Pfal.II9· 17• lob 3I,I. Prou.ofo. 1J· I Cor.~. '>· ii11Jo)m~(\l. \x88 ChriLls An Expojition Pafsion. I felues lik_ewi[ewith thej:rmcminde, which i;, that A refpeets. Fidl:,bccaufe he was then the prelihcwhichh.rhfoffcrcdm thcflefh,harhceafedftom dent ofidrie. For alittle before the birth of fin. Where heteacheth, that there mull: be in Chrill:,the kingdome ofthe Icweswastaken vs a fpirinrall pa!Sion anfweroble to the pafsiaway by the Romane Emper0ur, and reduced onofC_hri~. Foras his enemies did lade him intoa Prouince, and Ponrius Ptlate was piaWith mifcnes euen to the death of the ~roffe; ced ouer the Iewes, not as king, but as the fo ibould we lade our owne fleib, thatJs, the Romane Emperours deputy. And this cir- ,corruption ofour natures,with all fuch means cumll:ance is noted inthe hill:ory.of the Gof. as may ft1bdue and we.1ke•1 crucifie and kil it. pell, and here fj>ecified in theCrcede to fhew To the doingofthis, thtee things efpccially that the Mdsias was exhibited in'thetime required. Firfl:,we moll: confiderthatthe fore-tolde by the Prophets. lacob fore-toldc corruption of.our rebellious natures is like that Shilomull: bee borne after the fcepter is the great and mightie Goliah, and the grace remooucd from Imiah: Jfaiah faith, thatthe of G<>d, whichwe recdue like yongand little family oflfh•iihall be worne as itwere to the Da11id: and~hcref~rc ifwe de.lire that grace roote '· betor~ Chrill:au branch fhall fpring ibould pretia!le agamll:corruptton, wee mull: our oftt. Agam, Chnll: ft11fered vnder Pontim difarme the ll:rong rrtan, and ll:rip him ofall B Pilateashewasaiudge:wherebywearegiuen his weapons: whichisdbne,bygiuinJgallthe , to vnderll:and of a wonder; namely, that members ofour ,bodies1:6 be in!trum;nts of/ Chrifl:the Soone ofGod, Kingofheauenand the feruiceof God iorighteoufneffe and holi· earrh,wasarraignedatrhe barre ofan earthly neffe. Secondly, we mull: endcauour to keepe iudge, and there condemned. Forthus much in the corruption ofnature as it were choking the word~ inmeaningimport, thatPomiuqh '- and C.-nothering itia the heart; that by it neilatef•teas a iudge Ypo Chrill:,toexamine him ther the world nor the diad! preuaileagainll: to arrai~;ne him, & giue fc:ntcnce agaioct him: vs.And thismull: be done by hauing a narrow Wherefore before wecome to fpeake ofthe regard vnto all the powers andfaculties ofbo· degreesoftheP .fsioof Chrill:,wc mull: needs dy and foule, fetting a watch before ou eyes, intreatofhisarraignmenrvponearth.Inhand eares,li2s,and all other parts ofthe body,that lingwher~ofwe mull:generally confider thefe are in any aCtion the infl:ruments ofthe foule, points: Ftrll:, that when he was arraigned beand aboue all,as Salomon faith, B7 coltf1tergar.- fore.Piklu,he wasnot as apriuate man, butas ding the heart withail diligence.By the outward a pledge andfority rhat flood in the place and fenfes ofrhebody,as throughopen windowes ll:ead ofvs miferable £inners, as the Prophet the diuellcreepesintothe heart; andthcrfore C lfoiab fiith, Re bare 011r infirmities, andcarrkd ourduty is, to,fl:opall il1ch waiesofeotrance. o«rforrowes: and withal! in him was mankinde Thirdly, when·originallcorruption begins to arraigned before God.Secondly,this arraignrebell either in theminde, will, or ~y ofthe menrwas made not priuarely in acorner, but alfeetios,then mull: we draw outthe fword of openly in thepublikecourr , & that in a great rhefpiritwhichis the word ofGod,& encoiifeall:ofrhe !ewes, asit were inthe hearinoof rer with that hideousgiant, laying loadvpon the wholeworld.Thirdly, thoughPi/atein°cihim by the iudgcmenr.s & thn:acmngs of the ting,examining, and condemning Chrill:, inlaw,and asit werebeatinghim dtJwnewithc!Hbs, tended notto work any partofmans redempas Paulfpeaketh. And ifit fall out,that concution,yet was this wholly fetdown,iqthecounpifcence begin to conceiue and bring forth a. fell & goodplcafllreofGod, in whofe roome uy Ctn, wemull:bruifcirinthe head, &dafll it Pilare[ate,andwhofc:iudgementheoxercifed. 'aga!nll: the ground, as a bird inthe fl1ell,lcll: it The generall vfe ofChrifl:s arraignment, is growvp td or.r vttCI"confulion. Thefe are the two-fo1d.Firll:,itisa terrour to all impenitent duties which we fl10uld learne by the patSbn frnners: for there is no fret dome or proteCtiof Chrill:. Bur lamentable are our daies, in on fromthe iudgementofGod, but bythearwhichall for the moil: part gocscontra~ie: for D raignment of Chrill:: a_nd thereforefitch as in commonly men are fofarre from lulhng and thiS ltfc·receme not htm by fatth,mull: at the il1bduing the rebellion of the n>turall concu- ·eird ofthis world be broug~t outto the moll: pifcence, that all tlieidl:udie and care is: how terrible barre ofthe lall:iudgement, there to thcy may feede & cherifl1 it,and make idl:ron• be arraigned before the Km~of heauen a~d gerthcn the 111ightyGoliah. But letvs for our earth. And markethe equme hereof. Chnfl: p>rts be conformable to Chrill: inhis patSion, himfelfe could not haue bm our Samour and fuf!ering in our flefl1 as he fuffered in body & Redeemer, vnle!Te he had bto brou1;ht outto foule for vs, Ar.d ltt vs daily more and more the barre ofan earthly mdge,& arratgned as a by the hand offairh apprehendand apply to guiltyma!efacrour: and there is no man vpon our he'.urs& .cOfcic~ces thepafsion ofChrifr, :earth that Iiues and.dies outof Chri~.,burhee that it ma'y asa_&ctriQg corafiuccare oat the rnufl: whetherhe w1l or no,hold V_P ~tshand at poifon ~f our lii~full naturesand confume it. t·he barofrhegreat Iudgeofal~nakmd~where - Now IO!lt>we"S thefc~ond poim concerning he-fl~all fc:e hell vndcrneath him burm!1g r<d the pat}i911 of C)Jrill:; which is, vnder whom hot,& opcmnglt felfWide tofwallo~hun vp: he fuflered,llarndy vnder Pomiw Tilare. And and on the nghthand <lfGod fl:andmg all the Chritt nl+\Y bcfaid to fi1ffervndcrhtm intwo 1Prophers,ApofUes,and Samts ofGod,gmmg - ~ -- - ---·- ~ - ---- - - - --- iud~tment --'--'-~ Gen.'-t9· lo. l(.l.lJ,t, t.Cbron. tg,6.