Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

176 iJ thm r<JP<Ci ofperfonswirhhim.-·Inferiours-a• A nature,not the Father,nor the holy Gholf. • . gainc muft remember to fubmit them!flues Asfor the Father,hecouldnotbeincarnate. totheauthoritieaf~heirgoucrnours,efpecialForro talie fle01 is to be fent ofan other, bur ly of magiftrates. For they are fetouer·vs by the Father cannot be Cent ofany perfon, beourfoueraigne Lord andKing Chrift Iefus, ~ oaufehe is from none. ' Agaiue, if the Father J'<!J•/·f.Uth, Rom.q.t. Let eH<rJfo•Jebefol!itfJ were inqrnate, hoe lbould befatherto him -- ,tHhe hightrpowm: {or there isnopPwerbHt of which is by nature God, andthefonDe of a G,od,&the_pO>>m th•tbeordaipedofqod. iAnd . creatuxe, namely the Virgin M"",], which j agaio~, EpheC6.s. Seroants beobedientto !'"' things cannnotwell ltand. · : '1'14f/m•cc.r.ding tu thefl•JI•, ••dmm• · And the holy Gho!tcould not be incarnate: !,,i~jint,lelieffi ofyo11r heart!, .uvntu {hrifl. . forthen therefuould bee more Sonsthenone i .,~ The c6forrwhich Gods Churchmay reape in the Triuity, namely, the fecond perfonthe fl'cncc,is vc;ry great : for ifChcift be the Lord Sonne ofthe Father, and the third Eerfon the ! of.lords, and our Lord efpecially whomehe holyGhoft,the fonneofthe Vir!!inM•ry. ; h:lth created and redeemed.; we neede noHo It may be obiel'led to thecontrary on this i feare what rhcdiuellorwickedmencan doe manner> Thewhole diuineeffenceisiucar- :,vbto vs. If Chrirt be on our fide,who can be B nate, euery perfonin Trinity is the whole di1 again[[vs? we ueede notfeare!llem that can uine e!fence, therefore euery perfon is incar- ' deftr6!"the,-body and doe no more; but we nate.A•f. The whole Godhead indecde is iumnft ealt oui.,feare on him that is Lord ofbo-, carn•te, yet nor·as itis '•ofolur<i)<cor;fidered, ;Jy.& foule,&can caft both to hfl, M•t.Io.•8· but [Qfar forth as iris relhaiued& limited ro ' ' ;Thusniuchofthefourthtitle Nowfollows theperf•n oftheSonne; aAdto fpeakepro- , Chrirts Jncarnatio11;in thefewords,Conceioed perly,the G udhead irfclfis not incarnate,but lr,theholy Gliofl, &orneofthe Yirgin M4rJ. And the veryperfon of the Sonnt fubfi!ling in the 1 they conti\ one ofthe moft princiGodhead. Atrd though all theper!bnsbe one • pall points ofthe doCtrine ofgodlines,as P«ul and the fame <fience, yet do they really diff<r faith, I Tirrt,3-II 6. Withour contr.ouerjiegr•••u ead>irdm other in regard of the peculiar : the.myflerieo(i[odlinef{t,tllhichis,Godismade,..,_ manner offubfi!ling: and therefore mans na- : oife/1 in thefl•Jh, iujlt{ied ill the n<irit, &c. And ture mayhealfumed ofthe fecond perfun, and I that wee may pro4;ede U) order in handling be not affumed'eitherof the Father or ofthe :hem,I will firft fp<lke ofthe Incarnation ge· hotyGhoft; as in the like cafe the foule ofman nerally,and then after come to the partstheris wholly in the headand wholly in the feete, <>i.ln general! we are to propound three que- c yea wholly in euery parr : aad yet the foule ,nipns, rheanfwering whereof will bee very cannot be f•id tovfe realOn-in the feete or in n<:edfull to the better vnderftanding of the any other parr,bur only in the head. dol'lrine following. Againe,it may be aUeadged, that the incarThe firft que!lionis, Who was incarnate, natio being an outward a~'lion ofGod to rhe or,made man I An{ IN. The fecond perfonin creatureis •or proper to the Son.For the rule · Triniry, the Sonne ofGod alone, a&itis fet is, that all outward atlions of God arc corndown in this 1 .article accordingto theScripmon toall the perfons inTrinity equally. An[. rure-S.lohn faith, Iphn r. 1'4· !'heWord"'"' (•)The incarnation ftands ofrwoal'lions,the , lnchorn•dcflcfl" and the Angelfaith,Luk.I-.31• The firft,is the framing and creating ofthat man- .,;"' ,;. , /;olyont~>hich jiJ•II be borneofthee, 'fh•O bee c•Hcd hood which was tobe a!fumedby the Sonne, munis, the S•• oftbemojl high. And 'P••Ifilirh;ttom.r. otW<>rdofthe Father:•ndthisal'lioniscom- " '"''"' 3•Th"t Chrifl·b{tu '"' Lordw.u m•d.ojthefied monto all the three pertons cqnally: the fe- (."'r"'h": q( A6rah~m 1tecording ta thefiefh. And there bC cond,is the limitmg or thereceiuing of lt mto 1~fi~,~. 0 ti:ndry re2fons, why the fecond perfonlbould the vnity ofany perfon, and inrefpcd of this rather bee incarnate then any other. I. By adion,theworkeofincarnationispeculiarrowhom the Father created all things,and man D the Son.To this p!lrpofc Auguji.Cpeaks, That Au•. in cfpecially;by him,man beingf.illen is to berecrwur.(iidth he)ll>hichthe Y.rgincomeiucdAnd Eu~h• .l detmed, & as I may fay re-created: nowman br~Hghtfo,.tb, thDNghit ;rppn-tlline totheptrfonof L:~u.c,]S wasatthe fitft created of the Father by the tbt Son•l•n<Jtl"'.u it made b1 the ll>hule Trini17: Sonne: aod therefore to be redeemed by him. as when three men weaue one and thefame I I.It was mcfrconucnient,thatthat which is garment,and the f~CiPnd ~mely we:ates it. I the t!fentiall inugeofthe Father,lbould take Thefecond qu21!\on ts, What manner of maAs nature that bee might refrore the image man the SonneofGod was made? Anfw. He . ofGod loll & defaced in man ;bntthefecond was made a proper or p•rticNlar man·, and~ ~~~:::;.; 1 p,r(vnis the e{lcntiallimageofthe FAther, & pn-feEI oravery man.I fay,rhat he was· 1tht:reforc hec: alone muft rake mans nature. cular m:.m,to fhew that he tookt notvnto him I I I 1. It WJs rcquiGtc that th::tt perfon which thegener<~.lforme or ide•ofmans nature conwas by narur.c the Son ofGod,lhouldbemade ceiucd only in mind, nor the common nature the fonncofman, that we which are the Sons 1 ofnu!tas it is cxilting in euery man: but rhe ofman,yca tl1e fot1nes ofwrath,fl1ouldagaine wltole nature ofman, that is, both a, body and ~In ~no j by grace be made the Son• of God: now the ! a reafonable fonle,exirting in one (b)j>articu- 4".~:"· I k_:9_11_d p:_rfou alone is_rhe Sonne of God by _!_Jar Jlibiet'l:. .!_~y furth<r th~t_he was & Is a rru~ ~--------------------------------~------------·="~-----