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Mat.I•20o x. Augutl. cnch.c. 37·39.. .. The of the[reede~ Incarnation. 179 troubled with the very £1medifeafe., he will A the Son. And here wemuftrakehcedoftwo pre!Lntly ihew more compafsion rhernwenty opinions:the firft,is ofthe Anabaptifrswhich others: and fo <.:hrift haumg felt mh1~ owne hold that the f\e!h of Chrifr came down from foule and body the angui1b and the manifold heauen, and paffed through the Virgin M4rJ perplexities that we feele in our.temptations as through a pipe,withonttaking any fubflace & aff\idions,hath h1s bowels as1t were yearfrom her :the places which rhey alleadgi: for ning towards vs, enermore being preft and · the pu.pofe,are manifdHy abufed;For wherready tl) releenevs in all oar miferies. In the as Chrifl fakh ofhimfelfe, loh·3·'3· th.1t he daies ofhisf\efh, heewcptouerHierufJlem defcendedfomh«u<~, hisfpe<ch mnftbe vnwhen he faw it afarte off, becaufe lhe contidHfloE?d in refped ofhis godhead,whichmay nned In her old finnes, and did not knzw the bt faid in fome fortto defcend, in that it was timeofhcrvifitation :and no doubt, though made rnanifcfl in the manhood here vpon now he be exalted in glory in heauen, yet his earth.And whereas PaH/calleth him hw,nly, eempafsion to his poore members vpon earth ••d the Lordfom hf•~~t•,- it is not in refpec:'t of is no whit diininilhed. thdubftai1ceofhis body,but in refpec:'t ofhis Now wecome to fpeaJ:::e ofthe Incarnation glorious qualities which he recduod after his moreparticularly :and the Creed yet further B refurrec:'tton. The other opinion is ofthe Paexprefle:h it bytwo parts;the lirft,is the conpifts, that hold the bread in the Sacr.ment to ception of Chrifr intnefe words, Con<eiuuJbJ bee turned ft,bf!anri•lly into the body of the l»lyqho{l: thefecond, i·; his birth, in the Chrifr: which thing ifit betrue, thenrhe bowords following,B.r~eof the f"i,gin M•ry. dy of Chri!t is made ofbread kneaded and The conceptiqn ofChrifr is let down with tempered by the ha>1d of the baker, and not his efficient canfe,the holy Ghofr,asrhe angel ofthe fub!tancc of the Virginc.ft'•'l· faid tolufeph, Fearenotto take M"J forthy As forthe mannerofthe making and frawife, {oNhat which UconceiHed in her, U·oft.he ming of the humane nature ofChtift, it was ho/1 Ghofl. Here it rn~ybedemanded,why the miraculous; not by generation according to conceptionofChrifllhould be a!Cribed to the the ordinary conrfe of mrure; ~ut by an 'ex. holy Ghoftalone,whichis common ro all the traordinary operation of the holy GhOft aperfons in Trinity,as aUother fuch adiosarel bone natureand for this caufe, it is not withAnf.Itis notdone to exclude the Fathe.-orthe in thecompal\e ofmans reafon,<iti>erto.con Son him!Life from this worke; but to fignifie ceiue or to exprefle the mJnner and order of that it comes ofthe free gift & grace of God ';hisconception.The Angel •fcribes twoac:'ti- (which commonly is rearmed by the Holy c onsto the holy Ghofl:in this great worke,the Ghoft) that the manhoodefChri~ being but one to<omevpon theV~rgm M"], the otherto a creature, lhould be adoancod to this digniouerjh.J."' her: by the firG is fignified theexty,that it !hGuld become a part of the Sonne traet;dinary work ot the holy Gnofl,in [rlhio1 ofGod. And againe,rhe holy Ghoft is the anoing the hum~ne nature of Chrifr, for fo thorofhis conception in aJpeciall maner:for much the pbrafe(•)elfewhere importerh.The the Father al!d the Sonnedid caufc J.t by the fe.cond rignifieth,thatthe holy Ghofr did asit I holy Ghoft from them both immediatdy. were(b)cafl acloud ouer her, to teachvs,chat Intheconreptionof Chrifl weemufl:obwefhouldnotfearchouermuch into themyfcrue and con!ider three things: The framing ftery ofthe lncarn 1~on. . ofthe manhood,the fandifying ofit, and the Itmay be obiected againfl thiswhichhath perfonall vnion of the manhood with the bin faid, that ifChrift be in this manner conGodhead. And howfoeuer I diflingui!h thefe ceiuedby the holyGhofl:, then the H. Ghof! three for orders fake,yet mufl wee know and !hall be Fatherto Chrifr, and Chrill hisSon. remember, that they are all wrought at one An[. The reaIOn is not good rfor he that-is a and the fJrnc infrant of time. For when the father, is not a bare efficient caufe, bnt on;: holy Ghofl frames and fandifies the man- D which in the eff,c:'ting of any thing conferres hood 111 the wornbe ofthe V rrgm; at the very the matter vnto it from hlmfelfe whereof ir fame moment it is receiued int<>the vnity of fhall be made. Now the holy Ghoft did not the fecond perfon. minifler any matt« vnto Chrill from his own _In the framing of Chri!l:s manhood two fi1bftance, butdid onely as ir were, take the :lungs mufl be confidercd,the m.uer, and the ma{fe and lump ofmans nature from the bom•nner. The matter ofhis body was the very cly ofthe V irgi11 M•'Y· and without erclinary flo_!hand blood ofthe Vtrgm VU•'} , othergener.\tionmade it the body ofChrifr,asB•[il w1fe. hee couldnot haue beene th: fo~ne of faith,Chr•/i w.u con&eiMrd mt ~1 the[HhjJance,bt,t \ DaHtd,of Abraba'".' and A~4m ac-::ordmg. to •f thepower, not b.J"n' ~emration, 616t bytb.tdlp.. I the AeG1. As f0r h1s foule, !t was-not deriued poin~"""'•nd benedilJionofthe holyqhoft. ' from the foule of the Vrrgm cMar1 as a pm 1he.fecond pomt nHhe conception, is the thereof, bllt 1t was. made as t~e foujes ofall ofandttymg ofthat maHe or lumpe wtich wa& ther men be; that 1s, of notmng: by the very to be the manhood of C:hrifl. And that was power ofGod, and the body_: ·both done vpon fpeciall caufe:firfr,that it might be ofthem from the firfl:momentof thetr bee· 1oyned to the perfonoftheSon, ll'hich could ~~, h.rumg the.r §bftancc_m the perfon of not haue beene, ifi~had bin defiled wid\ fin. --- --------· o,__ 3 SecoidlJ: 'luci.J4• · .. . b1\1!,1 8. Luk.:4.4 Se-rmon. de– uuic.