Vi(cus Matthi· ol. The ofthe [reede. . - . ncarnat10n. t81 the fecond perfon rhe Sonne of God cloth af- A Th~ fourth pointis,whether there remaine fume vnro it a manhood m fuch order, that tt any dtf!ercnceordmerfity ofrbe two natures being void of all perfonall beeing in it felfe, after that the vnionis made.Anflhetwo na doth wholly and onely fubfifr in the fame pertures concurring make nor the ptrfon of the fon.As rheplantcalled MiJ[ell orofltif[cltohafonne to b!' compounded properly, but onl} uingnoroote ofhis owne, both growesand by analogte, for as bodte andfonlc make one Iiuesin the frocke or body ofthe Oke or fome man, fo God and man make one Chnfr: netother tree : fo the humaae mrure haoing no ther arc they turned one into another , the proper fubfifrance,is,as it were,ingrafted into ~odhead intothe manhood, or the manhood thcperfon ofthe Soone,and is whollyfupporm:o the Godhead, as water was turned tnto red and ftt!tained by it fo ,as itfhould not bee wme at Cana mGahlc:.netthcr are rhey.con. at all, ifit were nor fufrainedin that manner. fufed and mmgled togtthcr as mcates tn the And for the bettervnderfriidingofthis point, fromackc: bttt they now arc, and fo rcmainc we mufrconfider, that there be fouredegteeo without com~ofition,conue!fion,or confultofrlte prcfcnce of God inhis creatures. The o~, really dlfrtnct, and that m three refpects. firfr,is hisgencrall prefeace,and it may becalFufr,m regard ofelfcnce. Forthe godhead of led theprcfmcc ofhi< prouidmce, whereby hee B Chnfr1s the godhead,and cannot be_the n;at~- preferuerhthe fubil:anccs ofall creatures, and hood : and agame, the manhoodot Chnil: IS All. 11 , ~iuerhvnro them ro liuc,mooue, and haue bethe manhood,andn~t the godhead. Second- 's. mg; and r~is extendeth it felfe to all creatures ly' they are dtfr111guilhed m propncctes: the Damaf. l.J.Cap.6. Cypr. in Symbol. good and bad. 1he fecond degree,is thepregodhead is.mofr wifc,iu!t, mercifull,omuipo- [{ence if grace, whereby he cloth noronely pre- .:ent:l:'eaWife~ome, tulbce,mercy,and power ferue the fubllances pfall his creatures, but lt fclte:-and fo lS nor the manhood,aeirher can alfo gitrerlt grace vttto it: and this agreerh rd It be. Agame,Chnll as he is God bath his will the Church and people of God vpon earth. eternal!,and vncre ,red, which is all one with The third degrce,is rheprefonceofglory,pecuthe Will of the Father and the holy Gholl. liar to the Saints and Angelsiin heauen: and An~as he IS man he harh another will created this frands in three things: for God noronely 111.n~e, .and placed in his reafonablc foulc, & preferues their fubfrances, and giues them thts Chn(t fit;ntfieth when ~cc faith, Not my plentie ofltisgrace, butalfo admits them inw•ll,bu~ thy w~/1 be Thtrdly, they aredi- "'• to hi• glorious prefence, [o as tney may b~- frml'l: 111 their actions or operations; which hold his maie!ty face ro face. The fourth and though they goe roguhcr in~parably in the lafr, is that,whereby the Godhead ofthe Son C worke ofredemptton;yetthe~mu!t in no wife Isprefent, & dwels with and inthe manhood be confounded, but dl(bngu!lhed ao r' e na. giuing vnto itin fame parthis own fub!ifiace: ruresthemfeluesare,Chrififaith of himfelfe;/ Whereby itcomestopalfe, that d1is manhond ha He fO"'" to I"] dtrMJ<~»J life, ~tr~d I ha He power lohn 1o,' alfumedts proper to the Son,& cannot be the to.ra<t, ltvp '\e"ame:&hereby he fhewcsthedi- ,c. manhood ofthe Father,orofthe H.Ghofr, or frmc:'tionsofoperationin his two harures.For ofany crearurewhatfoeuer.Andthisis a thing to laydowne his life is an al'l:ion ofthe man. fo admirable and fo vnfpeakeable,rhatamong: • hood, becaufeth< Godhead cannotdie: and all rheworkes of God rherecannorbefound • ~ rotakeitvpagaine ischeworkeofthe Godan other example hereof in all the world. head alone, whkh revnites the f>i>ule ro the Hence itfollowesnecelfarily, rhatthemanbodie after death. hood ofChri(tconfifiing of body and reafoThe fifth andlafr point is, Whatarifcrh of • nablefouk, isanatureonely and notaperftn: this vniou? An[. By reafon ofthis hypofiaribccaufc it dothnot fubufr alone,as other men, call vnion, though the Godhead receiue no- 'Peter, Pm,!, Johndoe: bntwholly depends on thing from the manhood, yetthe manhood it thep~rfonofthe word, into rhevnity wherefelfc,which is afiumcd, is thereby perfected& oftt 1srecciucd. D enriched with vntpeakeable dignity. For lirfi The third point, is in what order the diuinc ofall,it i•exaltcdaboueall creatures wharfo. and humane nature of Chri!lare voitedrogceuer, euen Angels themfclues, in thatit bath ther. Anfiv. ThccommouconfenrofDiuihes fubfifrance in the fecond pcrfon in Trinity. 1s, that, albcttall th~parts ofthe manhood& Secondly,, togerhe~ with the godhead ofthe rhe godhead of Chnfr bee vntted at one tnfonue, ttlS adored & ;~orthtpped w11hdiuine fi.ant; yet in rcfpcd: oforder hee vnites vmo honour, as in like cafe till::: honour done to the hHn{clfe firfi and immediately the foulc, & by King himfelfe, redounds to thecrowne on his the foulethe body. Ancl irfee:nesvnmeet, head. Thirdly, byre,fonofthisvnion the :hat God beingamofi fimpledlc"ce, lhould godhead of Chri1t w<;>rkes all things i~ the Immediately be ioyccd to a compound bod~: matter ofour redc'!'ption, in and by roe manand therefore It may well bee fud that hee ts hood. Andhcteupo the flcth ofChriO: though vnited vnro it by the more fimple part of it profit norhingofit felfe, yerby r.he venue man,which is the foule. Againe, the manhood which irreceiuerh from that per!o ro which it ofChntl: ts firfi& imme<liaoely ioyned to the 1 . is is q"ick!fingflefh,& thebreadoflife. pcrfon ofrbc himfelfe, and by the perAgainc, from this vnionofnvo natures jnro f01:~o rhe_sjodhead ofthe fonne. one perfon,.3.':!!<rh a kind offpeechor p~rafe Ioh,.S.Jf. Q.....4 peculiar