--..,-----,--;-----------;:---;--;;:::-:-·· . The title of the [reede. Lord. Prou. , 3 , faith,MySsnnegiut me thy he.rrt:for we fbould A heare ofrhem:fo 'D•uid faith,Pfal. 39·9· l ""' s6, giue vnto God both body a.'.'d foule u.ltoken d•mbundoptned.,,mymooth,b<e<<'fethou JU/fl ofour thankfulnes for rh,. woderfuU bJdsmg, ir.And againe, Pf<l.I 1 9·' :o. MJ ji<fhtmnhlts thathe hathgiuen his 6nsly S~m~o to.heeour forfe.Areof thre,.mdl ,.mA(r~•dof:h;t.,dgmrnts. Sauiour·and we are tO hol<l th!s.lortruth,that Thirdly, before we vfeany ofGodscrearures they Which are nOt.thankfull for it, let them OrordinanCC$, WCmufifanC'\ifiethlembythe I ('or, fay what they will,they haue no fOundndfe of dir<ftion ofhis word ond b' prayer: the rta' ••.••· graceor power.ofreligion atthe hea,rt. fon is this,becaufe he is Lord ooer all,& ther' And thus much ofthe third title.'L'he (~urth fore from his word we mufiferch direfti6.1o & !all tit!i:,is in thefewo•ds,O~r£ord. Chdfr teach vs, whether we may v!e them or not<& Iefus the only Son of .Goq is our Lord three when & how they are to be vfed~arid fe.<:on<l\: waies: firfl,bycreation, in th>thce made vs ly, wemultpray tohim that he would giue vs ofnothingwhen we wer.e.not. Se~ondly; h< liberty and grace to vfe them ~dghtjn hEI!f is ourLord in the right ofredemp:ton.In for• manner. ·Alfo wee arefo to vferhe creatur•s mertimcs the cuflome hath bin , wherrone is & ordinances ofGod, as being alwaies ready taken prifonerin the field, he that payes his to giue an account of our doings at the day of ranfome fhall become alwaies after hi• Lord: B iudgment:for we vfc that which is the Lord-r, fo Chriflwhenwe were bond!lauesvndcrheI, norour owne;wearc but frewArdsouer them, death, & condemnation, payeth the r.nfome and we mull: come to a reckoning for thefre. ofoar redemption, & freed vs from the bonwardfbip.Halhhou learning? the imploy it to dage Offinne and Satan, and therefore m that rhe glory ofGod, & the good ofthe Church: refpdlhe is our Lord Thirdly,he1s the head boaft oot of it as though it were thine owiJe. of the Church (as the husband is the.wiues Hafithou any other gift or b!dsing of God, head) to rule and gduerne the fame by his beitwifedome,flrcngth.riches,honor,fauor, \Vord and fpirit. And thcreforeinthatrefped or whatfoeuer? then looke thouvfe it fo, as alfo Chrifl is our Lord. , '·' thoumaift bee alwaies re.dy to make a good find thus much forthe meaning. Now folaccount thereofv~toChrift.Laftly,cueryone low the duties: and 'firft qfall,if Chrilt beour mufr in1i1ch maner lead his life in this world, Soueraigne Lord, we mull perfurme abfolute th~tat the day ofdeath, he may with cheere• obediencel'ntohim, .thatis, whatfoeuer hee fulnolfe furrendcr & giue vp his fcule into the commands vs,that mu!> we do.And l fay,abhandsofhis Lord , and fay withSr.uen, Lord Aa, 7• (olute obedience, bc:Caufe Magiftrates; Ma- ?•fm recei"' "'} fo•l•. For confider this with ~·· frers,Rulers,and fathers maycommand,and C thy felfe,thatthy foule is noneofthine owne, mall:be obeyed,yetnotfimply,but fo far forth buthis who hath bought it with a price, and asthatwhichtheycommanddcthagreewith therefore thoumufr foorderand keepe i.tas the word and commandement of God : but thatthoumaifr in good manner refroreit into Chriflswilandwordisrighteoutnelfeitfe!!C, fhe hands ofGod atthe end ofthy life. If a and therefore it is a rule an<! direC'lion of all man Jnould borrowa thi<Jg ofhis neighbour, ouraftions whatfoeuer: and forthis.caufehee and afterward hurt it, and make a fpoile ofit, mufl be abfolutely obeved. Thu.s he requires he wouldbe afbamed to bring itag>ine to the the obedience ofthe moralllaw:but why? beowner in that manner,and ifhe do,the owner Etol.ao. caufchcisth< Lord owrO•d. AndinM•I.c&ie himfelfe willnotreceiueir. Vngodlymenin '• h<ftirh;lftile your Lord,<Phere u myfe.re?And this lifedoe fo fraine theirfoules with finne, Mai,J. 6, againe, we mufr refigne both body andfoule, that they can neuer be able willingly to giue heart,mind,will,affedios,~ the courfe ofour them vp into the hands of God at the day uf woc;le!iuestobe ruled byrhewillofChnfl. death: and ifthey would, yet God accepts He Is Lord not onely of the body, but ofthe them not,hutcaflothcm quit< away.We mull: I fpiritand fouleofmamhe mufl therefore haue therefore labour fo to liue in the world, that homagcofboth.As we adore him by the knee D withaioyful heart at the dayofdeath,we may ofthe body,fomuflthe tl10ughts and the alli:- commend our foules into the hands of our ' dions of our hearts haue their knees alfo to Lord Cbrifl Iefus, who gaue them vntovs. worfhip him, and to fhew their fubie<li<>n to This is a hard thiflg to be done, & he that will his commandements. As for fuch as d0e hold doe ittruly,mufr firfr be alfured ofthe pardon him for their Lord in word, but in the meane ofhisowne fins, which aman C;m neuer haue feafon wilnot indeauour ro'(hew theirloyalty without true & vnfained faith & repenr.nce : in all manner of obedience, they are indeede wherefore while we haue time ;I et vs purge & no bctterthen frarkc rebels. Secondly, wheo 1 cleanfe our foules and bodies that they may by the hand of ~hrifl .frrange iudgemcnts 1 comehomeagainctoGodiogoodpJ,ght. fball come to pailc, as 1t 1s vfuall m ail places I And here all gouernours mufl bee put in continu~lly; we muflfrayour fe!ues wirhout minde that they haue an higher Lord, that murmunng or findmg fault, becaufe he is an they may not opprelfe or dea!e hardly wich abfolute Lord ouer all hiscrearures;all things their inferiours. This is P••IJtcafon, Ephd. are mlushands,andhe maydo with hisownt: 6.9. Tetn~CjJers,birh he,.doe thefome Jbings vmo whatfot:uer he will; and therefore we mufl: ra., IJour ferNants, pnuing 4Way thrtAlning: and k._now ther feare and tremble whenfoeucr we fee or 1 tb4t tHen yo•r m•fler U ,,JfD ifJ he4Min, mither .Q----- iuhere