I I jAphric.. l;:b:t~~- ma{.ttb. 'f.. c.tS• Deut.lS• ,,6. Man.u.. 2nd Luk ].t.i. The ofib~[7e~ - Tn;;rnation. 185/ fonne. For fonries and daughters in ia\V, arc: A on saint ~tthewomitr-:ch thr~~ kingsofIucalledfonnes and daughterS to their farhcrS dah, AcJJtCz..~•h, /otCJ_.ancl Am1z..illh: whereas andmorhersinlaw: Mary herfclfe and not neuerthelefie hainous offcndoursrhat repen- /ofipb becing the naru.rall daughter of e/i. red are mentioned, as Ruth andTfwn. .r,and Artd whereas Lu~e dorh plaincly fay, that BA<bjluJb•: · , 1 , • • Mary was the,dau_ghrer of E/i, ~at !MS I•ftph Thus much of the mcarnmon of <:hnfl; the Con in laW in her roome •· the reafonhere~ now f<;>\J.oweth the thtrd & lafi p01m which IS. of may bee, becaufeir wa; 1 tloeriianner ofthe to be cmjfidered in the defcriprion ofChrif!; !ewes to account and continde theirgenealonamely, theef!ate of'Chnf! after h1s bmh, oies in rhc m1le and nor'in the female fexe the which is·rwo-fold, •th<; efiate ofhumiliarion, ;;,an being the bead ofthe fumily, and n6tthe and the ef!are ofdalr_ari_on. . . . woman.And though Ruth, and R•h•bJ and oThec(hteofh~ltalutiOn, IS.the conditiOn th<rwomei\bementioned by M•trhe"', )'et ofChnf!rheMedtatonr, m which hceabafed thatisonely by the way : fotrhey make no himfelfc euen to the death ofthe croffe' that degreesherein. Againe, it m•y bdinthcr deby thatnlcabe~ h~m1gh: performe theoffice manded,how Chri!l: could come of 1)auid~y ofa Pnef! 10 makmgf<usfa<'hon to thewf!tce SAiomon,as Matthew faith, imd bY. Nath••, as ll ofhis_Father. . L11<! Girh; they t"-'aine be-eing two dif!ina Th1s eltate agrees to the whole perfon of fonnes ofD•uid. An(w. By verrue ofthe Jaw, Chnf! accordmg to both nature$. For lirf! of whereby the brorherwas bound toraift: vp aHhlsmanhoodwasabafedani!hnmb:td, in feed ro his brother,therewas adouble defcenr that it w.s made lii~i,a to the infirmities of in vfe among the Iewcs,the one was Fllturali, mans nature, asalfo to rhe miferies and puthe otherlcgall. Naru,all, when one man def-. nilhmenrs which were due vnro man for fin. cended ofanother by generation, astf!c child Secondly,his Godhead was abafcd;not.as it.Is from the natural! farh:r: Legal!, when a man conftder~din itfelfe: for fo it admits no aire. not begotten ofanother, yet did liicceed him ration or change.- but in-refpcd: ofthe fle{h or in his inheritance : and thus s.tathielis the manhood afiumed ;vnder the which,asvnder natural! fonne ofNeri, and the !egal! fonne of avai!e,rhe godh·ead'!ay hid from the.lirf! molech•ni.-. Now Saint Lu~e fets downe anamentofthelncarnation tothetime of his re- [uraH defcenr of Chri!l: from 'Dauid by N •- furreaion,without any great manifeltation of th<n, and Saint Jl{•tthew the other defcei)t his power and maieftiethcrcin. which is legal! , by S•l•m••; whome Chrif! Theorderofrhefe two ef!ates muf! be marfucd:eded intherightofrhekingdo')le, being· c ked.The lirll: istheef!ate ofhumiliariii,& tl:e borne the kingofthe I ewes: non~thatcould in the fecond place. followes theefrate ofexlpofsibly be named, hauing more right to it , a!tation. As Chrlll: Ctirh ofhimfe!fe, 0 fooles, Lu~.14. ;then he. . ·. . •n:dflt~1No(he•~t toh,/eeH_t, &c. gugbt n.Jt Chrtff ;:6. 1 llythis defcent of Chrif! wehaue occalion t•h•••foffmd theft th~s. 'fhd~ enter.in.'D hu to conGder, that Chrif! was euen in his birth gi•~Tf And here we for our parrsmu!! learne a ' the mo!l: excellent and notable man that euer leffon. The fame which wastrue in Chrif! the I was,defcendin~ ofche eternal! Father as h~ is head,mt!f! be verified in all his membcrs;they· the Son ofGod, and as he IS man, defce11d10g mu!! all haue the It two-fold efiate:lirllin this ,ofthe P.Itriarkes, ondofrherenowned Kings life the ef!ate ofhumiliation :. fecondly,aftcr of lui•. And thishis nobility he conueyes in thi• life the efiateofglory. Al)d as Chrif! fir!!. parr to his members, in that hee makes them emred into the flare of his h11miliation and thcJonnes ofGod, a royal! prief!hood, and a then intoglory: fo it is with his member~ firll pecnharpeople to himfelfe: inrlching them , they lllllfl be abafed in this life, and fec~1dly alfo With the reuencwes ofthe whole world, exalted in the world tocome. Hec that will and With title and nght to the kl'ngdomeof raionewirh Chrifiand be exalted muflfirft glory in h~auen,as t:he_ir inhe_d;:ance. D futfer witijhim,and be hLtmbJed: he rhal: wilt I And Wltball, Chrifi bernl!the liuely patwean the crowne of glory, muf! we:~re f.rlt a ' rerne of trpe nobility, by h1s example men crowneofthorns, they that wil ha<IC al tearos' I of blqodare taught not to !!and fo much on wiped from their eyes , ninfi here tirlt in this their ped1grce,and thm ancef!outs,asthough llfe fl1ed them. And tht children of GJd be-. ;Nob1hty ltood.m thiS~ that nun defcepds of fore they can Gng the fong of Mo,'<~, and of '1mn: but to laoourw•tbaU th.tt they may bee rheferuanrsofGod ,· andofrhc Jambe, muf! R<u.ts. the_fon_nes ~n~ dau~h~crsof ~ud by regenefirfi fwim_thro~tl?h tne fea of.burning gl<!{k :., .'h ~atton mCnnll. Thts 1ndeedc tS the ornament whereby IS fignthed, that thofc which ar·er ~fthe blood,_rhe bel! pm in the Noble mans this life woul~ fing fongsofpraifes t? Chrill,J skntchcon, & the fineft floweunlm garland. muft m tins hfc be call mro a fea of rnifcr· ; , ~nd-though -~ man be neuer fo no[~le~or grc:'at And.if~his be true; rhl:n wt may htn: lcum:, I ' ~~~ c!l:ate,yet ~.t· he be .n~t arep~nta~tfmn~r, he thattt IS awretched caK for am::nin this htC IS ba~c an~i V!le, an~ J:1s.no~l~tty lhnkes Ul the to ha~1e perpetuall eafe, rdt, and quittncJlc: I nof\nls o, God. c,,r,!l:·!o hiS gcnealtJgy _dot~ both 111 body& foule, gobds, and gooduam~ , I not fo much as vo~1chfl~C to.n.1mc thok h1s for we:fec by Chntl:s eX.unplc,'d:a:: thorough I a~o~_'!'~c:.::~~y ; and·hercup· aduerfirk wee mtlft'come to happindle ' ~:.:_ __ -