192. Chrifls .An Expojition Arraignment, \ take counfell againll him ; but God fo difpo- A apprehend him;as tho•gh he had beene fame fed thereof, that euen by this meanes they mighty potentate thatwould not haue beene broughtdefirucbonvponthemfdues 1 & their apprehended,but haue re!ified them. Where co"ntry. This mull teach thee to take heede wee fee the propertie of an euill confcience how thou liuell in thy fins: for ifthou .ioe fo, which is to fearcwhere there is t'lo caufca~ the Lord hath many waies to workethy conall. This caufeth fome to bee afraid of their fufion : as,thy conlCienceto condemne thee ; owndhadowes : and ifthey C.ebut aworme thy friends to forfake thee ; the diuell and his peepe out ofthe ground,theyare at'their wits angels to torment &molell thee ; & hiscreaend ; and as Salomon faith, Prou.·18. I. Th< turesto annoy thee: Yea,thC:Lordcanleaue wickJdflu when non<rnifimhth,m. all thefe,and make thine owne felfe to be the Afterthat they are now come to Chrifi,we direo!t meanes ofworking thine own confufiare to confider two things in their meetings: oa both in body and foule eternally :and that J.Chrillscommunication withthem. !!.The enen then when thou art moll warie and wife treafon of luda<. Concerning their confein thine ownbehalf: and this is the reward of I rcce,itis uid:lq"' leyowingalthings '""'jhou!d foh.18. all thofe that walke on in their cui!l waycs come vnto him, wmtforth, lfttdfoidv!Jto them, 4,f,6. withoutany trucconuerlion. B Whomfte'<Je?Thryanfwmdhim,lifiuofNaZft. Hauingconfulted, in the next place they reth,Jifm.wfw<r•d,I amhe.Now fo foonas he come to the garden, where Chrifi was to be had faid,Iamhe,the fioutell: ofthem fel to the Mn.-:.6. apprehended. And here wee are to confider g1ound, as being afionilhed at the maidlie of 47· who they werethat came,namely,the Scribes his word.Wherenote,that the word ofGod Luk.12.. and Phariftes, the high Priells and their. feris aword ofpower.The fame powenvasii>his 47• uants, a band offouldiers, and tl>e feruants of word when he t3ifed vp La.<ar"''forwhenne lob.t8.;. Pontius Pit.te,and the Elders ofthe Iewes:all had lien in the graue, &had entree! into fome which came with one confent to the place degrees ofcorruption, hee did no more, but whereChrill was,thattheymight attach him. faid, LaZftrm comeforth. And hence we may Ioh.u. Where we learn• good ldfon,thatall forts of alfo marke what a wonderfitllmight&pow- H· wicked men- difagrceing among themfelues, er is in the word preached: for it isthe very can agree againfi Chrifi. The Scribes /Se Phaword ofChrifi,and therefore being preached riftes were tw<> contrary feds,and at difcord by !tis Minillm lawfully called by himthereone with another in mattersofreligion: and unto, hath the fame power and forcoe in it, loda&wasone ofChrill•difciples: the Eldeu which Chrifi himfelfe!hewed when hqfpake ailfered from them all ' the fouldiers were e. on earth.It is thefouourof/ife vntolife,ro faue tCor,!. Gentife!: all thefe were at variance among - thofe tharheareit: orthefouour ofdeathvmo themfdues', & could notone brookeanotlte"" d<atlt. Itis liketo a vapour.orperfume in the >6. luk.•3· So alfo wee readc that Herodand.P•nrisu Pi< ay.r~~ which in fome mens nofrrils is fauorie lat<were not·friends : but at the fame tim2 and pleafant,&doth reuiue them; and others "· when Cbrifi 'was apprehended, Pit.te fc:nt againe it fuiketh dead. And therefore euery him to Herod, and they were made friends. one that eithernow,orheretotore hathheard Now asthefc wicked me did confi>ire againll this word preached,lhallindit to be vnto the Chrifi; fo doe the wicked ooes of this world either aword ofpower to faue theirfoules,or In all countries and kingdomes band themthro"gh their comtptio the minifiry ofdeath felnes againfi the Church of Chrifi at this and condemoation. Againe,ifa word fpoken day.And howtoeuer fuch beat difcord among by Chrifi,beingi1i abafe or ~owefiate,be able themfdues, yet they do all ioine hand inhand to ouerthrow his enemies,then atthe!all day to perfecute Chrifi in his members..And~h.e when he!hall come in glory,and power, and reafon is plaine; becaufe Chrtfi and hlS rehg!• maielly to iudgc both the quicke & the dead, on is as Aatoppofite to the corrupt dtfpolitlwhat power !ha!his wordshaue,Go)'Ou c~trfed M~tb,2f· on ofall men,as light is to darknelfe. D ifmyFatherintoemrlajlingfire, whi<hw.upre. Aoain,wlteras we fee fo many forts ofmen p•redfor the diue/1& hi<angels.The c6fiderati· . .. fo a<~iably confenting to take Chrifi; we may on of.this, tlt>tthe wordofChrififlJall euen note how all men naturally doe hate and ab. be as powerful! at that day, mufi be a motiue horre him and hisreligion.And lookeasthen to euery one of vs to canfc vs to come vmo it was wi;h Chrill,fohathitbeen with allhis him: and while we haue time in thefe daiesof , members,an:l will beto the endofthe world. graceand mercy to feeke to be reconciledvn· .. They are accounted as the olf-fcouring of the to him for all our finoes, lcfiatthe day wee world, men not worthy to liue on the face of heare thatdreadfidl voice of Chrifi founding the earth; as Chrifi told his Difciples,faying: again(lvs,iioyee curfedintomerlajli11gfire,&c. M.u.z:4.9 T: {hall be hiltedofaOmltio111fer 111) names foke. And rhus mnch for the communication-. Let vs alfo marke how all thefe came furNow followethludas his treafon:wherein we nilhed to apprehend Chrifi: the text 6ith, I ,""o oOfm•ili<fo '"'"'" f • Tb< """''" Luk,u, Thtycamt t\>Jth el1t6J 1md flt~NtJ lfJ vnto nt·hiefe. and conditions ofthe man that did thetrcap. All the whole nation oftho!ewes knew right fon.Hc was by calling a difciplc chofcn to be well,that Chrill was no man ofviolence, but an Apo!lle, which is the cbiefell in EccleGameek and lowly:>nd yetthey came armed to llical callings:and among the difcipleshe was in