Luke 2., 10. vttfe n, Hier, ep. ad Bu1gr. Math.t::. :n. Ioh. r. 4f· &6.41• ~u\1:.4,1.1. I I Luk.r.JS I I I )'r'•'•'•· The .. ' An Expofition Incarnation. blrlfed woman: butif!he had nor as well con• A<fh•8 co•ceiue•wdbe.tTe •fo""<: according cdued Chrill: in her heart, as!bee did in her amwas foretold by Godin the firlt giuing of wombe,fheeh•dootbinfaued, and no more thepromife, Thefeedeofthe'Wom4n, not the Gen.J•r can we vnlelfewc doe the fame. • feedeofthe man, !hall bruife the fetpents Thebitthof Chrilttothem that haue touhead. Now the Iewestoelude the molt pregched hearts,isthecomfortofcomforts,& the nam te!Hmony oftheProphet, fay, that .Aim• fweetelt baulme of confeltion that euerwas. 6g~iiies not a virgin, but a young woman Behold, fay the Angels to the fhcpheards, "' wh1ch bath knowne a man. Butthis is indeed briRg tidiRgsofgrw ioJ rh•tfo•U bee ,..upeoplt: a forgery. For Ef41 there fpeakes ofan extrabut wherein ltands theioy?they adde further, ordinary worke ofGod aboue natHtc wherevnto J~H this d"J Uborne in the eityD.fDANid If S4~ as for awoman hauiog knowne mat;to conuiour,,.hich u Chrij1 theL~rd. And no matucil: ceiue, is no wonder. And the word <.Aim• for in that birthis manifelted the good will of: 1 · through the whole Bible is taken for a virgin: Gen.z,, God to man, and by it welhaue peace, firft, as by a !Jarticularfearchwill appeore. ' 6 • r: fc I Elod.z.s withGod; fecondly,with ouneluesin con ciAs.M•ry conceiued a virgm, fo itmay be ence: thirdly,withthegood An~:cl?ofGod: well thought that fheeconrinued a vtrgin to fourthly,with our encmies:lalt!y,with all the i B the end,though wee make it no article ofOllf Creatures. Fur this cauft: the A1gels, faith. When ~hrilt wasvponthe crolfc, he Pet~ce•ne•rth,g,od'WiUtDWtlrdsmm. commended h1s mother to the cufl::odic of . In the !aft placethe Creede notesvntovs lohn; which probably argucth that fbe had no loh.r9o the parent or mother ofChrilt,rhe11irgmM4child to whofe care and keeping !he mig~tbe ' 7 ' rie. And here at the very firlt it may bee decommended. And though Chrill bee called manded, how he could bane either flther or her firltbome, yet dothitnotfoJJow that !he mother; becaufe he was figured by Mekhifthad any children after him:for as that is called dech who had neither father nor mother. !aftafter which thereis none, fo that is called An[. Melchijed"h is [;id tobe withoutfather the firlt before which there werenoac.And as and mother, not becanfehechad none at all: for lofoph,when he was efpoufed to MAr], he Epiph,l. for according to the auncient and rcceiucd owas a man ofeighty yearcs old. pinion, it is very likely that he was Seno the And here we haue an occafion topraifethe fo1711e ofNo<,but becaufe where heismentiowifedoRlC ofGod,in the forming ofman.The ned vnder this name of Melch•fed"h in the lirlt man .Ad•, was borne ofno man; butim- '4· chapter of Genefis there is no mention mediatelycreatcdofGod :thefecond, thatis rnJde of father or mother: andfo Chrilt in c Ev•,isformed not ofa woman, but ofa man fome fort i• without fatheror mother; .u he is alone:thr third and allafter,bcgotten both <>f man,he hath oo father ; .u he i; God,hee bath woman and man: the fourth, that is Chrift, no moth(:,-. And whereas Chrift is called the God andman,notofnoma~a. .Adcm, not of Sonne ofJo{eph, it was nor becaufe he was beno woman as E11e; not ofmao and woman as gotten of him, but becaule l•foph was his rewe: butafreu new maner,ofa woman withputed father:or whichi.i atore,becaufehe was out aman he is conceiued and borne. a legal father,mmdyaccording to the Iewes: And here•pon our dutyis not to defpife in that (as fundry diuinesthinke) bee was the but highly to reuerence thevirginc M"J,~ next ofhL• kinne,and thereforetofucc~edhim beemg the mother ofthe Sonne of God, (•) •!.uk, r, ashis lawful! heire. apropheteOC: vpon earth, a Saint in heauen. <8. Vl-fArJ became the motherof Chrilt by a And we doewillingly condefcend to giue her kind ofcalling thcrto, which was by an extrahonour three waies; firll:, by thankfgiuing to ordinarie melfage ofan Angel concerning the God for her, fecoadly, by" reuerent eltimaticonccption and birth of Chrilt ioand by her: on ofher, thirdly, byimitation of her excelto which c1lling and me!Tage !bee condefcen- , lent vertues~ yet farce bee it from vs to adore ded, faying. Beoold th< h•nd.,.id•{the Lord, 6e D her w!thdmme honour, by prayer tocallvpit "JntQ Mt a~cordi11g to thy \t1ord. And hereupon onher, as though ilie knewour hearts, and !beeconceiued by the holyGhoft. This being heard our requelts,and to place her in heauen fo, iris more then fen!lclfe folly toturnethe asa ~ene abouethe Sonne ofGod. falutation ofthe angel,H•il<freely b,/,.,d,(j-c. The nameofthe mother ofChtilt is added, into a prayer. For it is as much as ifwe !hould to!hew that he came ofthe Image ofD••id, frill Cl!Iherto become a mother ofChrift. and tha~therefore he was the true Mefsiasbe· And !he mult be held to beethe mother of forefpokenof. It may be obiclted, that both whole Chri(\ Gooi and man,andthereforethe M•""'"' and L•~e fer downe the genealogy ancient Church hath called her the mother of of lofoph, of whom Cluilt was not• .-1n[w. God,yet not the mother ofthe godhead. <.M•tthew fets down indeed in Chrilts geneaFurthermore., the mother ofChrilt i• delogy, the naturall de{cent of lofiph the husfcribed by her qualiric; • •Jirgin, and by het band of.ftl•ry, hauing J.robfor his natura!l name,M••J.She was avirgin,firlt,that Chtilt father: but Luk_etakmganothercourfe, promight bee conceiued without finne and be a pounds the natural! defcent of·JI:f<rJ the moped(:Cl Sauiour: fecondly, that the faying of ther ofChrift : and when he fatth t~at lofiph the prophet ef"J might be fulfilled, Behold • was the fonneof Eli, bee meanes ot a leg~ - -· ---- --- fonnc