Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Chrills ofthe [reede. . Arraignement. fUrther bealleadged, that in this l'raycr there A blefsings,as health)ife,liberty,&c.which not feemes to be a combate& fight mthe mmd, withlhndingGod holdes backe, and giues in will andaffctlionsofChrifr,andtberforelin. fl:ead tbereoffpirituall graces, patience,faith, An/. There be three kindes ofcombates: the contentarion ofminde• .Auguftinefaitb,God Aud;t od one between reafon & appetite,andthis fight heares not our prayers alwayes according to blurcm, isalwaiesf!llfull,andwasnotmChn~:thefeourwils, anddefires, but according as the ::;~.:0,~ cond is berweene the flefhand the fpmt, and tllings asked,fhall be for our faluation. Hee is ''""" this ,:,ay be in Gods child who is butio patt like the Phyfitian, who goeson to launce the regenerate. butit did not befall Chrd1: who woucd,and heares not the patient though hee 1 was perfetllyholy:thethird,isthecombatof cryneuer fo, till thecurebeended. .diuersdefires, vpon fundry refpeets drawmg Now lolloweth the fecond thing to becona man to and fro. This may bee in mans nafidered in Chrills apprehenfion, namely, the ture without fault: & wasin Cbri!l,in whom dealingofrhe !ewes: wher<in we mu!lconfithedefiro ofdoing hisfathers will,!lriuing& der foure things : I. How they confult toge- !lruglingwithanorherdefire,whereby nature ther concerning Cbrifls apprehcnfion. I I. feekesto preferue it felfe,caufed him to pray How they to the pla~e&J11ct him. I I 1. in this manner. B How they latd hands on him. I V. How they Thelixtpointis, in what manner Chri!l l' ~oundhimandtooke him~way.fortbefirfl, prayed.A•(~P.He prayed to his Father partjy be[ore they en~erpnfed this matter, theydid kneeling, partly lyingonbisface, & that wnb WI!elyand wa•tly lay theu beads together, to frrongcries& tears,fwcatmg water & blood, confult ofthe time andpla~e : and alfo ofthe andalltbisbeedid for our finnes. Here then manner ofapprehending him. So S.M•tthrw behold rbe agony of Chriff, as a cleere crifruth, Math.:US. 3,4,5. ThereajfemlJledtogrther flall in whichwemayfully fee the exceedmg thechiife Pmfts& the Smbes, andthe Elders •f gre:tnelfeofour finnes, as alfo the hardnes of th'.Peofle mto theHaDif the chieft PriejlcaBed our hearts. We goe vauntingwit~our heads Ca•apha..-.andconfolredhow they might t•k: Jetoheauenasthough 1t werenotbmgto finne f'"byf"';t•lm. Wnenceweelearne two good again{\ God, wherasthehorror ofthe wrath mil:ru~IOAS: firft,the Iewesbaumga q<•arrdl ofGod for our rebellions, brought downe eagain{\ Chri1!, could ncuerbe at re!l till rhey uen the Sonne ofGo<i himfelfe, and laid him had his bloo'd:and rbereforetbeyconfult bow groueling vpon the earth. And we cannot fo they might rake him ; but God did fo order much almo!l as fhed one teare for our iniquithe marter 1 anddi!pofeof theirpurpdc>and ties,wherashe fweates blood for vs.Oh let vs c confultatlons, that euen thereby teediu con. therfore learne to abafe our ftlues,& tocarrr, found them, and their whole nati!)n. }orby about vs contrite and bleeding hearts, and be reafon ofthis hrunous finne again{\ Chrill, ·confounded in our feluesforour fianespafi. came the mll wrath of God vpon them and Thelafl }'<lint, is the euemof the prayer, fo remainetb vnto this day. Wherebyw~ fee which istobe heard,astbeautborto the Hethat the lord will ouerthrow fuch ill tfl<i:· brcwes £iith,Hcbr. 5·7·Chrijllef"' in I heJ,:i# own wifedome, that will be wife without tl 1 e Heb.fo7, ofhujlefh,di.J•ffir vpvnto huF.uherpr"Jm And directiono_fGodsword, and again!! Chrill. fopplic<tiom, "'ithflrong cr7i•g ••d team, 'llnto A?d thus It was with .Achitophel, who for him, 1hat fll.u <bietofne h1m: •ndwaulfo be•rd Wifedome wasas the Oracle ofGod: yet bc- •••h•tthing which he feAred. But fome will fay, caufe bee rebelled again{\ the lords annoinhowwas Chrillheard,feeingbe fulfered death ted, God confoonded him in his owne wife. andbarethepangs of bell and the full wrath dome. For when hisconnfell which hcgaue ofGod? ifhe had been heard, he 01ould hauc alj:ain!l Dani4was not followed, he thought beene delmered from all thiS. An[flltr. We himfelfe defpili:d,as rhetcxt faith, 2 .Sam.I 7 • mu~know that Godh~ares our prayers two :+ amifadudhu .Affi,androfe andWtnt home WaitS : I. When he diteCI:ly grannts our re- D mtohwciry,andput hiohoufholdinorder, amibanquell. I I. When knowing what is good for g•dhimftlfe:and in this aCtion he fhewed l1im vs,hegiuesnot vs ourreque!ls direCtly, but a .klfe more fenOclre then a bruite belll. Andin thing anfwerablc thereunto. And thus was ourdaies the Leaguersrhatbaue bouudrbemChri!l beard: for hewas not deliuered from felues by oath to root out the church ofGod· fulfering; but yet bee hadllrengrbandpower by hismoll wonderful! prouidenceturne tl:ei; giuen him, whereby his m:_nhood was maele fwords again!lthemfelues,ar.d dellroyeacbo- . able robeare the brunt ofuods wrath. And ther. Therefor'e Ifwe would be wife we mull in the fame manner God hear;thtbe prayers learne to be wife in Cbri!l: for elfe ~urcoun· ofhis feruants vpon earth. P•ul prayed to be fel wil be our own confiifion.Secondly, hence deimered from th< angel! of Satan tharbolfewelearnc, that ifany lhallliue in fluboornncs tcd him: butthe Lord anfwered ~hat itfho~ld and rebellion again{\ Chrifl, the Lord will fo not fo be,becaure hiS grace wber,,y he was mcarry and order thofe men or thatpeople abled to ~dill his temptatio?wa~ fufficiem:& that in the ende they fhall b~e the very Cll!lf<i ~·:;:· P•ul lindmg thefrUite of h1s prayers o~ thiS oftheir own pcrditi6: This we fee moll plain- !'"n7r?prore!bhereuponthat he•mllre10yce lym the example ot thefe Iewes: for they IH hiS mfirmtucs. Others pray forremporall euermorc tnuied Chrill, & now they goon 10 ·--~~------------------------------~R~ rake