.I I Chrifts cufnExpojition Arraignment. euer it was, euenin thefeour daies. Fora- A Ifpend thcirlabeurspublikely, foas they may mongallmennonearemoremalignedandha· doe mofr good. Secondly, whereas Chrifr ted then thofe that profe!le Chrifr: and fo• faith , hee preached in rheir Synagog•es and none other caufe, but becaufe they profelfe temple,which at that time were j'lai:esfull of Chrifr. And hereupon thevery profeJSionof diforder; infomuch as he calkd the temple a M religion is laden with nick-names and redm oftheeNts: and the Scribes and Pharifes : '!·:·"· prochfull tearmes by all forts ofme~. had cormpted the dothine ofrbc law, tranf- ' And thus much of the end and mrent of grejfing thecommandements of Godbytheiro,.ne1M"·'S·I their Councell. The proceedingin iudgement 'Itraditions, and they taught iu(Hfication by the I !landsinthef~ points.!. Theye~amine Chrifr workes ofth~ law,asPau/ faith,Theybdng (g- :Rom.•o. U. They brmg Wltnelfes agamfr nun. HI. nor<Wtofther•ghteouftuffioJGod,andgoingaboHt l• They adiure him to tell them who hec is: of ! to ej/abujh their """' righttouforffi. ,.hichi<b 1 thefe in order.Firll,they examineour Sauio"r I' work!~. hadnot fobmitttdthrmft/11ts tothrrigh. Chrill ofhis dotlrine, fufpetling him tobe ·a teoufoesofGod. Befidesalehis,they wereloofe f•lfe prophet: fecondarily, of his ditciples,as and wicked menin their liuesandconuerfati• fufpetling hi m feditioufly to raife vp • new. ,ons: and therefore Chrifr commanded the feel: vnto himfelfe,to m;ke a fathon amongfr B 1 peoplethat they lhould obferue,and dowhatthe Iewes. Now te this examination let vs foeuerthe ScribesandPharifesbidthem, fit- Mat,&lo markc Chrills anfwcr, in which he faith noring inMofts chaire: but after their workes '>J· Ioh,t8, thing at allconcerning his dif:iples: whereas they mufr AOt doe;becaufe they fay and doe '9• norwithfr,nding he might haue faid,that one nor. Nowaltheugh thefe corruptionsandde. ofthem berraied him, another denied him, & formities wereinthe!ewifh Church, yetour the refr fled away: wherby we noterhat It is s.uiour Chrill: made no feparation from it notour duty at all rimes, and io all pl.ces, ro burcame and preached both in their temp!~ fpeakeofthcfaults & wantsthat we kno-v by aud fynagogues, whercthefefcducers& falfe others. Secondly,the anfwer which he makes teachers werc.Andhence weegather,thatthe is only concerning hisdotlrine: whereby the pratlheof althofemen inour Church, which Minillers ofGod and all men dsare taught , feparate themfdues from all aHemblies fur that beeing called before their enemies, to the wants therof, holdingthat our Church is giue a reafon of their dottrine: they are (as no Church; that the gracewhichis wrought 1.Pct. 1, Saint Peterf>ith)tobeeal,.aits readierogiur an by thepreaching ofthe wordamongvs,is no- 'I• RCCOHnt ofthehopethatitinthem. And further thing els butafothani<aiUHufion; thatSacrawee are toconfidcrthe wifooome that Chrill c menrs are no facramenrs;I fay, that their ptavferh in anfwtring, for hef.ith nothing ofhis ttife is condemned by our Sauiour Chrifrs dottrine in particular,bnt faid,lff>a~openlyin conuerfing among the Iewes. Forif Chrill loh.J8,r' theworld,I euer r•ught intheSinagogN<,&inthe (hould hauc followedtheiropinion,heougllt z6, Temple ,.hithtrthc Imes reforttd: inftcrrr h•u to haue fled from amongfr the Iewes,and not I wwhtnothing.- •sktthem thmfor. wh•t If4id fo much as once tohaue come into the tern• which htardmr: beholdthrycan reOyou wh# I ple,, o~raug~t in thei~ Synago~es; butconf4id. Now thercafonwhyhe anlwercdthus tranwdi:he10ynedhrmfelfewrththem: and fparingly in~;encrall tearmcs; is becaufo their ~hereforewe cannot in good confcience difexamination ferued onely to intangle him. & 10yne our fclues fro~ the Church ofEn~· outofhiswordstogathermmerofaccufan· land, The fecond thmg to beeobferued m on.After whofc example we may learne,that Chrifrs anfwer, is that hee referres (aiphas being called to make anfwer ofour faith and to the iudgementof~ishearers, b~eingrefoldottrine before our enemies, we arc to doeit ued ofthe truth ofh1sowne dottrme; though fo, as thereby we doe notintangle our fclues, fundryof them were his vttcr enemies. !\~· norgiue anyaduantagevntoourene!l'ies: & hold then a good example for allt~e mrm• hereof wee haue a notable exarHple mthe A- D frers ofGods word to follow; teaching them pofUePa~<I,Att.>3.6.Againe,in.the wordsof ro de!iuer Godswordfopurely~nd6ncercly, Chtills anfwer we mull obferue two things. that Ifthey be called mto quelhon about the Firfr, that rbe place where Chrifr taught was fame, they may.be boldto appeale to the conpublike. Nowhenceitmaybeedemaunded, fc1ences of thtlf hearers although they be whether minillers may handle the word of wicked men. . God priuately or no? .Anf The llate ofGods Now aftenhrs anf~er,.one of the.feruants Church is two-fold: peaceable! or troubleofC.,ph.ufmlte~Chnlhvrtharod; mwhom fome. In the time of peace, Mrmllers mufr the faym.g 1svenfied, Lti{r mRj/er,M;eJiruant: loll, IS. preach the word publikely: butmtlmeofperthatts, 1frhe mallets bee wrcked, feruants , 1 • fecution, for the £1fetie and prefemationof commonlywdbewrckedalfo;tf~hemalle~bc the Ch!lrch ofGod,they may with good waran enemy to Chrifr,h!s fmrant will be Chnfrs rant preach priuately : and indeede at fuch enemy alfo. And thiS IS the caufe why there tim:s the aflemblies ofthe Church make priarefomany lewdapprcnttfes andferuants,beuate places publike.And hencewelearne,that caufethcre are fo many lewd mafrers•. Many in time ofpeaceall thole thatar<ealled to the mallets complam offeruanrs now ada~es;but officeoftheminifrerie, mnfr(ifitbe pofsible) there is more caufe why they lhould corn• -- plaine J 1 Aib:, 18,