Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

ChriUs Arraignem~!1t; he was God, for the godhead feeleino want; A· forme ofthis prayer? An f. Chri!l praies!Obe bur aS'he was a man abafed m the (orme ofa dehuered from the death& pafsion which·was feruam; and th:u f9rtwocaufes. Fii.(t,;in that , to~ome,faying ~:m this man~er, Mark.t4. 35 .., he w~saman,hcwas acreature,and mt:hat re36.Father,letthucupp4j(efrome: vet withtwo fpel'l to performe homage to God the cl~ufcs addec;l thereto, lfitbeeoff.bie, and,~, Cr<:_ator. ,Secondly, as he was m~n,hc pu~on mywifl,butt)rywi/1bedone.Butitmaybe demanthe it:firmities ofour nature ,.<1nd thereuponded,)lo~iccould be,that Chrifl knowing_rqar , prayeihhat he Imght:haue.flrcngtl1jand pow-. lt w~shiS fathers wlll,and counfell that hec er ,ip·hi.• manhoodtofupporthim,,inbearing 1 ~ould fuff,rdearhformaq, &alfocomming 1 the Whole brunt ofthe pafsion·tOCOffiC, • I llltO t!\e 1'.\0da lOrthat end, fhOUld make JiJch _Th> third poion,is rc;>whom.tte p,raied?Anf.' areguelho his father without linne.An[.<'fhe T'!the Father: neithermufl this rro~ble vs,as ~e9uefl proc,eedsonely ofaweakenes or infirthough Chrifl inpraying~9 the F~ther,fhoujd mity in Chrifls manhood without fin, which pray whimfelfe, becaufehe is one lle <hefame appeares thus : We mufl ftill confider that God with him. Forthough in elfen.;e theyad': I when he made his prayerto his Farhe; the mit ng diflintlion, y~~in perfon or I whole wrath ofGod, and ;h.every dolo~rs& per manner offubfifling theydoe. The Father: h- pangs of hell feazed vpon him : whereby the is oneperfon,theSonne another; thereforeas I lenfes &p.;lwers of his minde were a!!onied the Father c,ying fromheatten ' This i""Yt..""" I ahd wholly benrto rele<ue nature in his ago~ Io perfo· belf!"edSollll< fpake notto himfdfc, but tcfthe 1 ny.Foras whe theheart is tffiitten with!!riefe, ~~oli~~ Sonne: foagaine the Sonnewheo hepraieth, . all thebloudin the body ilowes thither~o eo- & aliud, he praics not to himfelfe,but to the Father. · fortlt:fo when Chriflwasinthisaflonifhmer, <fi tomen Thefourth point, what was rhe particular the vnderflanding and memory, and all the :::~~- & caufe ofhis prayer. An f. His agony in which P.arts ofhis ~u01ane. nature (as it were for a • h1s foule was heauy vnto death: nocbecaufe ttme fttfpendmg thetr owne proper atltons) · h: feared bodily death, but becaufe the malec_oncurred~o fuflaine & fupport the fpirit and du~bonofthe law, cucn the very heateof the hfe of Cbnfl, as much a.o; pofstbly might bee. furie& indigBationof Godwas pouredfotthc Now Chrifl-beioginthemidflofthisperplexvpon him, wherewithhe was affetled& troiled eftate,praies on this manner, Fatlier,ifit be bled, as ifhe had bin defiled with the finnes of ' poj{wk,letthi;cuppajfo. And t,hefe words pro– the whole world. And this appeares, firfr,by I ce<de not from any fin or difobcdience to his ~:;:.~· ~g~ ~~~~~ ~r~~:it:f,~~i~~~~~~;"~~~~~ c ~~~:rs.:J~~t'~~11.I'~:f11~e~~t~~~~~:.i ~~~·"· great forrow and gritfe: feceadly,his dolefull means, namely, the apprehenfion ofGoo• ancompla,int to his Difciples in the garden;V/1'y ger; which neither blinded his vnderfland{og Vcrre ,s.l fo~ki; hea~tievntothe deoth: thirdly, byhisfernor tooke away hismemory, fo as he forgot uent prayer thrice repeated, full ofdoleful! his Fathers wil,but only fropped & frayed rhe pafsions: fourthly, by the comingofan angell a~of reafoning and remembring for a little to comfort him: fifthly, byhis bloody fweat, umc: euenasin themoft perfect clock that is, the like whereofwas neuer heard. Andherein the motion may be frayed by rheayrc, or by lies the difterence berweene Chrifls agony, & mans hand, or byfomeounvard caufe without the death ofMatty!S: he put onthe guilt ofall any defetl or breach, made in auyport ofit.Ir our finnes, they in death are freed from the maybeobieded, tharChriflswillisflatcoufame:he was Ieftrohimfelfevoidof comfort, trary to the willofhisfathcr.AnfChrillswill they inthe midfl oftheir afAichon.s feele the as he isman,and the will ofhis father in thisavnfpcakable comfortofthe hloly Ghofl: and gony,werc notconrrary,buronly diuerfe,and therefore wee ncede nor maruell why Chrifl that without any contradiction or contraricfhould pray ag>infl death,which neuetthdelfe ry. Nowaman maywill adiuerfe thing from his members haue receiued and borne mofl D thatwhich God willeth,and that withoutfin. ioyfnlly. Againc, thi' mofl bitter agonie of Pauldefiredto preach the word ofGod inA- AI%. t6. Chrifl isthe ground ofall ourreioycing, and Jl• & Bithynia, but he was hindredby the fpi- 6 >7• thecaufo why Paul bids all the faithfull in the rit. For all this,ther isnocontrarietybetween perfonofthe Phillippians, to rcioycealwaies PaHl and the fpirit of God; but in fhewof in the Lord,& againc toreioyce.And here we difcord great confent. For that which 'P••I are furdter taught, that when we are plunged wtlleth weU,the fpiritofGod willerh not,bya into afea ofmoll grieuous afflil'lions,& ouerbetter will: though the reafonhereofbe fecret, I whelnied with the gulfes of mofl dreadfull andthereafonor''Pauls willmanifefr.Againe, · temptations,eucn then, then I fay, wefhould the minillerin charity rcputingrhe whole cOl not be difcouragcd, bur'lift vp our hearts by gregationtobeeletl, in holy manner fec!-es & I feruem praycrro God. Thus didChrifl when wils the C1luation ofeueryone, which neuer1 iOJ thegarden he was about to drink the cup of thelelfc the Lord in his eternal! connfell wils thcwr.trh ofGod,& ro fuck vp the very dregs not.Now betweene both tlwfe wils there may ofit:and DamdGith, that oJttof:'thcdccnc,; hee beand is adifii::rcnce without comrariet_v.For Pf,I I;o. "' r 1 ·, 1• calledon the name ofthe Lord, & was heard. one good thing as it isgoo~,may diffa frO a1 The fifrh p~inr, what is the matter and ·nothcr,bnt itc.uwot: bc c6trary ~1uy I --..L-:-:--------------------------------fL~rrh:r L.-- ·