is i-;lm, 1 He!somntprefen,c, wh~r~ t.#i~. or thre.ear~ ldfethen thefather,who was neuer incarnate gll~he~e4 'to~ither tn·?J; ••":', t~ere •r.l in the ~ndabafed !n ?"r nature. And though Cfjrill: '!''~d!'fl•mongflt[mn.Laftly,he 1$ ommporent, 1 1n refpeel ofhlf natllre aff~med, be inferiour w.b~tjOeuerthmguhe Eather doJh 1 t~efotm doth 1 to the.Father> yet doth it not hinder but that tbe•So1ne.lfo. IV. ne.worke~ofc,earion and j hemay bee eqoall tO him , as he is the fccond prethu·ationareas well>fcribed tothe Sonas 1 perfon in trinitie, or as he is God by one and rh~Father.By him the father madl'thewotld, 1 B the fame Godhead with the Father. IV. Ob, and hee beareth vp all things by his mighti~ iell.Hethati~ tmde ofGod,this ar that is not pol\'cr:and mir'\cles,which are,yorkes "ithe ' God:but Chrillis made ofGod,as P• .i faith aboue·or againfl: :heorder.of. natu~e.peculiaf Chrifl i4 ma.d~ v?" '".' '111ifed•.,,righteotlfon,cy-:. lli~~\::~~~~~r~o;:;~~~~~fe,y~:~~u~~;:, ~1r:·w;.h;~~~~:~;~:~r:~·c:d'~:ad~u~~ ~~or·'· ted, an belctuedm, as God theF~thcr. To I any changeor alteration tn hts perfon : ·but him is gben aname ·at IIPhich eu#y k•ee 'J.th . becaufe in the eternallcounfellofthe Father b11w, ofthings in heAtJen, and thWgsin e~~rth, .cndl 1 hewasfet apart before al timesto execUte rh~ thingi J/mder'thiJt4_rth~~ . . .~ ofrice-ofaMediatour,.tnd was withalJ in time "'A:s'for the r~ifoti& which be~kneadged to called, & as it wereconfecratedand ord.tinod thel:ontrarie,theya,e ofno moment. I. Ob. thereunto in his baptifme: hee is madethere. fl£!· .):oc word of God. cannot be pod; the. fore !nrefpeel ofhis office, butnot in ref?,ect 1~on,~e tsthe wotd ofcbe F~ther:,c,hereforehe, of hts perfon,ornarure. V. Ob~e£1. God hath 1snotyod. An(.The wordtsuk~n two waies: no head, Chnft hath an heod, as 'Paul faith; l'itll';for a{oundihg'IIPdrd,ftandin)loflettersand r God u Chrifls he•d•.An(.God,thac is, the FaI Cor, fyllablesvtteredeither by Godor by the crea· C.ther,is head ofChrift, not as heeis God .ftm. "+ nlres: naw onthis manner Chrift is not'the ply.butas heis God in<4rnat•,ormademanifeft warp ofGod. SecondIy, there is afob,Oanri•O inthe flefh,& in refpetl: ofthe office to which IPord, which is ofthe fub[bnce of him whofe he willinglyabafed himfelfc. VI. ObiefJ. He word it is. And thus Chrillisthe wordofGod which giues vp his kingdome is not God, the Father. And heeis fo tearmed,I.in.refpect Chriftgiues vp hiskingdome.Thi,fairh p,,.t, 1 c .,., 1 ofthe Father: fur as reafon and fpeech bath fo•Obetheend,cohenhe h.rhdtli"mdvp hu k._ing. , 1 , his beginning from the minde, without any dom• to G•d '"'"the F41her,An{. Chrifl: is king palfien in the minde, fo hath hee beginning two waies, as he is God, and as he is Medilfrom the Father. And as the fpeech is in the tour: as heis God. hereigneseternally with /nind, & the mind in the fpe~ch,fothe Fat~er the Father,&.tho holy Ghoft:but as he is Meis'inthe Soune,&rhe Sonne m the,Father. II. dtatour, mthe end of the world, when all the ,fiJr~fpect ofallcre.rures.The Farherdochall companyofthedethre gathered, his kingthing• by the Sonne:by whofe powerful word dome fhall ceafe, not fimp~Y•. but i.n refpeel of the world was·made,~;nowpreferued,&. fhall the outward m•netofad:nuufrratton : forthe be abotifited. ru. In refpetl: of the Church. execution of ciuiU and Ecckfiafticall funcliF6rtheFatherbyhim fptaksvntovsbmhin Dons fhall ceafe. And whereas in the fame the outward n'ini!l:ery ofthe word, & by the place,it is faid that Chrilt fhal be fubiect vnto mfe tS. inward operation ofthe fpirit:and againe,wo God eternally afrerrhe end, it muft be voder. by'him fpeake to the Father. ftood partly in regard of t!Je affu!"ed man. p. It may beobiected thus: God hathno hood, partlymrefpe<'l of.h•s mylhcall bod!e b~.ginning frotn any other; Chri!l: hat~ bethe Church molt netrely toyned vnro htm m gmnmg from the Father: therefore hee1s not heauen. VII. Ob ~eel. The ftrfl borne of ""'7 Rom.8, G6d. An{w. Chritl: mufl: be confidered both ertlfture.and ofm;~~nybrtthren,isa creatu~e,and '9 fn reg1rd ofhis Godhead,and in regard ofhis not God:but Chrifl: isthe lidt.borne ot euery CoL<.t! per'fon:in regard ofhis Godlread,hecame not creature,and ofmany brethren.v1nfw. Hee ts ofaqy bt~t. is ofhimfelfe, as well as the F~ther called the lirft-borne by refemblance orallufi· is:)'et in regardofhis perfon hecis from the on tothe{i,/1-b•rn• m theold teftament: for as g::·:;:; Father, who is abeginning to the rcltof the they were principall heircs haumg double , 6, l'rmcipii'i Ortllrti'>& un::.ms, pcrfons, both in refpect of order (for the p~rtions aUo~ved them ; and the. chtefe or Swpture faith not the holyGhoft, the Son, gouernours or the famtly : fo Chnfl: ts made the Father:but the Father,the Sonne the ho heire ofthe world ; & the head ofGods famlliY Gno!l:) asalfo in refpect ofthe c~mmuni- !ywhichishis Chur~h, ek<'led &. adop~d in I --· ---- him