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Sonne.-. 173 Of Gods ofthe[reede. -------~~~~~~~~~~~~--him. And againc l:eiscalled the fidl- borne of A deede,as heprofelfed hi!"(cife to be ~ eucrycreature,becaufc he was begotten ofthe _ There be fundry fpe.~~all rcafons wherefore fub!lance oi his Father befOre .aoy creature 1t was neceffary that Chnfr fl>Ould bee God. was made and cherforc it is nother< faid that I.Thcre ts none which can be a Sauiour ofbohe was firft created but fir!l begotten. dy and foulc but God. I ••••lam rhe Lord,••d lf•·4J-ll By thcreafons wi1ich haue bin alleadged, bejidu metberei4noS•!•i••r. And.! •m the Lord as alfo by rhe fi 1 fficiencle of the ·comrary arthy GotlftomthtlandofEppt,•nd thmpJal• ~"" Of<-'3·•· guments' it is more then m'anifeO: againfl: all .,, GDd but m,:for there 14 no Sll~iourbefide r»t· hcretiks,that Chri!l isvery God; Y.ct to: !lop. I I. There mull bee a prop~>rtton berwecne the mourhes ofall Athei!ls; and to.fatislie all the finneofntan and thc.pumO>ment oflinne: waueringanddoubting mifldes, I will addc nowtheii_nn~·ofmani~_refpec'tof the offence one reafonfurrhcr. The Gofpel of Saint lobn ofthe nme_!lteof God IS 1nfimt~7m that he 1S was chiefly penned forthi• end, to prooue the tnfimtely dtfpleafed wtth ma~ for the breach DeitieofChri!l: andamongotherarguments ofhts la':": thereforethe p~mlhmem offinne alleadged,thisis one, that Chri!lgaue a refo- _ nm{l be,mfimt~:and hence 1t followerh, that lute and acon!lant tefrimonyofhtmfelfe,thar bee whtch fufrereth the pumlhment beemg· he was the Son ofGod, and very God. Now B man,mu!lwithallbeGod, that the manhood ifany man fl>all fay, that fundry perfonslince by the p~_w.erof~he ~odhead may be fupporthe beginning of the world haue raken vpon ted,thatm fi1ifermg tc may vanqutlh death, & themand tharfalfly, to beGods '. 1anfwer, make a fufli~ieat fatisfac'tion. lii. He ,rhar thatneuer any creature tooke thts utle and mullbeaSamour, mullbeablefir!lto deuuer honourvpon him to bee called God, but t_he m~n from the bondage ofthelt fptmnatl enefearefull iudgertlents of God were vpon htm mtes,oamely,finneand Satan:fecondly, to refor it. [n the <:!late ofrtlansinnocency,the di- !lore theimage ofGod, lofl.byrhe fall of Auell toldour firll: p>rents , rim by eating the tl•m, and ro <?nferre righteoufndfe and life fruit ofthe tree ofknow1edge of good and e. euer!a!lmg; thtrdly,todefend them from hell, uill:they fhould'be as gods knowinggood and death, damnation, theflelh, therliuell, the euilhlow,tltey beleeued him,and affected diworld: fourthly, to giue them full redempti· uine honour:but whatcame ofit?ft1rely -Adam on from all their miferies berh in body and with all his po!leritie is lhut vp fonhisVery foule,and to placethem in eternal! happines; caufe vnder eternall damnation. Her•d likeall Which none can doe, but he which is very wife araied inroyall apparell, and fitting on God. IV· It wasthepleafure <?fGod to thew the iudgemcnt feat, made an oration to the C his incomprehentible goodnefle in this, that men ofTyre& Sidon,who gauea ihowt, fayhis grace lhould nor only be equall to our fin, ing,· The voyce ofqod,•ndnor-ofm•n.Now bebut alfo by many degrees goe beyond it. And caufe he tooke the glory ofGod to himfelfe, ther:ore th: fir!l Atl•mbeingbur a meere man and did not returne it to him to whom it was the fecond Ad•mmull be both God & man: due, immedi,ltely the Ang•ll of the Lord that as. the fecond was more excellent then f'llote him. And fo, if Chri!l hadbeen but a the fir!l, · fo our comfort might be greater in meere man,& not veryGod, as he auouched, our redempttmrby the fecond, then our mifevndoubtedly the hand of God would haue ryanddifcomfortwasbythefallofthclir!l. bcene vpolt him Iikewifc for his confufiog: Hithertowe haue lhewcd,rlr•t Cltri!listi;e butwhen he fuffered for vs, and bare the puSonne ofGod:now let vscomt to the fecond nifhmentdue for our fins, he'mo!l triumphed. point,n~mely,that he is the •nely S~nneofGod. And the tudgctr.ents of God were vpon He· And he ts fo tearmed, becatife he isthe s-onne ~od, Pomim Pil4te, <?4iph.u! and vpotl a~l of:he Father, in afpeciall manner, fo as nO:.. thof< that were enemtes to htm, and to Ius thmg can be the SonofGod ashe is. Angels' Church afrerward,and that partlyinlife,patt· indeede are rearmed the fonnesofGod but lob '· 5 · ly indeath. Wherefore confiderihg God can D that isonely. in refpec't oftheir creation;& all notabtdethar ht~ glory flioutd be giuen ro any that beleeue in Chrift are fonnes of God by creature,and feemg for rlnrc.,fe he rakes readoption, being receiued into the family of uengc onaltthofe that exaltthemfelu~s to be God,whick ishis Church, by rhe merite of gods, it rcmai~esthatthe te!lirtlony Which Chri!l, whereas by nature they were the chilChn(l gaueofbtmfrl~c that he was God, is dren ofwrath. Chri!l alfo as he is man (I fay vnfalltblyrruc, and wtthourall qu<lltonro b< not hts manhood which is a. nature· and no beleeuedot'vs.Aadtoconclude,Iwouldhaue perfon) istheSonneofGod byrhe orace of all the di~els,in hell,- with the cu,f~d orders perfonall vnion_, and no~ by nature or~adopti· of Luc111,s, I orphymns, andArhe1fis what011. La!Uy,Chnft ash~ tsthe fecond pcrfon in foeuer to anf\ver this one point, how it Trinity,thecternall word ofthe Father coecould come to l'aOe , that Chri!l by pubternall and confub!lantilll with him , is alfu ltihmg the doc'tru1e of the _Gofpel, tha~ IS a·s the fonne ofGod.But hew? neither by creaticomrary t? mans rca,fon.,will,a~id affethon,as on,nor_adoptton; norby the verrue of pcrfo. Water to hre, 01oul<! wt.nn~almvfrthe \Vh?le , nallvmon,but by nature; ashe .wasbegottcn worldto become Ius d1fctples , at!<l to glltc ofthe very fub!lance ofthe Father before a!! rhetr hues for htm, vnleff< he were God in- _ worlds: and therefore he is called the proper :1~