Chrifrs ru'fnExpojition Arraignment. aduantage on ChriO:s words:and fo doe many A rulers togouerne them by wife & godly counnow adai~s, who for a little profit or gaine fell Thenecdsitie hereofwaswellknown to make a matter ofnothing to abufe the name lethro M<fes father in law, though hewereaofGod a thoufand waies. heathen man: for hee biddethMD[estoprouide · Chri£1: being thus adiurcd,though filentbeamongallthepeoplemm of<ourage,fearwg God, forc,yet now in renerence to Gods maieflie, mmik4lingtru!J,~hating couetoufoeffi~andappoint M:uh.1.6. anfwcrcd and faid:fi.rftThouhaftfoidit: and in them to bee rulers oun thepeople. Teaching vs.~ 6 -4• k SaiAtMar~,lam he.In this anf\.vcr,appeares that ifcouetous,malicious,andvngooUymen, ~: ' 14 ' the wonderfiJ!l ptouidence of God. For not fearingGod,goebeforerhepeople, they Ioh.JH• though Caiphas rake hence the occafion of alfofllallinalllikelihoodbee carriedintothe condemning ChriO:,yet bathhe withal drawn likefinnes by their example. from him amo£1: excellentconfetSion,thathee The next point concernes the place where is the Son ofGod,& our alone Sauiour. And theyaccufe him, whichwas atthedoore ofthe !oh,tS. by this meanes he proceedsto !hut heauen acommon HaM: for hauingbrought him before >8. gai•ft himfelfe,and toopen the fame for vs. the Council! at Hierufalem, & therecondemThus wee hane ended the fir£1: indirement ned him ofblafphemie, afterward they bring of Chri!1: beforeCaiphas. Now followeth the B him into the common hall where '1'il4t<.fate fecond which was beforeTontit# Pi/ate, in Judge. Yetdid they note•rer in, but llayed the co~mon hall at lerufalem. The hiO:orie wirhoutatthedoore, left theyfoould be dpied, Ioh,18. of it is fet downe at large in all the Euangeand be made vnfit to eare the Palfeouer. In '9• lifts. In the fecond inditementof Chri!1:(that whichpratlife oftheirs, wee are to markean Luk. 1 3• wee may referre euery matterto his place)we example ofmort notable both fuperllition,& ~iath 17 are roobferue foure things,J. The accufaiion moll grolfe hypocrifie. For they make no ~. • · of Chri!1:before Tilate. II. His examinati ·n bones to accufe and arraigne a man moll iu£1: Mark.I!· !II. Pilaw policieto faue Chri!1:. IV. Pi/4w and innocent, andyet arcvery !hittandcuriabfoluiogof him;and then the condemaation ous in an outward ceremonie. And in like of Chri!1: in both courts , Ecclefiallic.ll aud manner they make no confcience to giuethir· Ciuill:ofthefe in order. In Chri!ts accufati· tic peeces ofliluertobetray Chri!1::butto cart on, w<e mu!1:confider many points. The fir£1: the fameinto thetreafury,rheymake is, who were his aceufers, namely, the high andhainous olfence.And for tl>iscaufe Priells, theScribes,andPharifies, and Elders pronounceth awoe vnto the Scribes andPhariof the people , and the common people: all fies,calling them hypocritei:for faithhe,y•utithe thefc confpired together to ~ccufehim. The C mint, anyft, tmdcommin, and ltltHe the wNghtie caufe rhot mooued the Phanfies, and Elders matters ofthe law,«< iudgement,andmercie.And ofthe people hereunto, is noted by S. Matthe very fame thing wee fee pratlifcd ofthe thew , who faith of en11ie they deliuered him. Church of Rome at this day, and offundry M3th,, 7 • Enuic is nothing but a fadnes in a mans heart, Papillsthatliue among£1:vs:they willnot eare 1 s. atthe profperitie ofhis bctter.And it reigned fle!h in Lent,or vpon any ofthe Popes faO:ing in the Scribes and Pharifies,and the occafion daies for any rhing; a•d yet the fame men was this. Chri!1: had taught moO: heauenly make no confcienee of feeking the blood doctrine, and confirmed the fame by mort the Lords annointed, and their aread wonderful! miracles,and didgreatly exceede raigne.Andin this wee fee the 1110!1: them all,and was in more account among the and moO:groffe hypocrifie of thofe people,and forthis caufe the Scribesand Phatfia: Ch~rch. But!hall we thinkroarottrown riGes and high Prie!1:s,repinedand grudgedat Chnrch IS free from fuch men? him. Now their example femes to admonilh for take a view ofthe vs to rake heede of this finne, as beeing the among the people inother ofmany mifchiefs. And wee mu!1: rapeare,that they ~~i~~::t~:~~~~~~~ii·~~;~f:~~ therfollmv the example ofMofis,whowhen D the mort parr iti the lojhua deGred him to forbid E/dad and Meceremonies. The N •m 11 dadto propheGe,anfwer<d, Enuieft thoufor my come to the place af<lfTemlolie,,,w,helre <>od ,;,,;,,8 fa""?yda!wouldto Godall the Lords.Peoplewere wor!hipped, and their vp the Prophets. And wemuLl beofthelamemtnde prayer, the Commandements, and with JohnBapri£1:, who hearing by his difcileefein /lead ofprayers, which beeiog done, pies , that the people left him .and followed God is wel ferued thinkethey:whereas inthe Chrilt,faid,his ioywas fulfilledforChrijl muft meane feafon they neglect to learne and pra1 h . , inmafe,andhe muftdccreafe. And fo weemu£1: tlife ft1ch things as are taughtthcm fortheir j 0 .,•• 9 • be glad& conrcntwhenwefeetheprofperifaluarionbytheMinifre.,ofGodsword. At tie ofour neighbours any way.Now thecaufe the Fcall ofEafter, euery manWill be full t I why the common people ioyne with th"m, deuotion and charitie, & comete>receiue~he was becaufc the chicfc Pric!1:s & the Scribes Lords ll!.pper, asthough he were the hohe!1: & cldors had pcrfwaded them to a bad conman in the world; but when the time !s pall,a! I , ceit of Chrifi. Hence it appeares, that it is generally turne to the1rold byas agatne: and ;\~ath.z.7. 1.11Qfl req'uifite for any pcopl .cJ bee theyneuer all th~ yeare aft~r liue ~s they lift,_making: no r. •· fo good,to haue good Magtfhatcs,andgodly confc1ence oflymg,flaundcrmg, fraude,~!ld -- -- - ---- ------ <hceit '----~--------------------------------------------=~~--