201 .AnExpojition Arraignment. ~nd fee the ground ofalhumane policy,which A that neithe~ ofthe two former wold preuaile, ., IS befide the wordofGod,namely,thefool_•fh he c?mes fo~th vnto the Iewes and makes an ~~: ~-;;· and blmdereafo~of men. The fecond thtng otatton to thts effea·thlt now wasthefeallof , 7 1 s ro_be co_n~dered;isthe proteedingand i!fue?f thepalfe-ouer, & th~tthey had aculloiiiC'!hat ' • tht' pohcte. 'l'zlatc mu{t etther whtppe Chrtll the Gouernonr fhould then dcliuer vnto the being innocent; orput him to death: which t><ople aprifoner whomth_ey would: thcrfore ate both unties and great offences. Now he hee asked them whether he filoUid let loofe makethchoice bfthelc!fer, which is to whip vntothemBarrabtu, or Iefuswhicn is called him, and is perfwaded that he oughttodofo: Chrirt: this BArrabtuwas a notable malefawhereas oftwo finncsor euits,·aman ought to tlour, that with infurretlion had committed do neither. And in doing this,Pilau beginsr<! murther. And thus Pilaucunningly motches make a brc.ch in hi< confcience : and that is Chrirt with Barrab.u,thinking that the Iewes the fruit that all politicks reapc oftheir deuiwould rather choofi: him then Barraba& beefes,which proceede by thelight ofthcir-?wne ing a notorious malefaftour, not worthy to reafon,without the word ofGod. Bythis exliueon thefaceofthe earth:and by this means amplewe are admonifhed ofrwothings:firll, B hee thought to haue deliuered t:hrill from that before we enterprife any buline!fe, wee death, thou~hotherwife he a<eount:d him as mullreelifie our iud!lem~nts byGods word. a malefaelour. The ground ofthis policie(as 'Dmudwas amoll Wife kmg,and nodoubthad we fee) is an old C!!llome of the Iewes thata with11l a graue& wife counfel, but yethe preprifon<r fhould bee let loofe at Ea{ler. And it ferred the wordofGodbcforc al,faying,Pfa/. maybe the end ofthiscullomwas,to increafe I 19·•4· Thy ujlimoniuare myto•nftllours.Se· the folemnity ofthe feall. But whatfoeuerin condly, i~ourproceeding• we mull keepe a11 truth the end was,the faa it felfewas b_ut provpnght,pure, and vnblameableconfctence,as phanauon of the tune, and an abommation t,Tim, 3 P~nl exhortcth Ti~othie to ~aue the my}lery of befort theL~rd:for Sa/omon faith,l'roZ<.I7·'5 9 • fiuthm 1t p~ere cotifcJmce; gmmg vs thereby to Heetbat rHftifieththew~ek!d:Afldcondemneththe vndetfbmd,that agood c6fcience isas it wtre iuft, ~uen thry both Are Abomination before the achdl or cupboard iri which we are to keepe Lord.The like praCtiCe takes place with many and locke vp our religion,and allother grac;~~ in thcfe daies, who rhink the Lords day neuer ofGod, as the moll prctious iewels that can well fpent vnle!fe they may adde folemnitie be:and that if we fufferthis chell to be bro- . thereunto, by rcuelland riot, by frequenting ken vp,all our riches and iewels are gone. 1 • C oftauernes and alc-houfes.And furthermore . But let vs yet view the dealing of 'l'ilate M.t.•7·•t .where Pilat<matcheth Chrill bemore particularly: hewippes Chrill,puts on ing innocent withBarrab.u, and the people him a purple garment, puts a reed in his hand, preferre him before Chrilt, hauinglibertieto fets acrowne of rhornes vpon his head, and choofeeither; it fhewesthat God in hisprocaufcsthe fouldiers to mocke him, and fpit in uidcnce had appointed that Chrill fhould not his face. NoW in this that Chrilt !landing in !land in hisowneroome before Pilau, butin our roomc, was thus fbamefully abufed, wee our roomc and flead, as aMtdiatour between mull confider what was due vnto eueryone of God and vs. And in this faa ofthe people, t>s for our finncs, namely, flume and reproch we fee how fin by degrees takes hold ofmen, in thy life,and in the lite to comecndlescon" and that fpeedily. Who would l~aue thought fi1lion.And we fee the confet;,ionofChrifrto thatthefe lcwes,whoalittle beforecriedHo• be true wLlichhe made to Pilau,that his·l:intJanna,and fpread rhcirgarments before Chrifr Ioh,.JS, dome was not ofrhu world; for ifit had bin fo, intlle way, would euer haue preferred a mur- ;6. they would haue puu crowne of gold.e •pon thcrcrbefore him? Burit was the doing ofthe his head,and not acrowneofthornes , which , high pric!h,thc Scribes , and Pbarifies, who nothing at all befeemed an earthly king: and .D did animate and {lirre them vp to thi; wic· in !lead ofareed they would haueput a fcep- : kednes: and hereupon when they had yedded tcr into his hand: and in !lead ofbuf!<tiug and 1 firll to attach him , and then to accufe him, fpirting on him, they would haue adored mm, they are carried toan higher degree ofimpieand [,lien downe before hiJn.Againe, wherety,namely,to feekc his blood:and then le{l he asChrif\ onr head in this world, wore no ofhould efcape their hands, they plunge thcmrher cr~wne but one made ofthornes, it ferfduesdeeper yet, preferringawretched murueth to teach all thofe that are the members j' therer, cuen feditious BarrahMbtfore him. of Chrill,thatthey mufl: not look for acrown This mull te.ac~euery one of vs to take heede ofglory in this life;becaufethat is referu<d for , of the begmmngs euen of the leall finncs; the life ro come. And ifwe would then wearc \ forth~diuell is cunning, hewill not ptunge the crown ofglory with Chri{l, we mu{\ here , a man mto thegreateU finnes at tbe firll: but in rhis life \\ICareacro\IHl ofthornes,ashed·id: 1 his manner Is, by httle ~nd hct!e to c_rc~pe . for as'Paul 6ith,if~>e foffcr withClr,ijl,wc jha/1 1 into the heart : and h_aumg once poflefSlon •.Tma. alfi,·eigm•vithhim: andthatwhichwasfully thereof, byfleps to bnngmen tt> the height "· vedfiedin Chrill the head, muflin fome fort offiml<, and that with fpeed. We mnll therebe verified in encry true member ofChrj{l. fore in the fc:are of God preue~t fin bettmes, Pi!trtes thirdpolide was this; when he faw I and at the firft mouon cut oft: all occafi.on~ - ---¥·-· ---.---- hereof: