Math.:6. 17· Mar.14. f!. Luk. u. 66, !oh, 18 ''· ~~~~----..,----..,--..,--------- [reede. Arraignement. 195( lawr and ofthe Gofpell, rhe~ore hard and Is. ptic!l: and the elders with the Scribes and fen~lfeare their l,.~rts: hkc vnro thelhrhy ; Pharifes.held a folemne councell again£! him: which the more it is beaten 'Cpon ;vtth the and there fhey receiued aceufaricns and conyronh;mmer,rhcharderit .is.And agai_ne,it-is demned h!m·beforemorning, at which time hard to finde me• that farrow for rhelf fillS j they fent' him ro the commo11 hall, a. Saint and feele the want of ChriO:.;. which.argueth .J1at~hc~ fJith, When the morning was cam!', aft ~~fo~~~d~~~~ ~ei~dan;:olfr::ftl~:J~~~sc~~~ ~=~~}~~~:'t:Ju,::~::t::~~=::t~~~d0{e~ ~~~~h.'?. ofGod, therathcrto bee feared, becaufi:it is, him away bound, andtlel:uct:ed him to Pomi-. rike apleafanr ileepe, inro which when a ma"- ''f'Pil!fte. ·In which action of theirs we arc to • is fallen hee feeles neither paine nor griefc. IJl.arl<e ti\'O points. Fir£!,the diligence ofvnAnd the~efore wee'for pur par}s,pm(llooke go<\ly-men, ;md the quick11crfe oftheirna.ture vnto itwith feareand trembling, le.a~ it take t<;> pra<'l:ifelln,and wickedneffc : as it was faid lfa.s9.7. !uch hofdofvs.that we bepafrall hop.e ofre-, oftheold Iewes,thcir(eeteruAnero enill,and couery. _ . . thcy-makehalle to!hed'blood. Whenthc.Tf..· Fnnhermote, this binding.of c;::~rifl W>.S. B raelites would facr~ficc·to the· golden calfe prefiguredvnto vs in the facrifices. ofthe old , which theyhqd made, faidrhryrofe vpMr- Exod.,, Tellament: for thebeafrthatwas to be fa· ~inthemorning.HeRceitappeares,thati!.God. 6. • crificed, wastyed With c;ords apd bound, a1~~ l.eauc vs to our felues, we are as ready to pr'J.- fobroughtto the altar. And whereas Chrifr C!i{c ao.y- mifchiefe as the is to burne wasbound, weemuft notconfider him in his, without delay, and that with much violence. ownq,crfon; !Ju~as he!landingin onr roome Now the conlideration ofthis mufr mooneeand lfead, bearesrheperfon ofalllinuers' and> ueryoneofvs to take heede ofall occafions · therefore whereas he isthas taken cagttue by and prouocationsto !in wharfoeuer they be, his enemies, to be brought before a mortall. that the corruption of onr 11at;Ure breake not iudge;rhcreto bearraigned for vs: hence wee (orth any way.. Secondly,in the citcnmfrance Iearne two goo,d infrructions. Firfr,hereis a, ofthetimeofthis Councell, wemay mark the comfort toall the people of.God: Chnlt.was ralhncs of this folemne a!1embly in iudiCiall boimdby his'en<mies, that they might be vn- 'proceedings:whereas they ex;~ mine him both Ioofcd,frotri the bondage o,fSatan,,flnnc, and ofhisdo<'hine, &alfo ofhis Di!Ciples,omittheirowne corruptions (vnder which they lie ting liiChci<eumfrances a>'lhould hauc beene nature) anq_might h;llle free liberty C vftd;astheferiousexaminmg ofwitnerfcs, & in and by him. Secondly, all impenitent fin- · theweyingofhis contrary anlivers: tor heis ners areuughr hereby to reforme and amend takenand brought bcfO>re the!udge and contheir he'lits atld !iues• .F,or what exceeding demned on the fudden. Now as this was tl:e madnes isrhis,that they by Chrills bonds bepracrifeof the Councelh, foon the conturie ingfetattiberry, will yet liue.and die in their the common complaint of thefe time' i• of finnes, and rake pleafure to lie bound hand & thdlow difpatch ofmatrersin.Jaw,and ofthe· foote vnder the power of fume end Satan. longdela.y :· in fomuch thatfome bee almolt And indeedc this fhewes vnto vs the fearevndone before their fuires bee ended;wlli:roas full and dangerous cfratcof all thvfe that goe J iudiciall proceedings were ordainedbyGod; on frill in their litmcs. For what can they.fJy not for mens vndo!ng, but for the maintai– for thcmfclues atthe day ofiuqgem<nt 1 wh~~ ; ning of the common peac~, and Iibertte, a"d' as now they haue freedomeofrered , and wdl l wealth. And therefore tufhceoughno~cedifnotacceptoftt? . pa;ched witb fuch (peede, as men thereby • Thus muchofChnfrs opprehenlion: now mightb~furthered.andnot hinder<d. • followcth the indttetnent. for they proceede The end ofChrifrs mdttem<nt wasdirecrly-· · agamll him mdtcially,after the cufrome ofthe D to ktll him and to put htm to death. Here is ·~ho.' 6 · Iewes.Chrifrs mdirementwastwo-fold.Onc no· indifr~:ent proceeding robe looked for ;_r· hJ before Caiphas the high pricfr in the grc" butplottingqneueryhandforthevorybload · 11~' 4 Counfellat lerufalem; the fecond before the of Chrifr. Where note that in.the hearts of· ciuill!udge'Pomiow'Pilau, as is plait~oly fer I' all wicked men~thereis~n ingrafred ha>rc.dof forth by all the E"angehlls. And.ChnfrsarChriil; and <IS it were bred in the bone : and raignment before Caipbaswas a preparation the fa,;,e affeCTion the world canieth- to-the to the fecond beforeT onr:omTtla.te, that the members of Chrift:. Thish.ttn:d is man1fe~ ~1 Iewes mightthroughly procecde again£! him. . the firfrg.iuing rhe prornife,br•llpmm~itybe-l G:eD>' ·' In the_firil:_wc ar.c to con0dtr tne~e P.?m~s: I. . t\'Jitcnctheeandthe wom~n~betJ-Veenethyfeeck411d·! ;) S ~c mnc m.w~tch Chnlt was tndt.,cd· 1!. . herftetk, It appear« ln the hatred that C;i~ ' 1heend ofhts md1temenr.Ill. Thnvnole t<· I bare to his brother.Abcl: lfmael tO\~~rds 1I nour&proceedmgth:rof.Fo,the.firfr,Chntt jiw: , efou towardsl•,ob: and. the Cemil<s was mdited earely m the mo~nmg at the , rhatwerewichoutthecoue.nant.)to.wardsthc ·brcake ofthe day: fo:hc was appreb;cdcd in Church of God at "11 ,rimes. And to come J thcmght, and wtthall ha£! brought mtoCa<- i ~cere toonr (clues, thisingrafted hatred that at the breake of the day Ca•P""' the htgh hts members,tsasplenufulla, 1 daseuidentas ph,., hall, where rbey kept lumallmght: and !S.!Il rhehear.tG?fthc wicked ag. ain£! Chrifr & \ --------------------------------·--------------------------~'~r .