~;ceit in their atf•ires among men. But wee A allaccufers,whofeduty isto tellifieonly wh~t I Chrifls ofthe [reede. Arrai£nment. 199 mult know that there is no foundne!feofrethey know. Now in the matter of thtsthetr Mark.Jf, Iigion. but greOe h~pocrille in all fuch men: accufttion, app.eares their wonderful! incon- '· 1 they wotfhipGodWit~rhetr hJ'pes; but there lbncte. For a l~ttle before when Chdl: ca~e ' is nopowerofgodhne!fe 111 thetr hearts. . ro Ierufalem ndm~ vpon an alfe, fhewmg The third point is, concerning the p>rtte fome figpes of his kwgly authonry, they cut to whome they make thi• accufarion again(\ downe branches from the trees, and flrewed Chrill,namely; not to ale~ bur t~ a Gentilel them in the wai~s, crying, Hofonn4, BlcGed is for hauingcondemned himm th:tr Eccl~fia. he that comes m the name of the I_.ord: but llicall.cotnt betore (asph,a.the htgh pnd!, now they ling anotherfong,_ andmftea~of they bring hint to PontiUI Pi/Ate the Dcputle Hofonn4, ~he~cry, Cruet/le hlm;cructfie.him. ofTiberimC•foritlludea. Where wee mu_ll And the h~e mconll.ancy IS to be found 111 the obferue the wonderfull prouidence ofGod,m peopleofthefe ou.rttm;s. Theyvfe torecetue that not onely the Iewes,but rheGeoulcs alfo any rehgton t~at ts offered vnto them: for m hada ftroke in the ·arraigoemenr of Chrill, roe daies ofKingEdwardthe fixth, the people that that might bee true which the Apoftle B of England recei•ed the Gofpel ?fChrill: but faith, R•m. II .p. Godfhut vp allvnderfinne, I fhortly after. to ~eneMarm tune,rh~ fame th4t he might hrule mercy vpon all. people recemed the wrerched & abommable The foorch poinris, the matterofrheiracdo<'hine ofthe Church of Rome. And not cufation : they accufe ottr Sauiour Chriil of many yeares after, when.it pleafed God to three things. r. that he li:duced the people. bring againe thelight ofhis gluriaus Gofpell I!. That hee forl>ad to ply tribute to C«for. by our gracious Prince, the fam< people turLuk.•p. !If. That he foid he was a King. Let vs well ned from Poperie,and embraced the true reli. confider rhefe accufations, e(pedally the two gion againe. And thus with the !ewes one !all, becaufe they .are flat contrary both to while theycryHofonna to Chrifr, and r~cciue Chri!h preaching,&ro his1 pracHfc.For when his Gofpel;and fhortly after they cry, Cruci: the people wouldnaue made him aKing, aflie him,crucilie him, by imbracing idolatrous tcr bee had wrought the miracle of the fiue Popery. Let VHherefore learne inthe feare of loaues and rwo lifhes,thetext faith,heedeparGod,by the ficklene!feofthe !ewes, that fing lob.6.•r· Judfrom•mong them, vntoa mounraine him· two contrary fongs in fo fhort a fpacc, to acfe!tealone•Sccodly,whentributewasdemanknowledgeour ineonltancie and weakenelfe ded of him for C•far, though hee were the I C in the matterofreligion: wherby ifGod leaue Kings foo•1e,and tnerefore was freed;yet faith vs but a little to our felues, wee !hall frraight· he to Peter,Jifath.t 7. 2 7•Leftwefh•nldoffind1 way forfake Chrift, his Gofpel, and all. th<.Jotothefia,&c.jlinanangle,&tak.r_ thefirjf 1 Thus muchofche accufation. No111 foilowes fifhrhttcomm,hvp,andwhenrliouhaftopmedh~< Chrills examination before 'Pontim Pi/ate mOJtth,thouflu't jinde apim oftltmtypence, that / f~r when the Iewes had thus falfely accufed tttk.g,andg,ue Jt 1mto themfor thee4lidmee. And h1m,thcnPontiHI PIIAte rooke htm& brought when he w.s c"lled robe aiudgeto deuidethe j himintothecommon hall, and asked him this inheritance between two brethren, he refi1fed 1 queftion,Art thou theki.ng ofrhe ImeslL•lz. 2 3 to doe it,f.ying, Lucy. Il. I 4· Who m•demt.; 3.· Now Chrift beingthus examined, made as iHdgcbetwemyou! l he,for<in thefetwothings Paul alfo tefrifiethogoodconfeffion. The fumme they dtJ mo{t fal!ly accufc him.Whereby wee thereofllands in foure fiuds. The firll is,that learne, that nothing is fo falfe andvntrue, but he coofe!feth himfclfe to be a King; not 1Uch ~he flanderers dare lay tt to the chargeofthe an one as they accufed nim to bee, yet a true umocem ~ the tongues of the flanderers are Kir:tg. Whence wee may lcarn.e diucrs infi:ru1pr~.l.ho. foa?cfwor1s, and:vmemomarrow-e.r:r to wound Cl:ions: firil, thateuery Chriftian man in the 1• 1 rhcrreRcmtes:th~urhrMtes.are.open{cpttkhrts, D midfi:ofhis mift:rie and afB.iChon, bath onC" and S· 9• thep•yfon ofaJPIIwunderrbm l•ppes. Ifa man that is moll fufficient euery way to defend fpeake graciotts words,.his tongue_is touched him againll al his cnemics>rhe world,the llefh, •Iniuflice For a blafpbe· mer by their ~;t,., fhould be tl.lned,&: With the fire ofGods fpmt:but as ~amt I.mu and the diuell. For this Kino can do whatfoe· faith,lamq.6.thetongueofthewicked is.fi~e, I uer he will: and therefore \~henthe legion of yeaa lvor/4of,.u:k:dmffi, and"-"Jet onfire ,..,h diuels would emer into a he.ltd offwine,they thefir< ofhelL· therefore le<rhts example bee a could not without his le>ue. And when the caueat to vs al.toteachvs to take heed offl.m· 1 Centurions daughter was dead he but fpake deri~>g, for the dinell then {j>eakes by vs, and ' the word& fh• arofe.An j whe;La:r.t~rus was kindlesour tot~£ues.with the fire ofhell.. \ dead. & had lien in thegraue fo:tre daies, he The fifth ~omt, IS the manner of thetr ac- 1 but fatd,La<ar,.,comefonh,& he came forth cufmon,whtch 1; drltgemly_to be marked:for 1 ~undhand and foote. Yea euen hell& death ~~te~:uthey doenot only ch•rge lum. With amamf~fi: g!ue place tohis word, andnothingcan rcfifl: MJ[h, :. 7 , Vntruth, but they befe~ch P&lat~ to put h11n hts poWer. And therefore hee t;hat is a true :z.:,t 3, tadeath,crying, * C':;tci.fi~ hi.m,crucifie<'_hi,;:! in rhen;zbcr ofChrifi:,needt:s not to fc::areaoy e· Co much th.1t 'Ponwu P•l<te w.ts alraid of nemics be the~ n~ucr (ogre."' or many. And th<.m: where we fee how thefe flHmeles !ewes aga~nc,as Chn!t !Sable,fo 1s he ready & witgo lleyond thetr comp.>ffe; and rhebounds of 1ng-to flue & defend all that beleeue in him. S For 1Tim,6. lj Job 18. ~6,37· Math. S. l'• Matkef. 41,4t.– Iobn.r. -43,44.