Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

d nExpojition humiliat~ ~· ifa man would haue reil: and peace in the A his manifold forrowes and gricfes, cfpecially life tocome,thenin this life he multlooke for thofe which!land in the apprehcnfion of the troubl,,perfccution, and forrow. Indeedeijl vnfupportable wrath ofGod. Hr. The forme theiudgementol theworld, they are bleffed ofrhepafsion, Is that excellentand meritotithatalwai~s line at reil:; butbeforeGo~ they <'>us latisfa~ion which in fuffering, Chrilt aremoftmlferable, and (as oxen which arc madevntohisFatherformansfinne. We doe made fme inthebell: pafture) r.eacliefor t/le not rightly confider oftl\e pafsion, ifweconflaughter-houfeeuery day. Secondly, !]ere is ceiue it to bee a ba~e and naked fuffering of an excellent coufoladou for thofe which propumfhment, but W!thall we mull: conceiue it fe£fe the GofpelofChrill; in thetimeoftfouasa pr?pi:iation or a~eanes fatisfadorie to ble and perfecution they mull: rdoyce, beGods lU~t_ce.The pafs10nconfiderod as a pafcaufe the ftate of humiliation in rbis lifeis a fion, mtmfters no comfort : but all our ioy figne thatthey are in the plaine and right way and reioycing ftands in this, that by faith to faluation and glory. A man is to take his wee apprehend it as itis a fatisfuclion or a iourney into a farre countrey, and inquiring m~anesofrccondli3.tion forouroffc:gces. In for the way itis told him that there are many thtsvery pointftands the dignity of the pafplainc waies, butthe ftraight and right way is B fi_on, whereby it differs from all other fuffeby woods,and hils, and mountains, andgreat nngs ofmen whatfoeuer.Therfore moll: damdangers : now when hey is trauelling, and nable & wicked is the opinion ofthe Papitls comes into thofe places,he gathcrethcertainwho beiides the alone pafsio ofChrill main: ly that heis in the right way: forhe child of taioe workes offatisfaetioo, partly ~f their God that is goingto the kingdomc ofhcauen, owne,& partly ofthe Saints departed: which though there be many waies to walkein, yet they adde to the pafsion as an appendance he knowes that there is but one right way ; thereof. I V. Theend ofthe pafsion,is that which l! very ftrdght and narrow,fuloftrouGod might bringto pa!iea workeinwhich he blc,forrow and perfccution: full ofallmanner might more fully manifdlhi.•iullice and merofcroif<S and afflietions-"and when in this life cy,then he did in the creation, and that is, the l1c is perfecuted and afflieted for good caufes, reconciliatio11 betweene God and man. And whether in body or in mind, ifhe be content here remember wich the pafsion to ioyne the tobearehiscro£fe, itarguethplainlythatbee adiue obedience of Chrill in fulfilling the is in the right way to faluation ·: for rhr••,:~ law_; for Chriftin fufferingobeyed, aRdino- ~1~·11· :;:?.tf:.f/ions we rnufl mter i~•• the Kingd'l"' C ~~:e~~:~~;~h~f~rt~{s ~~~.~~·r:~~~~z Thehumiliation of Chrift is lirA: ofair fet liation with.God,Lwo things are required:the downe in the Creede generally, and fecondlv remoouingoffinne in regard of the guilt, of by his parts or degrees. Generally, in thefe the fault,and the puniihment, and theconferwords:{Kjfmdvnder Ponrius Pit.te. Where we ring or giuing of righteouli>eife. Now the mull: confider two things; the Pafsiou it felfe, pafsion ofChri!l confidered apart fr6 his leand vndcr whom it was. Forthelirft,that we gall obedience, only takes away the guilt and m•y the better conceiue the pafsion in his puniillment, frees man from d•ath, & makes • No• owne nature,feauen fpeciall points mull: beohimofa finnerto beeno finn~r: an<l that.hec P"""" pened. I. Thecaufc efficient. The principall may be fully reconciled toGod, and accepted 2 · 1 "a"', l caufe ofthe pafsion,as it i• the price ofour reas righteous to life euerlai\ing, the lcgall obederrption, was the decree and prouidence of dience of Chrift mull: alfo be imputed. And. God; as Perer f•ith expr<fly, thatChrift was therefor< in the Scriptures, whereall our re- · deliuered by the detera1inate counfd & foredemption is afcribed to thedeath 1 and pafsion AlP.,; knowledge ofGod. The imp11lfiue caufe that ofChrift,this very obedience whichftands in mooued God to workeour ulu.1tion by this the perfeetloucofGod and man mull; beeinmcaneswas nothing in man (for all mankind Deluded and not excluded. V. The time of the was 01ut vo vndcrvnbeleefe, &thereforevnpafsion was from the very birth ofChri(l tG able to procure the leaft fmour at Gods hi• refurreetinn; yetfo,asthe beginning one- . hand<) butthe willand good pleafure ofGod ly ofhis fuB'erings were in the courfeofhis within himf.lfe. The inllrument which the life, a11d tbe accompli!bment thereof to the t86 ChriJls ., Lord vfeth in his bu!inefle, were the wicked very full vpon the croife. VI. The perfon !ewes and Gentiles, and the di•ell himfelfe, that lllffeted was the Sonne ofGod himfelfe: py whom he brought to pa!fethe moll: admi concerning whome in this cafe two queftions rabic worke ofredemption , euen then when mull be refolued. The firft, how can it ftand they according to their kind did nothing elfe with Gods inlliccio lay pnniillmenr vpon the bot pradife wickednell,i: a41d malice againn moll: righteous man that cuer was, and that Chrift . I I. The matter of the pl fsion, is the for grieuous (inners : confideriug that tywholema:edietionorcurfcoftheLaw, con· rantsthemfdues will not doefo. .Anfw. In taining in it all manner 6faducr!itics and mithe paGion, Chrift mull nor be confidered as feries both of bodY. and minde. All which a priuate perfon : for then it could not !land may be reduced to three heads; the temptati· with equitic that hecOwuld bee plagued and onsefC~ilt, _~is ignvmimcs andGJundm, pnnilhcd for ouroff,nces, bur as one in the 1 ·- --- ---------. -eternali-1