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[ I Chrifts ofthe0eede. _Arraigne~1ent. iudgcment againfr him : on the ~eft hand,_thc A might eafil~ finde him. & hauefit oport?nitie diuelandal his angelsaccufingbtm;and Withto ~ttachhtm. For 1fhe fhould haue frill rein him aguilty confcicnce condemning him. muned in Hierufalcm,rheScribes & Pharifes And thus one day !hall the arraignement of durll: not haue enrerprifed his apprehefii>,be· thofc perfons be, that with full purpofe of caufeo~th~pcoplewh_om they fea_red:buto~t heart cleaue not to Chrt!l:; and yet alas, huge ofthe City tnthe garde all occafio offeare IS ·& infiniteis the nu111ber ofthofe which make· cut off. By thisit is manifefr,that Chri!l:yeel· more account oftranfitorie and d.rthly matded himfelfe to.death willii,gly,& not ofcorers, cucn oftheir pigges wit!r theGaderem,: · llraint:&vnle'lfehis futferings had bin volunthcn ofhim and hi• benefits : & .fuch perfons' rarie on his part, they could neuer haue bin a fhould rather be pitied thendefpifed of vs al. fatisfaction to Gods iu!l:ice for our fins.Here confideringtheir e!l:ate is fuch,that cuery day aquef!ion offers it fe!fe to be.cofidercd,whe· they are going as traitours pinioned to their ther mayla~fully fhe mdanger & perowne iudgement,thatthey maygoethence to fecutlo,fecmg Chrtll htmfelfe dorh not. An[. eternal! execution. When good meanes ofAying & iull occafion Sccoodly, Chri!l:s arraignement is acornisoffered,itislawfullto Aie.When the Iewes fort to the godly.Forhe wasarraignedbefore B foughtto kill P4ulat Damafcus,the Difciples Pi!Ate, that all fuch as truely beleeue in him, tooke himbynight, and put him through the might not bee arraigned before God attse wal,~letbimdowninabaskettoefcapetheir day ofthe la{Hudgenaenc: he wasaccufed be· l!an<t.WhenMifeswas called by Godto defore an earthly iudge,rhat theymightbe dealiuer the Ifraetites, after he had fiaine the E.- red and excufed before the heauenly Judge : giptian, & the faa was knowne, andPhara•h lallly, hewas here condemnedon earth, that fought to kill him for it, he fled totheland of we might receiue the fentenceofabfolution, Madia. And our SauiourChrill fundry times and be eternatly faued in heauen. whe he was to be lloned, &otherwaies hurt The arraignement of Chrill hath three by the Iewes, withdrew himfelffrom among parts: his apprehenfion, his accufation, his the.It is lawfi1l the to Aie in perft:cuti6,thefc con.iemnation. In the apprehenfion we mull caaeats obferued:I. Ifa man find nothimfelf confider twothiags:thedeating ofChrift: & fufficietly ftrengthned to bearethe crolfe.II. the dealing of htdas ancl the Iewes. The hts departure m•ll be agreeable to the genedealing and proceeding ofChrifr was this: ratl calling ofachri!l:ian,feruing to the glorie when he faw that the time ofhis apprehenfi·' ofGod,& the good ofhis brethre,& the hurt on and death was neere, hefolemnely prepa- c ofnone.II I-There mutt be freedome at the red himfetfe thereto. Andhis example mu!! !call for a timefrom the bond ofamans parteacheuery one ofvs whoknow nor the fhort ticular call.iflg. Ifhe beaMagillrate, he mull ne!fe ofour daies, euery houre to prepareour be freed from ruling:Ifa Miniller,from preafelues againll tlie day ofdeath, thatthen wee chin!! & t:aching,otherwaies he may.not Bie. may be found readyoftheLord. What?fhall AndtnthtsrefpcaChnfr,whowithdrewhim the Sonne ofGodhimfelf: make preparation felfatother times,would not Aieatthis time· to his owne death,& !hall not we moll mifebecaufc the houre of his fuffering was come' rabic fumers doe the fame, who lland in need wherein heintended moll willingly to fubmi~ of a thoufand preparations more then hee? himfelftothegood pleafurc&wilofhisfather wherefore let vs continually thinkewith our · The fecond part ofthe preparation, is the fclucsthat euery prefonr day is the !all: dayof praier which Chrill madevnro his Father in ourlife,thatfowe may addre!feourfeluosto the garden. And herein his example doth I death agamft thenextday. teach vs earnellty to pray vnto God againll Thefir!l: thing which Chri!l:doth in this thedangerofimminentdeath,an<lthetemp" preparation,isto make choice oftheplace,iQ tati<>nswhich are to come.AndifChriO:who whichhe wasto be apprehended, as will ap- D was without fin,& had the fpirit aboue meal pearcby conf~rring the Euangeli!l:s togither. fure. had need to pray, then much more haue S.Matthew faith,Matth. 26.36.Hewmt to th.e we need to be watchful! in all kind ofpraiers plate calledGethjim<ne:S. Luft.E faith,L~<k! 22. who arc laden with the berthen offinne, and 39.hnvcm ,. themountofOftues as h<111.Uaccucompa!fed about with I;IIanifold impedifl•m:d. And th,u wee might not imagine that ments and danger6us enemies. /Chnlt d1d this that he might e(cape andhide In this prayer fundry points worthy our lhtmfelfc from the !ewes, s~mt John faith, markingaretobecoufidered. Thelirll who loh.t8.z T h.u Iudutvhichbm•icdhimcyewtheplace,be. prayed? An[. Chri!l: the Sonne ofGod': but caufe ojientimes he refortedthither with hu 'Diffrill wemull: remember the di!l:inaion Gfnaciples: whcras if he had feared apprehcnfion, tures and oftheir operations in one and the he would hauc rather gon alide to fomc other fame Chr.ill; he praies not in his godhead,but fccret & vnwonted place.Th1s then ts the fir!l: according to htS naanhood;The f<eond is for po111~ robe conlidcred, that Chri!l: knowing whom he prayeth. An[. Some h>uc thought the ofh1sowne death to be at hand,doth that this and all other his prayers were made wtl!tngly of h1s owne accord refort to fuch a for his myflicall body the Church; but the place, mwh1ch h1s enemies in atllikeli!wod truth is, he now praiesfor himfelf,yer not as R 2 he & Iob.8,JJ. clo.3J· '9· loh.u.,.4