Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

174 The tide Jln Expojition So~ ~h·'·'•· and onery begottenSonne ofGod.It may be ob- A we beleeuc that Iefus ChriO: who was to bee l:·m s. ie<'ted on this manner: Ifthe Father begetthe the Sauiour ofmankinde rntO:needs be God. Sonne,hedoth it either willingly '· or againO: what is the reafon hereo'f? furdy becaufe 11~ bs wrll; tfwtlhngly, then the fonts begotten creatnre, no nor all the creaturesin heauen & by thefree-willofthe Father, and no fon by earthwere able to faueone man;fo vile wretnature. Anf. The Father did comt> ched,& miferable is our eO:ate by Ad•:,u fall. I the Sonhrs whole god-head wiOingry without And therfore the Son of God himfclfe pittied conO:ramr,yetnot byhis will, and therfore he o~rdiare,&being kingofheaue & eacth,was ts the Son ofthe Father by na:ur~, "!'by wiN. fame to come fromheauen,and lay downehis It may be furtherfard, that 1(ChnO:bee ~he cro--:ne aud become a feruant, and taking vpSonne ofGod bynature, ashe IS the elfentiall· on h1m our nature,was alfofaine to rake vpon wordof the Father, and byperfonallvaion as him our cafe and condition , and futfer death he is man, then he is not one but two formes. for our fins, which orherwifeeueryoneofvs An[. Asheisb~toneperfon, fo is he butone lhould haue fuffered both in body and foule loune: yernotm oue,butl~ rworefpe<'ts: rwo world wrthout end. To make this moreplain, refpccts make not two rhmss, wbereas one letvs fuppofe fome one that bath committed and the fame thing not altered,but frill rcmai- B anoffence againO:a Prince; and the rrefpalfe ning one,mayadmit fundrJ: refpel'b. . . t<? be fo grieuous,rhar no man canappeafe the 'I Thus much ofthe meaamg ofrh.e third t1kings w.rarh, faueonely the kingsonely fon; tle : now follow the comforts wh1ch may be and wh1ch IS more, the kings fonne himfclfe gatheredhen~e. Whereas ChriO: lefitS ist~e cannot releafe~i~, -:nlelfe h<efuffcr the puSonof God, 1t femes asa means to make tnl· mlhment for hrm In h1s own perfon, whichis ferable and wretched !inners, that are by naduevntothe malefatlour. Now whatis robe ture the children of wrath and damnation, to rhougbtofrhis manseO:are?furelyall men wil be the fonnes ofGod by adoption: asS. 7ohn fay, that heisin a moO:miferable taking and lob,,.,'· teO:ifieth.Now what a benefit this is to bethe that his rrefpalfe is notorious,and fo it i;wirh childe ofGod,no tongue can exprelf<. ChriO: tuery one ofvs by narure,whatfoeuer we are. M faith,Bitf!id •re the peace-makfrs: butwhy are No man could faueour foules, no not all the "• 1• •· irhey blelfed? for(faithhe)theyp!4lbeca0ed the Angels ofheauen, vnlelfethe kingofheaue& fonnes ofGoJ. Whereby he reO:tfieth, that the earth,the onely Son ofGod,had come downe right of adoption is a moO: excellent priuifrom heauen and fulfertd for vs, bearingour !edge; and not w!thoutcaufe. For he which is punilhmenr. Now the confideration ofrhis the child ofGod,isfpirirually allyed to ChriO: c muO: humblevs, & make vs rocaO:downe our and tooilthe Saints and feruants ofGod,both feluesvnder the hand ofGod,for ourfins, and in heauen and earth, hauihg his owne Redeepray continually, that the Lord would fend mer for his elder brother,and all his members fome e/11•[,or other, which mighrfinirethe as his brethren and fiO:ers ; yea,ifwe beGods rockes ofourhearts, that fometeares offGr1\o,!.•r· adopted children, wee arealfo heires, euen row and repentance might gulh out for this heires ofGod, &heires annexed with Chrill. our woeful! mifcry. Well, how great foeucr this prero8atiue is, Secondly,wheras God the Father ofChrill yet few there b' that rightly weighit,& confi· gaue his onely Sontobe our Sauiour, as wee der ofit. Children ofNoble men and Princes muO: be thankful to God for al rhings,fo efpeheires are had in account & reparation of all cially for hisgr~at andvnfpeakeable benefit. men, they arc the very fpeech and wonderof Common blefsmgs ofGod, as meare,drmke, the world. But iris a matter ofno account to health, wealth,and libertie, muO:ar all rimes be the fonnt of God, and fellow-heire with mqouevsro be thankfull, butthis that ChriO: ChriO:. The deareO: feruantsof Gud haue bin Iefusthe onelySon ofGod, redeemed .vs be~ e!icemed but asrheoff-fcouringoftheworld. ing vtterly loO:, this I fay, mull: be the maine And no maruell, for they which are after the D point ofour thankefulnelfe : but alas, mens fle{h ,Cmourrhe things ofthe Relh. Few men hearts are fo frozen in the dregs oftheir fins, bane rheir vnderO:andings inlightened to difthat this duty comes littleinpratlifc now acerne of!itCh fpirituall things asthefe ate, and daies. Whenour Sauiour Chrill cleanfed ten therefore they are littleor nothing reg~rded., there was butoneofthcrhar !erurned A blind man neuer feeing the Sunne, IS not to gme h1m thankes:& thrs IS as truem the le1brought eo wonder at it: and earthly minded profie of the foule, for tho~gh faluation by menneither feeing nor feeling what an excel. ChnO: bee offered vnto vs dally by GodsMIlent thingit isto be the child ofGod, cannot nifiers)yet not oneoften, nay fcarceone ofa be brought to feeke afrer it. But let all fuch as thoufand giuespraifc& thank.sto God, feare God, enterinto aferious conCideration becaufemen take no d.chght mthmgs wh1ch ofthe vnfpe1keable goodne!ieofGod, cornconcerne thekingdome ofheauen,rr.ey thinke toning themfelues in this, that God the Fa· not that they haue needof faluar1_on, neyther thcr hath vouchfafed by his owne Sonne to doe they feele any want ofa Sauwur. But we makerhcmofthevaO'als of Satan to bee his for ollr parts muti learne to fay With D•11id, Pfal.tl6. I owne deare children. ' Wh.,Jh•lll re•der vnto th• Lordfor .a hi& ben,. Now follow the dutieswhich are two:firfi: /iiJ? yea weare to prarlife that whid~ Saloma" ~· '------~--------------------------------------------------------~fi~a~ith,____-