loli,6.8o Ier. tf. ,,, Chrilh ofthe [reede. Arratgnement. 193' in fome account ;beclufe he was as it were a A childe pincth away for very hunger; isnot!he tteward in Chri!ts family, and bar< rho bag: thevery caufeof the dear!\ ofit? yes verily.. bucyethewasatraytor,anddidmoreagaintt Andfojriswich him that takech vpon him Chritt then all the I ewes did. For he brought the charge ofGods people, and neuet·feede' them to the place where they might apprethemwithtbemilkeof.Godsword,orelsfo . ' hend him: and wnmchcy were come, d1d feldomethattheirfoulesdoe fami01:heisrhc point him out voto them • and deliuered him mlirtherer ofthem , 'and hath betrayed them into theirhonds>nay,he gauethem afigne and into the hand• oftheir enemies: and !hallbee · cokcn,faying,Whom1kJIJe,heit u: ••~• bim••d condemned for them as a trairour vnto God /e4d< b;,...,., warily. H'\'e wee fee the caufe vnlelfe he repent. Befides thofe that liue by why Chritt called Juda< a diuell: for hefa1d: traffique in buyingand felling, make gaine by H••' I not chofon 7'•' tweiH<, •ndone of J•• u • lying,fwearing, and breaking the Lords SabdiueO! He became tobe a diuell and a traitour bath:·and they alfo arevery Iud•ff" : for they by nouri0 1ing a wicked and couetous heart. chol' away their foules with the diuell for a And here we are taught, that the.Mi•itters of little gain<And more lam<:ntable ischeir cafe, the word, ifthey make no confc1ence of fin, B becaufe it is hard to finde one ofa hundredin by the iuO: iudgementofGod doe prooue d1the world that makes confcienceofa lie,orof uels inc>rnate : ehis example of Jud.u doth any bad dealing; ifanygaine arallm>y come manifell the flnie:and rherea!On is plaine,for thereby. Men vfeto cry outgn lud., for bethe more knowledgea man harh, the mo:e traying Chritt: and they doe well; yet they wicked heis,ifhe wanq;race,They arehke m the!fJfelue~ (or a)ittle worldly pdfe betra.y this cale vnro a man that hath .meate and the1rowne foules. Iffuch would·not becoun· drinke enough, but no l\omacke to digett tcdlud-J!is, they mutt leaue off finne and meate:whereby the more he eateth, the more keep • good con!Ciencein Gods worlhip,and it turneth tohis hurt. This I fpake notto dethe works-oftheircallings. . face the ca\lingsof minifrers , bur thatthofe Thirdly, Iervs confider what courfe lod•s which preach God,.. word, lhould not doe it tooke in~maying Chrilt, he was very u 1 bwith impenitent hearts, lining in their owne mJ{le, faymg. li•ile, ..M•f/er,•nd~iJ!id him. L> &zz, finnes, For it is a fearefull thing for a man to Why did he fo?herein he pla.ied the moll: pal- <7• fpeakc vnto the people,ofthe pardon"ftheir pable hypocrite: for ha~inggotten a peece of :finne, and yet himfelfenottoapprehend the money, hethoughtthat Neither Chritt, nor fame by faith. A lumpe ofwaxe ifyou keep it C an~ ofhis fcllowdi!Ciples fuould haue kn<>wo from heate,or fromthe fire,itkeeps his own of!t,(though Chrittknew it well enough) & forme !\ill, but ifitbe held to the fire,it melts th~reforehee comes in this manner to him, and runnes abroad : fo minillers who by r<at~mkmg that Chrilt would haue conueicd fon oftheir callings come neere God, ifthey himfeJffrE>m amongtt them at the very pinch be lumps of iniquity and liue in their finnes, as he had dane fometimes before. And this they A1all fiude that the corruptions of their practiCe alfo ofiHd•dscomtnon in the world: hearts will melt abroad as waxe at the fire. lud•sao tnemy vnto Chritt fpeaks him faire Andrhereforeeueryane that is defigned to andfaluteshim: andfo domoll:ofourfecnr~ , thiscalling, mutt firtt pqrge himfelfe of his and dro;y!ie prorettantsin England: they faowne Gnae, or els Gods iudgements !hall fall h>te Chrilt, both by hearing hisword and revpmi him, asthcy did on l•d.u thatbetraied ce!uinghis Sacraments : the Prophet ChtiO:. faith, They h<n•ur God withtheir lipp<J, li111 thm lf•.•9 .1 3 Secondly,le_t vs confider what mooued /uhe•~u •ref.rrt fom him.w·e may fee daily exd.urobetray h1s maO:er :. namely,thedefir~of penence~f th1s: euery man will fay, Lord, y;ealth and-game:and tlus couer'?ufiJes,Wh!ch Lord,but1n rhe1rhues aodconuerfations,few lS anmfat1ablc defireofm9ney, 1S the root of D thereb~thatdenyhim not, both ; 0 their dil- : all fi:me: notthat all Gnnes came oflt, but beneswh1ch theyowevntoGod,as alfo in-their caufe where It 1s, ther< all other fins are preduues towards their brethren.Many come r<>- ferucd,and do get ttrength.Thedefireof thirheare Gods word becaufe theyartcompelled ty peeccs ofr.Iuer eaufed ludu tom.ake ~nabythe Magittrates !awes: b>it when theyue greement w1th the Jews to betray his matter. come, they wor01ip not God in thei• hearts Some man w1H Imply f1y, tl~ar this practiCe which is plainely feen bythe breachofGoa~ of IH~M_ was very ttrange! and that no man holy Sabbath in euery plac• : and thar riley nowhmngwould dothehkcforanymoner· m~kc more account ofamelfe of pottage Anf<o.lud<s !Sdead mdecd, but h!Sprachfe IS W1~h 8fo•, thenof their birth-r;ght. and of y~t aline: for inthe high-and weighty calling thirty peecos offiluer, then ofChrill himfel,. ot the.mmtttcry,hethat bath charge offoules, The third point to bee handLed ;, 1 Chrifrs and either can not teach,and fecde h1s flocke, apprehenGon, is thot they lay hold 00 him • o: els will not,though he bet;ay not Chrittin wherein we muttconfider rwa tl 1 ings: 1. eh; h!Sowne P'don,yethe bermes the members reiillancemade by Chri!ts difdpks. H.thei< ofChuO: vnto the dtu~II. If a nource fhould flight.For the lirO:,Chrifrsdi.tC;plesrel!-tted & take o mans cluld t~bru;l<vp, &yet fddome fpccially Peter drawing his fword, Jlroke~n~ ~gme 1t mtlke; m lo much that the ofthehighPriettsferuants,&cntoffhisear~ 'Ma 1 ., 6 • 1 , R 4 ,This